Chapter 6

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Carter Hale~

3 years in this fucked up place and i still managed to keep my sanity contrary to popular beliefs. I wasn't an insane psychopath, i was a sane one. I killed my mother in the most torturous way you could think of and the worst part was that i enjoyed it. The look on her face when i finally decided to end her sufferings by shooting her in her head was forever engraved in my memory. Her screams were like music to my fucking ears and if i could, i would revive her and do it all over again.

The woman who gave birth to me, Carole Hale, my mother, never once acted like my mother. My father, Gabriel Hale, was a cunning bastard. He was the leader of our gang and i was his heir but thing is, he never wanted me to be his heir, he did not want to retire. He was abusive toward my mother only, we were spared and my mother being the jealous bitch that she was, couldn't stand that so she became abusive toward her children, used us as her personal punching bags for as long as she lived.

My father like i said, was a cunning man. He was the one who suggested i end our sufferings by killing my mother and i was more than happy do so except, i didn't know it was a trap. Bastard recorded the entire thing, threatened me to leave this country with my sister so that no one would continue his legacy but being the stubborn little shit that i was, i immediately refused and well, he wasn't kidding when he said he'd throw my ass in prison under the accusation of murders. Back then, i didn't take the 's' in his 'murders' into consideration and now, i lost my sister because of it.

He used the gun i used to kill my mother and killed my sister then put the blames on me including started the rumor of me being a psychopath. Of course everyone believed him considering he had proof. One proof was enough to throw me in here. Those fuckers didn't even ask for proof that i was the one who killed my sister. They just assumed i did it considering they already saw me killing my mother in one.

Liam Sawyer, otherwise known as my lawyer, was a friend of mine and a member of our gang which was why, i was still questioning where his loyalties lied when he walked in here to help me. I didn't trust him a bit but, he assured me he was going to get me out of here. The man is not even a real lawyer. He told me he was going to get me a psychiatrist who would write reports on my behavior which will help me get bail quicker. The judge, Morel, only wanted to reassurance of my sanity. He was mostly on my side because he knew my father- how he was. He wanted me out of here because i managed to convince him that me killing my mother was self defense but he couldn't do so because even an intelligent man like himself, believed i was a psychopath but he could be proven wrong. If i behaved with Amaryllis, she would write positive reports on my behavior which will be enough to prove the judge wrong about me being a psychopath and more like just a person with a bad past.

Speaking of my psychiatrist, I had a feeling i would be seeing that girl more often that i'd like. Liam has been on my ass to behave with her as if I didn't know how to talk with women.

My psychiatrist whose name i had yet to know. I knew for a fact that girl knew more than she let on. I would have laughed at her nervousness when she spoke to me if i was a mannerless bastard who wanted to intimidate a girl like her. The girl reeked of anxiety whenever she entered the white room.

She was the only person i could trust in this place. She didn't have any sort of connection to my father or anyone in this place. She was just a psychiatrist who could get me out of here. I needed to get her to trust me and use her help to free me out of my cage.

I thought of the question she asked me. "What will you do once you are free from this place?", I told her i would take over the family business which was the truth but she didn't know what kind of family business i was talking about. The complete truth was that the second i got out of this place, i was going for my father's head. I would kill the man in the slowest way possible, make him beg for mercy i will not give and take over my gang, become the leader I was supposed to become.

I sat in a dirty chair, thought about how my cell mate could sleep profoundly in a place like this was beyond my understanding. 3 years in this place and not once have i had a peaceful sleep. Killing has a price. It haunts you in the form of nightmares and killing your own mother was worse. I saw the woman everyday, heard her cries, yet never once regretted shooting her. Nevertheless, sleep never came to me.

I almost punched the bastard for snoring like a fucking elephant but refrained from doing so when the words of a certain brunette spoke in my head about how i should maintain a good behavior inside as well. I knew she genuinely wanted to help me. She was one of those people who took their job seriously and not to mention the amount of money she was getting by helping me. She was no doubt struggling financially. Why else would she have taken a job where she would have to talk to a psychopath?

Before i picked up the book i have been reading, i made a mental note to ask her of her name on Friday.


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Thank you for reading. I hope you are enjoying it so far.

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