Chapter 27

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When Carter said I had to be his 'eyes and ears' or something along that line, I thought he was kidding after he changed his tone from snapping at me to being all soft and gentle but, I was proven wrong when Emilia knocked at my door and Re-told me everything Carter did about spying on his father. I wondered why he did not ask Emilia to do that himself when she said, "Christian Hale is already wary of me." Answering my question.

I ran the brush through my hair one last time before tying it up in a ponytail. Emilia left my clothes after she repeated Carter' words to me. I was dressed in a red shirt and a pair of jeans. How he knew my size, I didn't bother to ask considering I avoided Christian Hale at any cost since he kidnapped me.

A knock on the door startled me, making the brush fall out of my grasp, on the floor. I let out a string of curses at whoever was behind the door before picking up the brush. "Come in."

"Long time, no see." That cocky voice of John that I had grown to despise, spoke. "Your presence has been requested by boss."

I looked at him through the mirror, he stood in front of the door, leaning against it. When I raised a questioning brow at him, he added, "Don't ask." And I didn't. Instead, I stood up and followed behind him without uttering a word as my mind was too busy thinking about the reasons why Christian Hale would request my presence. Had he found out Carter had been here and had spoken to me in his room? That was the main question.

John led me downstairs, past the living room, further in the house. I remembered the path we had taken when I was first brought here. The path leading to Christian Hale's office. He knocked at the door, earning a 'come in', The same way he did the first time. I wondered what would happen if one of them just decided to barge in without so much as a warning of their arrival or presence. Would Christian Hale kill them for lack of respect?

The office was the same way it was when I first stepped foot in here. Unwillingly, might I add. Nothing changed. Not one thing. And like the first time, Christian still sat behind his desk, typing on his laptop but this time, he wasn't alone. Spencer and some other guy I had never seen before stood beside his desk. I tried not to roll my eyes at the stranger as he continued watching me. He watched me the second I stepped in here, kept watching me when I asked Christian Hale the reason my presence was requested.
"Your father isn't hurrying with his debts." He said as if expecting me to be surprised at his statement. When he realized I wasn't going to say anything, he continued. "Seeing as he was more than happy to hand you over to us, I was thinking that maybe we should, in fact, put that- put You to some use. Give him a little push in order to get him to hurry up with paying me back."

That got my undivided attention as fear took over. Put me to some use. Whatever that meant, coming from the mouth of Christian Hale, it could only mean trouble. However, nothing prepared me for his next words. Pointing to the stranger, he said, "This is Killian. You'll go with him for a night."

"What?", I hissed, looking at both the Killian guy and Christian Hale. "What do you mean I will go with him for a night?"

"He means," Killian spoke, approaching me. "You are mine for the night." His hand reached for my cheek but I took back from him, denying him the pleasure of touching me. A stranger. I was being sold, used. All because of my father. Killian's left eye twitched. In anger, perhaps. Angry that I stepped back, not allowing him to touch me. He buried his hands in his pockets, "This one needs to be taught some manners."

"Seems to me like you are the one who needs to be taught some manners." The words left my mouth before I could stop them, earning a glare from all the men in the room. Killian's fists clenched at my words, Christian Hale's glare could kill me, John had a smirk on his face and Spencer looked as neutral as ever. 

"You little brat." Killian snarled, taking another step toward me only to get stopped by Spencer. "We do not condone such behavior, Killian. You will behave." The glare Christian Hale was giving Spencer told me that these weren't Christian's rules. They did, in fact, condoned such behavior. Spencer didn't.

"Take her." Christian ordered, "Bring her back by tomorrow." He turned his gaze to me. "Go willingly or be drugged. Your choice."

My choice, my ass. "I'll go." I gave Killian a disgusted look before following behind him. I passed Emilia on my way outside, who looked worried, concerned, even. "What's happening?"

"Im being sold." I answered, "For a night." I hoped she would go straight to Carter with this information and inform him about this situation. I hoped he wouldn't be too late just like how i hoped this Killian guy wouldn't try anything with me even though that was the main reason he brought me. I knew for a fact that If this guy touched me, I was going to kill him and run for my life. Fuck Carter's words about spying on his father who saw me as nothing but a whore who could be sold, used and killed.

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