Chapter 38

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I've never been turned on by someone torturing people before. Amaryllis was killing me. She was truly a psychopath, and she didn't even know it yet. But thank god I was here to help her discover that part of herself, right?

She moved with such delicacy, inserting that dagger I gave her into the woman's hand, making her scream as blood poured out of her. Her husband watched, I forced him to. I held his chin and forced him to watch as Amaryllis stabbed his wife, repeatedly. Her screams was mixed along with the others, making it very similar to hell.

"He told me you wanted to buy me." She said, surrounding the female like she's her prey. "Is it true?"

The female nodded, smirking slightly. "We wanted to have you. Oh, the things we would have done to you had this-" She gave me a disgusted look before continuing, "one not intervene..."

Amaryllis gave her a disgusted look of her own, probably imagining the things she mentioned- the horrors before she stabbed her in her thighs, earning yet another scream of pain. Her husband hissed and looked away, but I immediately turned his head in the direction of his wife again. "Look." He shook his head at my demand, thinking he had a choice. "Look or I'll break your neck and force you to look in one direction for the rest of your temporary life." That seemed to have instilled some fear into him as he stopped moving and looked at his wife.

"Is this what you do to girls?" Amaryllis asked, tracing the knife on her thighs. "Go in auctions, buy girls and rape them?" A question directed at both the wife and the husband. "Answer her or I'll take out your right eye."

"Y-yes." The husband stuttered. I glanced at my watch, realizing we have around another thirty minutes before the effect of then paralytic drug wears off. The other girls who had been bought by other men and women were already dead. Some were. Some were still alive, watching us with fear in their eyes. The girls they had bought had run away with the will of being free.

"Im gonna get started on him before the drug wears off." I said, she gave me a little smile in return. I already thought of what my father would see once he saw what happened in here. No one would know it was me who did it. Amaryllis would take the drug, too. Seconds before I leave. She would be a victim, one that I had left to tell all the horrors I did. She would tell everything to my father, except my identity which she wouldn't know herself. She would play the victim one more time and she was so ready for it.

"Do scream." I smirked at the husband, winked at the wife before slicing his ear off. I saw Amaryllis gagging from the corner of my eye, making me smile. "Do it." I gestured to the wife as her eyes widened in response. "What?"

"Do it, Amaryllis. Copy my movements." I said, "It's fun."

"Your type of fun." She rolled her eyes and sliced the wife's ear off anyway. I smiled proudly at her, "Good girl." I could have sworn I saw her blush.  Shaking my head, I turned my attention back on the husband. "I never caught your name."

"Jared." He breathed. I nodded and glanced at his wife. "And your wife?"

"Greta." The wife answered for herself, glaring at her husband for whatever reason. "This is your fault." The reason.

"How is this my fault?" Jared barked back. "You were the one who wanted to have a threesome."

"You were the one who suggested Christian Hale's auction." Greta cried as we watched them in amusement. Utter amusement. "You have always been obsessed with Christian Hale."

"You have always been a Liar. A Fucking liar." Jared snarled, fury in his eyes for his wife. Amaryllis scoffed, "We have no intention of listening to your couple-ly dispute."

Greta's eyes snapped to her, "Then let is go, you bitch." She screamed, "Please please. Let me go. Keep Jared but let me go. I beg you."

"Watch, princess." My words directed at Amaryllis, I cut off Jared's finger. Amaryllis repeated the same movement with Greta, slicing off her finger. The couple's screams mixed as they sobbed together. "Oh my god."

Jared's right hand had already started to move. We didn't have much time left, I knew my father's men would soon arrive, too. "Let's not waste time." I said, "Can you slice her neck or should I?" I had to ask. The first kill is always something that one remembers.

She shook her head, muttering something. "I want my first kill to be my father."

I smiled to myself at her statement, she was already learning and had her own plans. "Very well." I sliced the husband's neck and went to the wife, doing the same. After that, I went to slice the rest of the bidder' necks off. Grabbing a glass from the table, I poured champagne and dropped a little of the drug in it. "Drink this." She drank without having any second thoughts, already knowing the plan we went through before we started torturing them. "You know what you have to do." She nodded at my question, sitting on the nearest couch- the drug already making its effect. I hated having to leave her in the hands of my father as much as I hated having to leave her here. "Be safe." She sounded genuinely concerned. Any trace of the Amaryllis who tortured Greta earlier was gone. At this point, I didn't know which one I liked better. My eyes widened at my own thoughts.

Fuck no, I didn't like her.

One last glance at her, I left through the backdoor despite every bone in my body telling me to go back there and take her with me. But we both know if I had done that, I would forever lose the mafia to my father. I needed her inside the house. I needed to break my father from the inside. Once I was out, I waited until my father's men got here, watched them take Amaryllis in their car and drove away.

I know it has been a while since I last updated this book and I had my reasons. I was sick for weeks. Yes, again. I never got better, actually. I had a fever which just came and went for 2 weeks. Thankfully im feeling a lot better now and I will update as much as I can before my exams starts. 

Thank you for your patience.

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