Chapter 2

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After i served my father dinner, i did not speak a word about the job offer which I had accepted over the dining table. I didn't want him to know. I knew he would take everything. Thankfully, he did not touch me again for the night.

I lied down on my bed and thought about what my boss said. Triple the offer, Murderer. He said my first visit would be tomorrow. On Monday at 7:30 in the morning. Apparently, I had to try to convince the judge that he was not an insane person who murdered someone by writing reports on his behavior, help his deranged mind by showing him the positive and pretty side of the world. How was i going to show him a side of the world I had yet to discover myself?

Was i really going to help a murderer for money? Yes, only because I was desperate enough. What if he tried to kill me? Then again, there was an attempt on my life everyday so that shouldn't be a problem. I sighed as i kept turning right and left on my bed, trying to sleep and before i knew it, my eyelids became heavy and darkness blinded my vision.

I glanced at myself in the mirror one last time before leaving the house. I called an uber, my nerves getting the best of me as i waited outside.

It was going to be alright. I assured myself but couldn't help the unsettling feeling of having to go to a prison. Sighing, i brushed the feeling off and calmed my nerves down when i noticed the uber approaching. I tightened my grip over my bag, opened the car's door and sat in the backseat before telling the man my destination. "Got family there?", Was his question to which i replied with a simple yes, not wanting to start a conversation with a stranger.

My boss had already emailed me everything that i needed to do for today. He said they would let me in once i told them my last name. His words appeared in front of me; 'Be aware of who you talk to in there. It's not always safe even with the guards present.'

I would only talk to this Carter guy, write my report and leave as soon as i could. That was the plan. It had always been the plan and i was going to stick to it without earning unwanted attention.

The abrupt stop of the car signaled that we had reach our destination. He stopped right in front of the gate and i stepped out of the car after paying him. Once the car was no longer in sight, i held my head high and started walking towards the gate with confidence. Confidence i didn't have. A wise person once said, "The thing about confidence, it can be faked" or something like that. As the saying goes, Fake it until you make it but just how much confident can a girl be in a prison surrounded by murderers, rapists and worse?

"Miss Banks." I looked at the Camera and said just like my boss had told me to. The gate opened by itself, allowing me to enter. I hoped i appeared as confident as i thought. The chief was outside along with two prison guards and a man dressed up in black and white. A lawyer.

"Miss Banks." The chief greeted me with a curt nod, one which i returned. "We have been waiting for you." He pointed to the Lawyer, "This is Mr Sawyer, the Lawyer appointed by Carter Hale. There are rules to follow once you are inside," He started as we entered the building. "Such as, Do not bring any sharp items with you. It is better to write the reports on an electronic device rather than on a notepad which you will have to use a pen for and pens are sharp objects." He paused. "Mr Hale is a very dangerous man. I trust you have dealt with psychotic men before?"

No. "Yes."

Relief washed over his features before he turned to the guards. "Is he handcuffed and tied to the chair?" The guards just nodded at his question, "Great." He turned to look at me again before pointing to a white locked door. "He is in there, restrained. He won't be able to harm you. Just...try not to piss him off." He paused, "He has anger issues."

I almost rolled my eyes at his last warming. 'Try not to piss him off.' Great so, i was literally about to have a therapy session with the devil himself. I smiled at the chief and the lawyer before saying, "Ive got this." Lies again.

"Good." The lawyer spoke for the first time once the chief left, "I'll come in there with you then leave you two alone." He looked unsure, "Mr Hale is not exactly whom he was described as. Try to remember this."

"Okay." I started playing with the strand of hair, an attempt to calm myself down. I took a deep breath before entering the room behind the lawyer and i nearly choked on my breath upon seeing the man who was in handcuffs on a chair. His hands was on the table and he looked bored. His eyes dug holes into my face as he followed my movements behind his lawyer. He had the prettiest eyes i have ever seen in my life. They looked lifeless, but pretty nonetheless.

"Mr Hale," The lawyer snapped his attention from me to him, "This is Miss Banks. Your psychiatrist. You will behave, alright?"

He didn't answer his lawyer with words. He just nodded, switching his gaze back to me. "Is there anything you want, Miss Banks?" Mr Sawyer asked as i glanced around the room and noticed the cameras on. If there was anything i learnt, cameras during therapy sessions made clients uncomfortable which resulted in them lying. I did not work with cameras on.

"The cameras. Turn them off. This is a private session and i would like us to be comfortable talking about anything without other people eavesdropping on our conversation." I said with as much confidence as i could gather. "Can this be done?"

Mr Sawyer nodded and turned the cameras off. The green light turned to red once he pressed on a remote which was in his hands. "Of course." He cleared his throat, "I will leave you two alone now. There will be guards outside, don't worry. You are safe here." His words said one thing and his expression said another.

Once he left and closed the door, i took a seat in the empty chair in front of Carter and placed my bag on the table between us. "So," I cleared my throat, unsure of how to start. I have never had this problem before but then again, i never played psychiatrist with a murderer and a known psychopath and it was different to not feel nervous when he kept glaring at me, almost like he was trying to figure out who i was but that was not going to happen.

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