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Looking at my father, tied up, weak and at my mercy made me feel powerful. Carter being at my side was helping a lot- not that I was going to admit it to him. Seeing my father at my mercy after everything he did to me made me feel strong. I wished he could see that I was no longer the weak little girl he used to abuse whenever he wanted to and even if he failed to see it now, by the time I would be done with him, he'd know.

"Can I have a tank of water? Or anything that I can drown him in will do."

Carter smirked at my request, an amused look on his face. "You want to drown him?"

"He did it to me."

Instead of saying anything else, his jaw clenched, giving me a curt nod before taking out his phone. "Bring me a water tank."

And within five minutes of waiting, a guy entered the room, dragging a water tank with him then left. I smiled, looking at my father's horrified face. "Brings back memories, doesn't it?"

"Please... Don't do this." He shook his head frantically. "Im sorry."

"Sorry doesn't cut it, dad." I sighed, approaching him. "You took my childhood away. You took my mother from me."

"You have become like a fucking psychopath." He spat, his eyes filled with hatred. Some months ago this would have hurt me but now? It didn't even register. I didn't care. It was like whatever he said didn't matter. All that mattered was making him suffer for everything he did to me.

"Tsk, Tsk, Tsk." Carter clicked his tongue. "Instead of begging for your life, you are still being rude."

"I don't beg to weak and pathetic little girls." He snapped, glaring at me with disgust swimming in his eyes.

I walked to the table and grabbed a knife. I cut the ropes which bound his hands together and set him free only to drag him towards the water tank. "Could a weak and pathetic little girl do this?" I didn't give him time to answer as I pushed his head inside the water tank, making sure the water filled his lungs before taking his head out. He choked on the water and tried to catch his breath but like he used to do to me, I did not give him the opportunity to.

"Damn." Carter whistled, leaning against the wall. "You're so fucking hot right now."

Heat rushed into my cheeks at his words but I did not stop drowning my father. Instead, I shoved his head inside again and again and again until he fell on the ground, having trouble breathing.

"Who's weak and pathetic now?" I asked, sitting in front of him and he struggled to breathe. "Hmm?"

"Y-you are a fu-fucking psycho... you and him." He pointed to Carter. "Belongs together."

"We do, don't we?" Carter grinned, approaching us then glanced at me. "We do, in fact, belong together."

I subconsciously took my lower lip between my teeth, his eyes flickering to my lips for a second then back to my eyes. "Im not going to argue on that."

He smirked, wrapping his hands around the back of my head and pulled me closer to him, connecting our lips. He knew as well as I did my father hated the display of affection but none of you cared at that moment. I was fixed on the fact that his lips tasted like heaven.

"Fucking stop." My father's voice boomed across the room. "You're fucking disgusting. It's a relief I am not your biological dad."

I froze as his words registered in my head and so did Carter. I slowly pulled away from him, giving my father my full attention. "What did you just say?"

He grinned. "I'm not your biological father."

"Who is it then?"

"You'll never find out." He grinned and something inside of me snapped. Carter held out his hand, a knife resting in his palm and a smirk graced his lips. Without wasting time, I took the knife he somehow knew I would need and stabbed my father in his thigh. "Tell me who my father is."

He screamed in pain, trying to reach out to touch his thigh but Carter's knife flew right on time, piercing his skin. "I.. he's dead. He's fucking dead."

"His name. Give me his name."

"Alexander Drakos." The name which left his lips did not remind me of anyone I knew. It was a stranger, a complete stranger. I wondered who he was, or if he ever knew he had a daughter. I wondered if he would have treated me as bad as this one did.

Carter stayed silent for a while then said, "Oh, you're fucking kidding me."

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