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"Bloody hell, I can't believe this is our last year at Hogwarts!" James exclaimed at breakfast as Grace looked up from her plate to look at her brother.

Lily sighed, "neither can I; I'm going to miss this place."

James smiled and kissed Lily on the cheek. And no, she didn't push him away. Ever since the start of Grace's 6th year, she noticed that Lily had warmed up to James and even agreed to go out with him. This, of course, made James very happy, considering the fact that he literally started cheering and announcing to the whole of Hogwarts that Lily Evans had agreed to go out with him. They started dating around a week ago and Grace couldn't be happier for her brother.

"We need to do something memorable." Peter piped up.

Sirius nodded along, "yeah like a last prank before we officially leave."

Remus smirked, "I'm guessing that I have no choice in this?"

James simply grinned at his friends.

"Of course you don't Remu. Besides we know you love the pranks since you're the mastermind behind them all!" He said, throwing a pea at Remus' head.

"Can we help?" Mary asked, pointing to herself and the rest of the girls around them.

Sirius answered before anyone else could. "Of course you can! But this is 'Sirius' marauder business. You sure you ladies can keep up?"

Dorcas rolled her eyes, "oh please, I bet that if we pulled a prank on the school, it would out rank all of your pranks."

Peter laughed quietly, "you girls want to bet?"

Grace smiled, joining the conversation. "I agree with Cas, Petey. We'd definitely win."

"Don't be so sure of that, little Potter." Sirius smiled ruffling her short hair as Grace batted his hand away, annoyed.

"Sure about this, ladies?" James asked exchanging a knowing look with his three roommates.

"We're sure, Potter." Alice smiled.

Marlene winked, looking at the boys, "Get ready to be bested by us, boys."

"Oh it's on." James said as him and Lily shook hands, sealing the deal.


Grace walked into the library and sat next to Regulus.

"I have an idea!" Grace smiled, oddly excited. "You'll love it."

"What's your idea mom âme?" Regulus asked, smiling at the beautiful girl in front of him.

"What if we become animagi?" Grace asked and before Regulus could say anything, she continued, "Wait! Before you say no, just hear me out! No one will know we're animagi, other than us and this can help for when we go to the cave. It would also help us sneak around better! Just think about it."

Regulus paused, taking her idea into consideration before finally replying, "Becoming an animagus would take a month. That's one month we're losing to find ways to destroy the hocrux."

Grace rolled her eyes, "Stop finding excuses to not do it. You've talked about becoming an animagus before! And we have all winter and summer break, plus next year to do the research."

Regulus finally smiled and nodded, "Okay let's do it. I'll go get a book on how to become an animagus."

Regulus kissed her cheek and walked away, trying to find the book as Grace continued reading up on hocruxes.

After gathering everything they would need and doing plenty of research, they finally started the process of becoming animagi.

They ended up messing up and had to start from the beginning so many times but when they finally did it - after the tenth time - they were excited, mostly Gracie but so was Regulus.

Regulus' animagus ended up being a cat. A part-kneazle cat while Grace's animagus was a snowy owl.

Grace didn't tell Regulus, but she got the animagus idea from her brother and her friends after she found out that Remus was a warewolf and the other three were secretly animagi.

And although she stole this amazing idea from her brother, she would never admit it. Her reasoning was that she didn't want James' ego growing any more than it already had when Lily started going out with him a month into his seventh year.

They decided that they needed names for their animagus forms, in case they ever need to blend in as pets. Regulus was 'crookshanks' and Grace was 'Hedwig'.

And that was how the two spent the next two months of their sixth year. That, and their schooling of course.

AN: So you know that theory that Regulus is Crookshanks... 👀

You guys should love me for this :)

And just so you know, Regulus being crookshanks just promised you all a sequel after this.

Question time!! Who's your favourite Weasley?

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