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Grace was woken up by Cleo the next morning. She was so tired, because she slept at 3am. She couldn't sleep, so she stayed up thinking about James' reaction over and over. Sure she had agreed to make James angry but she did it out of spite. She kept debating over whether or not she should apologise to the boys and break things off with Regulus or not.

However, after that little interaction with him outside of her common room, she decided against it. She deserved to be happy too, didn't she? She never admitted it, but she was lonely. How could you be surrounded by the people you love, by family, and yet still feel so alone - so sad.

Regulus helped her with that. She didn't hate him. She was just angry at him. She should hate him after everything he did, but she couldn't. No matter how hard she tried to make herself hate him - she couldn't. 

Now here he was again turning her life upside down, but this time she didn't mind. She decided to avoid James and Sirius for a few days, or at least until they cooled down. She then remembered her little encounter with Evan and smiled.

She got up, and noticed that Dorcas still wasn't back yet. Assuming that she was still with Marlene she got ready, and went to breakfast with Cleo. 

"So, what's going on between you and Pete?" Grace asked on their way to the great hall. 

"What do you mean? Nothing is going on." The blond shrugged. "We're just friends. Really good friends."

"Friends don't look at each other the way you and Peter do." The Potter girl stated. 

"I could say the same about you and Regulus." Cleo smirked. 

Grace froze in place as Cleo walked ahead. Shaking her head Grace caught up with her friend, and questioned, "How do you know about that?" 

"I was awake last night and saw you hiding Regulus' tie." She shrugged as if she didn't just reveal something that Grace tried so hard to keep a secret.

"Well what if it was someone else's?" Grace tried to convince Cleo that there wasn't anything going on between her and Regulus.

"Hey, in my defense, I wasn't sure if it was Regulus until you froze when I mentioned it." The Lexington girl held her hands up as she walked backwards into the hall. Right as she turned around however she bumped into someone. 

Grace started to retort, but smiled when she saw that her friend had bumped into Peter, AKA her crush.

Cleo immediately started to blush when she noticed who she bumped into, and Peter ran a hand through his shaggy blond hair while nervously chuckling.

Grace purposefully avoided looking at her brother and Sirius even when they tried to talk to her she ignored them and went to sit with Lily, Marlene, Dorcas, and Alice - dragging a very flustered Cleo with her.

"Hey guys" Grace said sitting down next to Lily - who gave her a sympathetic smile because of last night and Graced smiled back.

"What's wrong with blondie here?" Marlene questioned waving a bread stick towards the 'blondie'.

"This is Cleo. She's a friend of Grace and me. She's also our roommate." Dorcas introduced. "And I'm guessing that she's flustered because of her little 'run in' with our good friend Peter Pettigrew"

"You are right" Grace confirmed. 

Cleo finally snapped out of her trance and introduced herself not realizing that Dorcas already did. Cleo got along well with the girls and for that Grace was happy about as now their group of five girls had turned into six.

The girls all laughed and talked throughout breakfast having a good time.

"Okay you guys have to help me study for the OWLs" Grace said after the laughter had cooled down. Cleo nodded in agreement.

"Yeah haven't you guys given the OWL's?" Cleo questioned.

"Ugh don't remind me" Marlene groaned stuffing a bite of soup into her mouth. "They were a nightmare." 

Grace and the others just laughed at their friend. Marlene did get pretty good grades - after Lily had forced her to study in the library for at least two hours a day.

"Of course we will help you, Gracie" Alice laughed. "Or at least me and Lily will."

"These two" Lily pointed at Marlene and Dorcas. "will probably be busy doing other things, and you're always welcome Cleo. You're part of our group now, and you can't leave."

Cleo laughed. She was happy to finally have friends who weren't Grace and Dorcas. She loved Gracie and Dorcas but she was happy to have finally gotten out of her little bubble. 

"Thank you guys" She finally thanked the group.

The girls were interrupted by the morning mail. Lily and Marlene received letters from their parents, Alice got a box of cookies from her mom and an invitation from her dad for her and her friends to visit his ice cream parlor on the hogsmede trip. Cleo got a letter as well from her parents and her older brother and sister-in-law. Marlene also got a letter from her younger brother, Max, who was to join Hogwarts next year.

Grace got a letter from her parents, a box of lemon cake to give to Marlene and a pink rose which was given anonymously, but she knew full well who gave it to her. She looked across the great hall at the Slytherin table to see Evan smiling at her and waving. Grace waved back as she sniffed the rose. It was also the same colour as her dress that she was wearing the first time that she met him.

When she looked over again she saw Evan rubbing the back of his head while Regulus looked, angry? She wasn't sure, but he did not look happy. There were two girls - one blond and the other with black hair who she guessed were Pandora and Charlotte - and a brunette boy, who she guessed was Barty, sitting with the two boys laughing at them. She decided to ask Regulus about it later.

AN: Sooooo? What do we think?

Any suggestions on what should happen? I'll try to Lupin your ideas to the book!

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