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AN: TW!!! I put a trigger warning, because there is mention of abuse, and suicide!!! It's mentioned towards the end so you can read most of it!

The next morning Grace was being woken up by Peter who was whispering, and telling her to get up.

Grace just groaned and nuzzled her face in Peters neck.

"Come on love. It's morning and I'm hungry." Peter said.

"But it's too early!" She whined. "I want to sleep in"

"You'll miss your classes." He scolded.

"Five more minutes" She said before falling back asleep.

"Fine you asked for it" She ignored him.

She was woken up again when she felt herself being picked up. She opened her eyes and saw that Peter had managed to put her over his shoulder. He was carrying her out of the common room while she hit his back and yelled at him to put her down. The commotion caught some attention, and people started snickeing and whispering to each other.

They finally reached the great hall and Peter dropped her on top of James and Sirius' laps. They just looked down at her confused before coming back to their senses and pushing her off making her fall to the floor. She yelled when she hit the cold hard floor. Luckily she was fully covered wearing Remus' jumper and some black tights.

She glared at the three boys before smiling sweetly at the fourth one.

"Help me up will you, Moony?" She asked sweetly.

He laughed at her but immediately stopped when he saw the glare she sent his way. He reached his hand out and pulled her up.

"Thank you, Remu." She said, kissing his cheek. "Remus is my favourite now." She stuck her tongue out at the other three boys who were glaring at their friend for helping her up. Except for Peter. He was to nice for that. Instead he just ate some mash potatoes and gravy while sending an apologetic smile in Gracie's direction. She knew he didn't want to wake her up and just wanted to eat, but she was still mad.

"Now I'm going back to my dorm to get ready and brush my teeth." She huffed walking out the great hall.

She came back ten minutes later all fresh and in her robes. She didn't wear makeup other than some sun screen and lipstick. She walked in and sat next to Peter clearing her throat. He stopped chewing and just looked at her side ways.

"Yes" He said with his mouth full.

Grace scrunched her nose disgust before pointing out the obvious. "My glasses. You still have them. I'm half blind without them you know. I bumped into at least two doors trying to get to my dorm."

"Right sorry" Peter finished his bite and handed her her round black rimmed glasses.

She cleaned them with her robes and put them on. Kissing Peters cheek she got up and before she could take another step she heard someone yell.

"What don't I get a kiss too?"

Sirius. She thought.

She turned back and glared looking at her brother and friend. Both of them pouted like little kids asking to watch the television a bit longer before bed.


She walked away and sat next to Dorcas asking, "How do I look?"

"Beautiful as always" She smiled at her best friend and hugged her.

They finished their breakfast and bid each other bye before walking off to their classes.


She stumbled into the classroom her glasses almost falling off. She ran a hand through her short black hair and dusted off her robes.

"Sorry" She said.

"It's quite alright, dear. Why don't you have a seat next to Mr. Black?" He pointed at the set of chairs in the front left corner of the classroom. One of the chairs occupied by none other than her least favourite Black.

She just cursed in her head while heading to her seat. This was going to be a long class.

"Black" She nodded taking her seat.

"Potter." He said not bothering to look in her direction. "I guess tardiness runs in the family."

"Fuck off, will you? Acting like you're mister perfect. Don't tell me you've never been late before." She took out her parchment and quill.

"Late?" He scoffed. "Never. Perfect? Always.

"You're lying. You perfect? Give me a break" She said turning her body towards him.

He just smiled at her comment. She wanted to wipe his stupid Regulus Black smile off his face.

"Turn back to the front otherwise people might think that you want me or something"

"Oh please" She said obeying his demand. "who would ever want you?"

He smirked.

"Shut. Up." She rolled her parchment and hit him on the head with it after every word.

"Whatever you say, mon âme"

"And don't call me that." She whisper scolded. "I don't even know what it means."

"I know." He smiled. "I only call you that because it pisses you off"

That wasn't a lie. He did call her that to piss her off. It was fun watching her get all mad at him. He didn't hate her. Yeah she annoyed him and sometimes he felt like strangling her, but most of all he envied her. He was Jealous of her.

She had parents who loved her. She had a big brother who actually cared for her, while his ran off leaving him to endure the abuse of their parents. Ever since Sirius left to the Potters, Regulus had been the centre of their abuse. Every time his mother, Walburga, got mad for any reason she would crucio him. She mostly got really angry when she heard about how Sirius was doing at the Potters. She was so mad that she nearly murdered Regulus.

She had cruciod her youngest son for about 2 hours that day. It was the worst day of his life. He never felt so much pain. So much pain. It felt like he couldn't breath. His insides were trying to choke themselves, twisting and turning till all he wanted to do was die. After his mother was done he could barely move. He just laid there on the ground sobbing quitely making sure his mother doesn't hear him, otherwise Merlin knows what she would do. She always said crying was for the week.

She trained her sons to show no emotion, no mercy. She made them practice on rats often. Forcing them to use the cruciatis curse, and if they didn't then they'd be at the end of her wand. So they did...

Sirius was brave enough to finally leave that hellhole, but Regulus? He stayed. He thought that maybe if he stayed, and did everything his mother said she wouldn't be so heartless and abusive anymore. Oh how wrong he was. He will forever regret turning down Sirius' offer to go to the Potters with him, but it was too late now.

He was brought out of his thoughts when Grace shoved him.

"Class is over dickhead"

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