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"Now there's one very important potion that you will need to learn for your O.W.Ls" Slughorn announced when everyone settled down. "Any foolishness will lead to detention. Do keep that in mind"

"Does anyone know the effect of the Erumpent potion?" The professor turned towards Grace as she silently cursed herself in her head for not pre-reading like she was supposed to. "Mrs. Potter?"  

"Yes professor?" She replied.

"Can you tell me the effect of the Erumpent potion?" He questioned.

"Um...." Grace shook her head embarrassed, and looked down.

"It explodes when it is touched, professor." Grace immediately turned her head towards the voice and rolled her eyes, scoffing.

"Correct Mr. Black, but do raise your hand next time" The professor beamed at his favourite student.

"And that" Regulus turned towards his potions partner with a cocky grin. "is how you answer a question correctly"

"I will step on your foot again if you don't zip it" She retorted resisting the urge to hit him.

"Violent as always I see" He smiled proudly, happy that he was getting under her skin.

Grace 'accidentally' spilled the ink, and it ended up all over Regulus' notes.

"Oops" She shrugged. "Wonder how that happened"

"You little-" He said getting up from his seat, but was cut off by the professor.

"Mr Black and Mrs Potter." The whole class turned to look at them. "Detention. Tomorrow at 8. For a week. Both of you"

Grace was shocked, "But professor-"

Slughorn held his hand up and dismissed her immediately. "A week. Starting tomorrow at 8."

She turned towards the black haired boy both angry and upset. "you know I never got a detention until you"

She said 'you' with her finger pointed at him as if he was some sort of bug that disgusted her.

"Yeah well neither have I" He retorted crossing his arms and leaning back on his chair while mumbling a spell to clean up the mess. "you ruined my notes"

"And you ruined the first four years of Hogwarts for me, and now my fifth too" This time when she said it she wasn't angry, just upset - especially when quitely mumbling the last sentence. However, he still heard her.

He started to feel guilty, but didn't know why. He never cared about her feelings before anyway. Why should he start now? So he settled for glaring at her and being grumpy for the remainder of the lesson.


Grace sat in the Gryffindor common room with her head in James' lap while they talked and continued planning their prank - which Grace couldn't be bothered to listen to.

"Grace, tell Wormtail that I'm right" Sirius said.

She shook her head trying to come back to reality. "what?"

"Hey, are you okay?" Peter asked checking her head for a fever.

She moved his hand gently before replying, "yeah I'm fine"

"You sure?" James asked to confirm.

"Want some chocolate? I got your favourite" Remus offered - still ignoring Sirius and sitting as far away from him as possible. Sirius frowned the moment Remus spoke.

Apparently Remus has been giving Sirius the silent treatment, and pretending like he doesn't exist. But Sirius pretended that he didn't care when inside, it was tearing him apart to see his best friend so mad at him. He shook his head putting on a cheerful smile and acting like nothing's wrong.

Guess he's still angry. She thought. For what? She did not know.

"I'm fine." She shrugged, but when she saw the four boys giving her a 'really?' look she sighed. "I have detention"

"You?" Sirius gasped. "you? Miss goody goody got detention?"

James threw a pillow at his friends face, knocking him backwards. "Shut up, man"

"Maybe" she mumbled.

"How?" Peter questioned her.

"Ugh. Can we not talk about this?" She groaned sitting down and resting her head on James' shoulder as he put his arm around her.

"If it was Regulus, I swear I will make him regret it and- " James didn't get to finish his sentence before Grace rolled her eyes getting up and going to the boys dorm, mumbling a 'good night'.

It was friday. Meaning Grace was spending the night with the Marauders. It was basically a ritual now, every friday they would have a sleep over.

She went on Sirius' bed and laid down after taking of her robes, leaving her in a pair of tights. She went through Sirius' trunk before finally pulling out one of his white button up shirts.

She putting on the last button when Sirius knocked and asked if he could come in. When he got a reply he walked in closing the door and leaning against the wall with his arms folded.

"You know you look good in my clothes" he smirked.

"I will take this off right now if you keep talking like that." She said not realising how that sounded.

"I mean" he looked at her suggestively. "I wouldn't mind that, but I'm pretty sure James wouldn't be happy if he found out I shagged his baby sister."

Grace gasped, and threw a pillow at his face which hit him and fell to the floor. "You know that's not what I ment."

"Okay ouch" Sirius picked up the pillow. "so my bed huh?" He winked.

"I'm sleeping with Remus then." She started getting up to go to Remus' bed when a hand stopped her.

"Okay, okay. Jeez. I was joking." Sirius laughed. "Besides who wouldn't want to sleep with me?"

"Okay that's it"

"Fine! That was the last time" Sirius held his hands up when Grace looked at him. "I solemnly swear"

Grace smiled and walked towards Sirius' bed sitting down and taking off her glasses on the side table.

"But on a more serious note: are you okay?" Sirius said with a straight face, concerned. "if Reggie did something I will-"

"No, no, it's fine" Grace interrupted. "Just first time getting detention is all."

"Eh, it's not so bad" Sirius said, laying back, motioning for Grace to lie down as well.

"That's because you get detention all the time" Grace laughed, but layed down resting her head on his chest. She tensed at first when she felt him wrap an arm around her, but then relaxed when she saw it was just him. She was safe with the marauders.

"True, we're trying to see who can get more detentions: me or James."

"Oh that's easy."

"Really? Who do you think will get more than?"

"You" she said without a second thought.

When she saw the look he gave her she laughed. "hey, it's true. Your reputation is worse than James."

"What reputation might that be?" He asked, acting oblivious.

"You know what" she said. "I know what you're trying to do" She whispered half asleep.

"What am I trying to do?" This, he was genuinely curious about.

"You're flirting with me just like you do with every other girl before you get bored and move on" she said closing her eyes falling asleep.

Right before she drifted off she heard him whisper, "I wouldn't do that.....not to you"

She was so tired that she thought she was hearing things, so she decided to ignore it and fall asleep.

AN: Hope you like this chapter 🤭

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