Chapter 36

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I occupied the seat farthest from prying eyes and by prying eyes, I mean those of my father and his men. None seemed to recognize me in the past few hours that I had been here. The platinum blonde hair was doing wonders.

My eyes followed a man with a mic on his grasp, giving it over to my father who had a big smile on his face. Any man who was about to make billions would have a smile this big on his face but using this technique? It was enough to make me throw up. Sometimes, I wondered whether this man was my biological father. After all, my mother did fuck her fair share of men but then, one glance at the mirror and all the doubts vanish as fast as they came.

"Welcome ladies and gentlemen." I almost scoffed at the mention of ladies. The mere thought that ladies, women, attended those things disgusted me. "We have some new ones which came from all the way from Australia."

A nudge on my arm made me bite my tongue to prevent a rude comment from coming out of my mouth. I turned around and almost groaned when I saw the seats beside me were no longer vacant. It was now occupied by a man and a woman who I assumed was his wife. "Yes?"

He smiled, seeing as he now had my attention. "What kind are you searching for?"

"I don't care as long as it's a brunette." My mind drifted to amaryllis for a second- How fucking beautiful she looked in that dress, with that necklace around her neck and that mask did nothing but turned all of my attention on her fucking eyes.

"Ah." The woman spoke. "We're looking for a black haired." She looked at her husband who grinned at her. "We like to get kinky." He winked.

My lips tightened at that. "Interesting."

"I've never seen you around here before." The man remarked.

"Probably because I never came here before." I answered, sarcastically but neither of them grasped that. "Makes sense."

"Let us start." My father handed the mic to another guy who I assumed would do the talking from now on. A blonde haired girl walked on the stage. Her legs were trembling and hands were shaking as she took another step toward the old man with the mic. He approached her, whispered something in her ears to which she nodded at without sparing one glance at the crowd. She walked forward and turned around. I clenched my fists at that, trying to control myself from killing every pervert in here.

"A virgin that one." A laugh escaped the old man's mouth. "First bid is at 1,500 dollars." He pointed to a man who raised his card. "1,500 going once, going twice...." Before the man could finish his sentence, another man raised his hand. "2,000."

Mic man grinned at that, but it was my father who had the biggest smile I had ever seen on his face. The bastard was going to become a millionaire in a night and I had every intention of preventing that from happening. He could become a millionaire by selling drugs and whoring himself out but this whole auctioning off girls wasn't going to happen on my fucking watch. "Sold to Mr Trist." I could no longer tell what was more disgusting at this point- The fact that every men in here was enjoying it or the fact that women bothered showing up. The auction went off, men and women bidding on whatever pretty women they saw. "Next we have, a rather special one, bears the name of a flower and its beauty."

I wouldn't take a genius to figure out he was talking about Amaryllis. A flower. A fucking flower. There she was, coming out from behind the curtain, dressed in the same dress as before, a mask concealing her identity.

"Oh my." That woman beside her husband said, "What a beauty." I looked at her as she leaned toward her husband. "I want her."

My fists clenched on my lap, "She's mine."

My statement earned both of their attentions, a smile appearing on both their faces. "Sorry but my wife wants her."

"I said, she is mine." I didn't bother sparing them another glance. Amaryllis' eyes searched the crowd, probably looking for me and once she found me, a smile appeared on her lips. I knew I was fucked. She knew I wouldn't let shit happen to her. She hoped for it, anyway.

"My wife wants her." The husband argued. I let out a sigh, giving him and his wife my attention. "I will kill you and your wife if you continue to argue with me regarding this matter."

"You don't know who you're speaking to, boy." The woman scoffed. I raised an eyebrow at her, "Neither do you."

"Are you threatening us?" The husband asked when I turned to look back at Amaryllis again, my fists clenching at the number of men who had their hands raised. So far, the highest bid was 9,000 dollars. "Shh. The bidding has started."

The wife scoffed at my lack of manners and raised her hand, "$10,000."

I brought the wine to my lips, calming myself down to prevent from ripping her head off. That was a job for later. "$10,000. Do we have 20?", Mic man grinned, scanning the crowd. Another man raised his hand, "20,000."

"20,000 going once..." The woman next to me raised her hand, "50,000." She then turned to look at me, "She's mine."

A grin appeared on my father's face as he gave a curt nod to the woman. "50,000 going once, going twice and...."

Setting the glass back on the table, I said, "One million."

Gasps was heard amongst the crowd, my father's eyes snapped to mine, smiling which showed that he didn't recognize me. Amaryllis' eyes were wide as fuck as she glared at me. The husband and wife next to me went still, not opposing my bid. The mic man was silent, for once. Fucking bastards were out of words over one million dollars and Amaryllis was worth more than that.

"One million. Sold to the guy in the back." Sold. He'd used the word 'sold'. I was going to kill him as well and write 'sold to Carter' on his fucking forehead and deliver his body to my father in a gift box.

"Very well." My father stepped on the stage once Amaryllis was rushed back behind the curtains along with the others. I didn't miss the glare she'd given me before she disappeared behind them. "Every one of those girls back there will be taken to my club, set in the VIP area and will be waiting for the men they have been sold to." Whispers erupted amongst the crowd, "I suppose every one here knows where my club is situated, yes?"

A smirk made its way onto my face as I took yet another sip of my wine. My father had unknowingly made my life easier. All of them in one place, just waiting to be killed and the girls to be saved. I finished up the wine and walked out of the place, to my car where my weapons were stashed.

I apologize for not updating during this week    I was extremely sick, im not even exaggerating. I could barely write, let alone touch my phone :(
Im feeling a lot better now after a whole week of recovery. I will not update as much because exams are around the corner and as much as I want to finish writing this story, i have some other priorities. Bear with me, people.

Thank you for reading this story. I assure you it will have a happy ending.

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