Chapter 28

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I sat as far as I could in the car with Killian. I had a glimpse of what he had planned for me and It involved handcuffs. The smirk which appeared on his face when he saw my reaction upon noticing the handcuffs spoke numbers. I wasn't going to let him use these on me. My father was my father. Killian wasn't my father. I could kill him. I could end him and feel no remorse whatsoever. That was my plan. What could Christian Hale do if I tried to protect myself from a man? Sell me to another? They would meet the same fate. Every time.

I realized at that moment, I had to stand up for myself. I had to protect myself. No one was going to do it for me. No one was going to protect me. My own father didn't. I would be a fool if I believed someone would protect me. I had me. I always had me.

I didn't even know where Carter was and whether he meant it when he said he wouldn't let anything happen to me or not. If he meant it, now would have been the time to show up considering something was happening to me- already happened. I got sold. Literally. For a night.

The car came to an abrupt stop, telling me that we reached Killian's house. He stepped out of the car first, opened the door for me like a gentleman but we both knew it was all for show- perhaps, for his driver.

Killian's house was big, not bigger than Christian Hale's house, but big. It had a pool in the yard, just in front of the house. We walked by it and Killian opened the door for me, inviting me into his house. He waited once I entered to close it behind, locking it.
"Hungry?", He asked, earning a 'No' from me. I wasn't going to accept food from a stranger knowing I could be drugged. He shrugged, removing his jacket. "I have given my maids the rest of the day off." I didn't care. "So that you can get comfortable."

I almost laughed at that. "Comfortable while you have your way with me without my consent?"

"I believe I can change your mind." He grinned, walking towards me. "Are you a virgin?"
Another grin, "Good. Take your clothes off."
"Take them off." A demand. What would happen if I kept on refusing him? How was I going to kill him? A man twice- thrice my own size? He looked like a beast compared to me. Nothing compared to Carter.

He let out a sigh, taking yet another step toward me. "You leave me no choice." His hands reached for me, about to touch me when I took a step back. "Amaryllis." My name sounded like dirt coming from his mouth. I wanted to throw up. "Don't make me tie you up." He reached for me again but this time, another voice stopped him, not mine. A familiar voice. A voice I dreaded to hear since I got told I was sold to Killian for a night. Carter. He was here. He came. "Well, you're one persistent bastard, aren't you?"

Killian froze, his eyes widening in fear and masked it within seconds. But I saw it. Fear. He was afraid of Carter. Why was everyone afraid of Carter? Why wasn't I afraid of him like they all were? Did I not know him well enough? Was he hiding something from me? Not that He had to tell me his life story or anything but I thought during our session, he'd spoken nothing but the truths. Was there a darker truth? One he had avoided to speak of, perhaps?

"What are you doing here? How did you get in?" Killian shot questions at Carter, without even turning around to look at him. Carter sat on the counter in his kitchen as he took another bite of an apple, looking way too calm about this whole situation. "Turn around, Killian. Didn't you miss me?" 

And he did. Killian slowly but surely turned to face Carter. His fists clenched at his sides upon the sight of him. Carter clearly showed disrespect, and He was enjoying it. He enjoyed the look on Killian's face, the anger radiating off him. Carter enjoyed every second of this encounter. He looked at the apple in his hand, grinning at Killian as he did, "You didn't have anything edible other than this apple, I took it. I haven't had dinner yet and I was starving." He took yet another bite of his apple just to prove it. He wanted to get a reaction out of Killian, he was getting plenty, he knew it. What was he doing?

"Get off my table, Carter." Killian hissed in anger, trying to restrain himself from attacking him despite being afraid.

"You have good apples." Another bite. "Mind telling me where you bought them from?" Killian watched as he finished an entire apple, reached into a bowl of luscious strawberries, plucking one with a mischievous grin. He took a bite, savoring the burst of sweetness, and tossed the leaf nonchalantly onto the floor. "Damn. Good strawberries as well. Same place you bought the apple from?" Another strawberry, the leaf got tossed on the floor. Killian was so angry, His fists clenched further and If i didn't know any better, Id think he was going to break his own hands.

"Why are you here?", He asked, his eyes darting over the mess Carter made on his floor. The leaves of strawberries decorated the floor and Carter had a grin on his face the whole time. He hopped off the table, dusting his lap. "You have something of mine."

Confusion took over Killian's features. "Something of yours? I don't understand."

"Then allow me to explain further." Carter started walking in my direction and stood next to me, then repeated himself. "Get it or do you actually need words to grasp this?"

"She's your girl?", Killian stuttered, his dominant demeanor gone. "I- I didn't know."

"Neither did I." I muttered, earning a smirk from Carter as he leaned over and whispered. "Amaryllis, darling, unless you want him to resume doing whatever he was about to do with you, play along. I heard he can get real kinky." Turned out, I wasn't the only one who saw the cuffs. I shuddered at the thoughts of being raped. "I told you I wouldn't let anything happen to you. I meant it."

I smiled at him, for the first time in my life, believing someone who said he'd protect me. "So," Carter broke the silence, his voice directed at Killian. "Show me these cuffs."

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