Chapter 24

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Two days in this place and Emilia was the only friend I made. She was a nice person, told me stories about Carter and his family even though I'm pretty sure it wasn't hers to tell. Everyone in this house lived in fear of Christian Hale. The maids could shit their pants in Christian's presence. I was scared, too. But then, about an hour ago, I heard them whispering about Carter- saying how he was more ruthless than his father and by the way they spoke of Christian Hale, he was a pretty ruthless man.

Back to what I was saying about Carter. Everyone in the house thought of him to be, what Everyone in the prison painted him, a psychopath. Apparently, he was more cruel than his father and that was something I refused to believe since The Carter I spoke with during our session never once pegged me as a psychopath. Just a troubled man with fucked up parents and a bad past who needed someone to care about him and even love him like he wanted to be love.

Christian Hale was a very cunning man. He knew my father would never be able to pay him everything back which meant He wanted to keep me here. Because I helped his son get out of prison as If I was his lawyer. The only person he should have gone after was Sawyer, If anything. He was his son's lawyer and he was the one who contacted my boss.

I couldn't call this a kidnapping even If I wanted to. Not with being fed properly, dressed in clothes worth more than my house, and living in a luxurious house like this one. I didn't even know what to call my situation. I half expected Carter to come and speak some sense into his father but again, I didn't know what expect.

I was sent breakfast and dinner everyday, each tasted as amazing as the last. Emilia would drop by during the day to give me a piece of cake or something else that she would make. She'd given me macarons earlier, she bought it while she was out to buy groceries. In the morning, she would enter the room and leave my outfit for the day and a sleeping gown for the night. I could go out, but I didn't. I wandered around inside the house one time, that was when I heard the maids whispering.

I haven't heard or seen of Spencer, Christian or John since the last time I saw them- not that I was complaining. Neither had I heard about my father which was sort of concerning. I didn't even have my phone with me which was boring since I didn't have any distractions. But, the view from the terrace in the room I was beginning to call my prison, was extraordinary. I could sit on the chair on the terrace all day long and watch the beautiful scenery, the sunrise and sunset, even.

Realizing that I stayed in this room for way too long, I chose to step out of it and wander around the house, again for discovery purposes. I wanted to know everything there was to know about and find everything that was to be found in this house. The first floor, where I was residing, was boring. I checked every single room on the first floor, some of them were locked and some of them were just boring bedrooms and bathrooms.

I walked in the direction of a stair which led to the second floor, something I saw when Spencer brought me here. The second Floor had five doors. I let out a sigh, making a mental note to come back to the second floor once I was done with the third floor which was also the last.

Walking further up the stairs leading to the last floor, the atmosphere instantly changed. For some reason, this hallway felt different than the others, than the ones downstairs. It was alluring and it smelled like roses. I laughed to myself. I was becoming crazy.

As I entered the first bedroom, darkness enveloped the space, shrouding its contents in mystery. The room was devoid of any natural light. I noticed a switch on the wall right next to the door and with a flick of a switch, the darkness was banished, and the room was instantly illuminated. The transformation revealed a sight that captivated me.

The first thing that caught my eye was the opulence exuded by the luxurious room. The predominant color scheme was black, creating an air of sophistication and elegance. The walls were painted in a deep shade of black, providing a contrasting backdrop for the rest of the room's elements.

The centerpiece of the room was a grand, king-sized bed with a plush black velvet headboard. The bed was adorned with silky, onyx-colored sheets and an assortment of decorative throw pillows that feature intricate patterns and textures. Above the bed, a mesmerizing chandelier hung from the ceiling, its crystals reflecting the LED lights scattered throughout the room.

The furniture in the room followed a similar aesthetic, with each piece crafted to perfection. A sleek black dresser with polished surfaces stood against one wall, complemented by a matching vanity table adorned with a large, ornate mirror. A comfortable armchair upholstered in black leather was strategically placed near a tall window, creating a cozy reading nook.

The ambiance of the room was heightened by the strategic placement of LED lights. Hidden strips of colorful LEDs line the edges of the ceiling, casting an ethereal glow that can be adjusted to suit any mood. The lights could transform the room into a vibrant, energetic space or a serene, calming sanctuary.

This place was magnificent to say the least. I immediately fell in love with it. It wouldn't take a genius to figure out whose room I was currently standing in. Carter. This bedroom screamed his name, His scent, his style even though I had only seen him in orange uniforms.

There was a closed door in the room itself, no doubt the bathroom was concealed behind it. Opening the door, I was greeted by a continuation of the luxurious aesthetic. The bathroom was spacious and adorned with sleek black tiles. The fixtures, including the sink, bathtub, and shower, were all sleek and modern, featuring chrome finishes. A large mirror spanned the width of the wall above the sink, adding to the sense of space and elegance.

The bathroom was equipped with state-of-the-art amenities, including a Jacuzzi tub and a rainfall showerhead. Soft ambient lighting illuminated the room, providing a soothing atmosphere for relaxation.

Everything about this room was magnificent. It was better than the rest of the house. Carter had taste, good taste. If the next room was anything like this one, I would lose my mind. Once I stepped out of the bathroom and back in the room, I wished I had waited a little bit more inside the bathroom. My eyes widened in fear, like a deer who got caught in headlights and I contemplated running but I knew it was in vain. After all, I was in his house. "Carter."

He stood in front of me, dressed in a black hoodie with his hood on as if he was sneaking in his room. "Now now, what the bloody hell are you doing here?"

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