Chapter 11

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I expected a lot of people sitting in front of me but Xane fucking Raven was not one of them. My cousin from my mother's side of the family, my only cousin who also happened to be an assassin, a bounty hunter. He could get any job done as long as he's getting paid and it was related to murder. 

"Cousin." He grinned, flicking his tongue over his teeth. "I missed you."

"Cut the crap, Xane." I hissed in the handset, "What the fuck are you doing here? I told you to lay low until i get out of this shit hole."

"Kinda hard when your father is paying me a million to get you caged in here forever by assassinating sweet Amaryllis who is, by the way, really close to get you bail." He rolled his eyes, his voice was a barely a whisper.

"She told me you came to warn her." I said, before adding, "And told her you were to kill her."

"Ah." He grinned yet again, leaning closer to the glass separating us. "Your father clearly doesn't seem to understand that i have some rules in my line of work that i won't break even for fucking gold and diamonds."

"He's scared, isn't he?", I give him a grin of my own, "He knows his time is limited. Good."

"Yup." He plopped back in his seat, "He knows the second you get out of here, you'll come for him. Trust me, I've never seen that bitch this desperate." He looked at me, worry ceasing on his forehead. "That girl isn't safe, bro."

"I know." I sighed, "She's in this shit because of me." I knew for a fact that Xane did research on everyone he was asked to kill and i knew, he did research on Amaryllis. "Tell me everything you know about her." I stated, knowing this was my one chance to know this girl better. Xane's information was reliable, Liam's was not. For all i know, he could have lied about that. 

"She's clean. Just your other typical human with a normal and mundane life." He looked bored speaking of her mundane life. "Mom died of cancer, Dad can't hold a job, leaving her to take care of him on her own."

"She lives alone with her father?", i gritted my teeth, hoping she didn't have a human contact problem because of the asshole. I noticed a lot of things with that girl, things i didn't want to notice but i couldn't fucking help it.

"Yup. That's what i found out anyway." He shrugged, "Anyway, cuz, i already told you what i came here to tell you so now, i should get going."

I raised an eyebrow in amusement at him. "You didn't tell me anything i didn't already know."

He smiled, "Don't you get bored in this place?" His gaze roamed around the room, a disgusted look on his face.

"It's prettier inside." I said sarcastically earning a grin from him. "I can get you out of here, you know?"

"So that i can be on the run my whole fucking life for something i didn't fucking do?", I rolled my eyes at his question, "No thanks. And besides, this way, my father is living in fear, knowing im soon getting out."

"You." He placed his hand on his heart, slightly grinning. "I knew you're a fucking psycho."

"Keep it down, motherfucker." I gestured to the cameras and the guards. "Get out of here, Xane. Protect her in ways that you can. Do not die in the process."

He nodded, saluting me while grinning. "I got you, cousin." His gaze snapped from me to behind me as he released a sigh. "Your time's up. It was nice catching up. Next time i see you, it's gonna be out there."

I gave him a curt nod as the guards approached me, i could see their reflection stepping closer in the glass in front of me. "Your time is-" he started and i cut him off, "-Up. I know." Before he could say another word, i got up and went back to my cell without another word to any of the guards following behind me. Once one closed the door, i went on the metal and incredibly uncomfortable bed.

"Who came?" Matt asked.

"I don't remember." I deadpanned, looking at my fists. I imagined how nice it would be to be planted on his fucking face.

The annoying sound of his chuckle made me clench my jaw, restraining myself again. "You're very funny."

You survived three years without killing him, Carter. You can survive a little more. Patience. Patience.

Ignoring him was the only sane thing to do. I picked up the book i was reading on human anatomy and continued reading where i left off although, i couldn't help but imagine a scene where i slit Matt's throat and watched him choke on his blood, gasping for breath as his soul slowly leave his body. It's the worst way a human can die.

Not being able to breathe is the shittiest experience for someone to go through and that was the death my father would receive. I would be the last person standing in front of him so he knew exactly who killed him at last and who won. I knew i would stand there and watch him choke on his blood, with those eyes filled with hatred for me. I knew he would beg me to spare his pathetic little life and try to convince me, manipulate me like he had always done to rule together. I also knew I was going to laugh in his fucking face that day, knowing i would be the last person he saw before he died.

And that was the time i realized i actually needed fucking help- help that i was going to seek after getting my revenge if i decided to change which was unlikely. My father had been right on only one thing in his entire fucking life. "To survive in this cruel world, a world like ours, you need to be a fucking monster." Those were the last words he whispered to me before they took me away to lock me in this shit hole and these same words were going to be the last words he would hear.

Tasting InsanityTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon