Chapter 34

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As I descended the grand staircase, the opulent mansion unfolded before me, transformed into a breathtaking spectacle for the masquerade ball. Every corner of the spacious foyer, adorned with intricate moldings and elegant chandeliers, was meticulously dressed in an ambiance of mystery and grandeur.

The walls, usually adorned with classic artwork and tapestries, were now veiled with rich, velvety drapes in deep hues of burgundy, midnight blue, and emerald green. Soft, golden candlelight flickered from ornate sconces, casting dancing shadows and creating an enchanting atmosphere.

A lavish red carpet sprawled across the marble floor, guiding guests towards the heart of the celebration. The air was filled with the harmonious sounds of a string quartet, their music floating through the air, lending an air of sophistication to the occasion.

In every corner of the mansion, elaborate decorations immersed the space in a world of fantasy. Intricately carved masks, adorned with feathers, sequins, and glitter, adorned the walls, serving as both artwork and conversation starters. Delicate floral arrangements, bursting with vibrant blooms, graced every surface, infusing the air with their sweet fragrance.

The grand ballroom, with its high ceilings and gilded accents, beckoned guests to the center of the festivities. The room was a symphony of colors and textures, with cascading drapes in rich jewel tones, swathed across the walls. Crystal chandeliers hung from above, casting a shimmering glow over the crowd below.

As my gaze swept over the room, I saw a sea of elegantly dressed individuals, their attire a harmonious blend of extravagance and mystery. Every guest wore a magnificent mask, concealing their identities and adding an air of intrigue to the affair. Men in tailored tuxedos and women in resplendent gowns swirled together in a graceful dance, their laughter and conversations filling the air.

The mansion, with its resplendent decor and lively atmosphere, had been transformed into a realm of enchantment. It was a place where secrets were whispered behind masked smiles, and the air was thick with anticipation and revelry. As I joined the throng of partygoers, I couldn't help but be captivated by the beauty and allure of the masquerade ball, a night of magic in the grandest of settings.

My eyes took yet another glance amongst the people, hoping to see a pair of eyes which I had grown to adore behind masks but couldn't find any. I shrugged the disappointment and continued my way towards the bar where they were serving different kind of drinks. I felt alone in this place. I knew I could speak to Emilia considering she would be busy helping with the maids and cooks.

The bartender smiled at me upon my arrival. He, too, wearing a black and white mask, concealing his identity. "What can I get you?"

I looked at the menu, the drinks they were serving tonight and kept my disappointment to myself when I realized, there were only alcoholic drinks. "Water."

He raised a questioning eyebrow at me but gave me a glass of water nonetheless. "Not much of a drinker, are you?"

I shook my head, 'No', and drank the whole glass in one gulp. "And im assuming this isn't your scene either." He added. It was now my time to raise a brow at him, in confusion. "Ladies, something this place is full of, drink like a lady." I stayed silent, contemplating what to say to that considering I had no idea what he was on about. "Like, they have a way of drinking, you know. They sip."

"Okay." I shrugged, finding this conversation to be ridiculous. I placed the empty glass on the table and went to find Emilia. I was clueless of what to do. Was I suppose to just stand there and look pretty while avoiding Christian Hale altogether?

I spotted Emilia in the kitchen, filling up champagne glasses and was about to make my way to her when someone bumped into me. "Oh god. My apologies." A manly voice spoke. I looked up, finding brown eyes staring at me for a few seconds before he cleared his throat, regaining his posture and stood straight, displaying his teeth. "You're so beautiful." He said, "I have never seen you here before and I have come here every time Chris had one of his famous balls." Chris. The fact that he called him using the shortened form of his name were enough to make me want to stay away from whoever this man was.

I didn't know what to say to him so I just stayed silent, keeping an eye on Emilia in case she disappeared and I would have been given the trouble to look for her all over again. "Im Peter." Brown-eyed man spoke to me again, holding out his hand, waiting for me to shake it but I never did. He frowned and retrieved his hand, keeping them at his sides. "You're not much of a talker. Got it. Can I at least buy you a drink or, would you rather dance?"

"I don't want to talk to you." I said, as kindly as I could and walked passed him. "Excuse me." I fastened my pace and grabbed Emilia's hand, dragging her into a corner. "Emilia. I don't know what to do. I can't sit there and pretend like you didn't tell me I was off to be auctioned off any minute now."

Emilia's frowned deepened, guilt showing in her eyes. "Im so sorry. I wish there was something I could do. I tried Carter but he hasn't been answering." She sighed, "Look, I know he won't let anything happen to you. Trust him."

I looked away from her, avoiding her gaze. "What should I do in the meanwhile?"

"Dance." She shrugged, smiling. "Blend in."
"I can't blend it. It's not my scene." I repeated the word the bartender used earlier. "I can't dance."

"I'll teach you." A familiar voice interrupted us, making us aware of his presence. I snapped my gaze away from Emilia to the source of the voice within seconds and I could have sworn I felt something weird in my stomach, but I shrugged it off. Even though his hair looked different and his way of dressing, I would recognize that voice and those eyes anywhere. Carter stood in front of me in a black tuxedo, blonde hair and a mask concealing his identity to the rest of the room.

I raised an eyebrow, gesturing at his hair. He smirked, shrugging. "I'll tell you on the dance floor."

"Go on then." Emilia smiled, "Told you to trust him." Carter held out a hand for me to take, and this time, I took it. I placed my hand on his and he guided me toward the dance floor, where some others were dancing.

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