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Seated in the dining room with Christian Hale sitting at the head, John and Spencer to his sides, I didn't know what to expect. It had been 3 days since he had used his belt on me. I hadn't seen him since. I wasn't expecting to, either, until this morning when John knocked at my door, saying that my presence has been requested at dinner.
The silence around the table was extremely uncomfortable. For me, at least. If that was what Christian Hale intended to make me feel like then he passed with flying colors. Having enough of said silence, I said, "Why am I here?"

"It seems that my son has been planning something behind my back." Christian spoke, looking directly to me. His statement caught me off guard. How could he have possibly find out? I thought Carter was being careful. "And it seems that he has taken over the Italians." This time his attention was on Spencer and John whose hands froze halfway to their mouths. "What?" Spencer's jaw clenched as he set the fork back on the table. "He did what?"

"Took over the Italians." John repeated, shaking his head. "How did he even do that?"

Christian's eyes closed and opened again as he took a deep breath, "He killed their previous leader."

"So that's what he has been doing in Italy for so long." John spat, fury in his eyes. "We should kill the bastard."

"No." Christian smiled like an evil witch as he looked at me. "We will pretend as if we know nothing of his recent activities and invite him back here. Amaryllis will be friendly with him for information during his stay here."

My eyes widened at what he said. "He won't tell me anything. He barely told me things during our sessions." I lied. "I can't do that."

"If you open your legs to him, he will tell you everything you wish to know. Gather information and report back to me and your father's debts will be paid and you'll be free to go." Christian Hale offered. I couldn't do that, Could I? I was suppose to be playing spy for Carter not spying and prying information out of him. "It's not a choice, child. Refuse and you and your father lose your heads."

"I'll do it." I said, thinking I could play him. I would play him, actually. I knew for a fact the second Carter arrived, I would be telling him all about it then perhaps, he would help me with this situation I found myself in because of him. "When will he get here?"

He glanced at his watch then at the door. "Now." A smirk made its way onto his face as I turned my head in the direction of the door, looking at Carter who stood there in all his glory with a bored look on his face as he twirled his car keys around his fingers. His eyes fell on me then at his father, his face cold and emotionless like the first time I had met him in prison. This wasn't the Carter I knew, no. This was the Carter his father and the men in the room knew.

"Father." He spat out the title with such distaste, I almost flinched. "Dogs." He smirked, disgust taking over his features as he looked at Spencer and John. Then at last, he looked at me. "What is she doing here?" He faked his knowledge about my presence in his house.

"Her father owes me." Christian simply shrugged. "I thought she could keep us company while he works to pay the off debt."

"Ah." Carter tilted to his head, assessing me better. "Pleasure to see you again."

"Likewise, Mr Hale." He bit the inside of his cheeks to stop a smirk from taking over his lips, the action going unnoticed by everyone except me.

"Good to have you back, son." Christian Hale patted his son on his back then resumed his seat. "Have a seat. Dine with us." He gestured to the available seat next to me. I wasn't surprised when he did that. After all, he wanted me to befriend his son and bed him for information.

Carter claimed the seat to my left without arguing. He poured himself a glass of wine and brought it to his lips. "To my return." With one gulp, he finished the entire thing. "So, how's business going, father?"

Christian smiled at his son. "Perfectly well. How was prison?" I caught Carter's hand clenching into a fist under the table. "Perfect. Felt like home itself." He answered with a shrug. I almost smiled at his reference to the prison feeling like his home. It was both a prison for him. Carter pointed to the Spencer and John. "Since when do your dogs dine with us?"

"Since we became his second and third in command." John answered proudly. Carter's jaws clenched, his fists tightening by the second. Without thinking, I placed my hand on his, catching him off guard. Just when I started cursing myself for doing something like this and was about to remove my hand, he caught my wrist, interlaced his hand with mine and placed it on his lap. He rubbed his thumb on my hand as if somehow that calmed him down. "And I suppose, you're the one who's third, John?" He smirked, trying to get a rise out of him.

John glared at him. "At least I am something. You are nothing except for a raging psychopath."

Carter's grip tightened on my hand but not enough to hurt me. "You wanna take this somewhere else so we can talk more freely?" He winked at him. John's eyes widened in fear for a second and it went as fast as it came. He just shook his head and resumed eating.

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