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Grace walked into the great hall and looked around in fascination - just like she did every year, yet it didn't matter how many times she'd seen it before because she always looked like a first year seeing Hogwarts for the first time, and that was one of the many things Regulus loved about her.

She smiled and laughed with Cleo and Dorcas at the Hufflepuff table as Regulus sat under his house banner trying to look anywhere but at the one person he wanted to look at the most. The one person that had managed to change everything he's been told to believe in within the few months that they properly spent together.

He zoned out thinking back to their moments together.

"You can't just treat people like shit and then act all surprised when you find out what they really think of you" Grace argued with him in the empty classroom after finding out that he shoved aside a first year when he asked Regulus for the directions to the potions classroom just because he wasn't pureblood.

"And why do you care so much? You're the one who's been avoiding me" He yelled. There was a sort of sadness in her eyes when she looked at him but it was gone within a second so he thought that he must've imagined it.

"You're right" She shook her head going to walk out the door before stopping and risking a glance back. "You can change you know? But you have to want to change for it to mean anything."

He let her walk out without even attempting to stop her and tell her that he had changed. he wasn't the same boy he was before fifth year; before everything happened.

He couldn't do it. he couldn't bring himself to stop her from leaving because he knew that that would've been useless. She wouldn't believe him till she had seen it for herself. He knew one thing for sure though: Grace Potter wasn't the same, scared little girl anymore.

She had changed after their fourth year and when she came back she was a whole knew person and that much was clear to everyone who saw her on their first day of fifth year.


Grace loved the sorting ceremonies. She loved watching the first years reaction to seeing the Great Hall for the first time and their reaction when they're sorted into their respective houses.

She clapped every time a first year was sorted weather they were sorted into Hufflepuff, Gryffindor, Ravenclaw or Slytherin it didn't matter - not to her. She didn't believe in the whole house prejudice stuff. She didn't understand how ones house determined what kind of person you were.

Not every Gryffindor was brave, not every Ravenclaw was smart, not every Hufflepuff was kind all the time as if they didn't have feelings too and finally not every Slytherin was bad.

When the sorting ended she was surprised that Dumbledore didn't flick his hand for the food like usual - instead he got up and started talking. She thought it would be about the war raging outside but she couldn't be more wrong.

"I know that you are all eager to eat and take some rest after your long trip and you will get to do that but first I have an announcement to make." He started. "We have some new students coming for their sixth year all the way from Beauxbatons."

The Great Hall door then opened and in walked three people - one boy and two girls - none of whom Grace recognized. The trio strutted into the hallway as if they owned the place. The way they were strutting would probably give James and Sirius a run for their money.

"Theodore Nott, Amaya Nott and Riah Sylina Black please come up to the sorting hat" Professor  McGonagall.

Grace was shocked and from the looks of it so was everyone else in the great hall. Who was Riah Sylina Black? And why had she never heard of her? If not Regulus then Sirius surely would've mentioned that he had a sister, wouldn't he? 

When she looked at the Gryffindor table she could see the marauders looking just as shocked and Sirius looking confused. Did he not know that his sister was coming to Hogwarts? She supposed it made sense that he didn't know. He ran away and cut contact with almost his whole family so she understood that he wouldn't of known.

And yet here she was feeling hurt that Regulus hadn't told her about his sister. His sister. Wouldn't that be worth mentioning to the girl you were sleeping with? But apparently not. Or at least not to Regulus Black. Maybe James was right. Maybe what they had was just temporary; a fling and nothing more.

Yet again another person proving that she wasn't their first choice. She knew she shouldn't but she couldn't help the pain in her chest and the tears that were begging to fall. She drank some water, took a few deep breaths, and pushed down her feelings along with tears.

She looked towards the Slytherin table right at Regulus, but his eyes were stone cold when he turned to look at her. She was brought out of her thoughts when she heard the sorting hat shout Slytherin for the third time.

As if the pain she was feeling wasn't enough Merlin decided to hurt her even further. She regretted looking up at Regulus immediately because when she did the pain she felt was nothing compared to what she was feeling before. When she looked up she saw the new exchange student, Amaya Nott, kiss Regulus before taking a seat next to him.

It was like a dagger to the heart and all of a sudden she lost her appetite. She waited at least ten minutes before actually willing herself to leave so it wouldn't look like she was affected by what had just happened. 

"I'm not feeling well. I'm going to bed." Grace mumbled before getting up to leave.

"Oh do you need us to come with you?" Cleo asked as Dorcas also looked over in worry.

"No it's fine. I just need some rest and it's a headache so it will go away by morning." She reassured them and when they hesitantly agreed she made her way to her common room.

AN: This is probably one of the longest chapters I have written, but yeah surprise!!! New characters!!! 

Also if you want to know where Amaya Nott is from then I suggest checking out the book 'Intoxicating' by rippermikaelsxn and you'll also find Grace in there so yeah check it out because it is amazing!!! It's a Regulus and Remus fic. 

Also this year is going to be a fun little roller coaster of pain, heartbreak, laughter and lots and lots of misery.

And - if you guys don't mind - please check out my other book called 'Fearless' it's a Leo Valdez fic!

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