Chapter 16

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I watched Carter as he entered the room, for the first time, he had been late. I was here first, been waiting for the past five minutes. His lawyer, Mr Sawyer, assured me he would be here- just a little later than usual because he got caught up in something and when i asked what, he replied with "an inmate thing", i didn't ask pry further.

Carter caught my stare before he sat in front of me, his hands in cuff
like in every of our sessions. My hands were on my lap, i wanted to avoid questions asked about my bandage.

"Hi." It came out as a breath. His lips quirked up at this, "Hi."

"How have you been?", I almost smiled at my question, remembering what his answer was when i asked him the same question. The only difference between that day and today was that, i was being genuine. I genuinely wanted to know how he had been and i think he knew it, too. "Shitty." He said, looking elsewhere.

"You will soon be getting out of here." I stated, earning his attention as his brow furrowed in confusion. "Really?"

I nodded, "Today's our last session. I am to meet the judge tomorrow."

I could have swore i saw a frown on his face before he sighed, "It's not confirmed, is it? The judge could decide i am to stay within these walls."

"Under what accusations?" I asked, gritting my teeth. "You spent years in here. It's fucking enough. I will get you out of here." I startled myself.

Surprise flashed in his eyes before a smirk took over. "There's the fire i knew you had in you."

I raised a questioning brow at him, "what are you talking about?"

He shrugged in response, looking at his hands- something he had been doing since our first session. "So, Katherine, since it's our last session, You get to ask three questions you have always wanted to and i have to be honest."

"Tell me three things about yourself." I asked, making him look at me in amusement as he nodded, urging me to ask them.

"What's the first thing you'll do when you get out of here?"
"Get a new tattoo."
"How many do you have and which tattoo do you intend on getting?"
"That's two questions." He said, earning a shrug from me. "No. There's an 'and' so, it's one question with two different parts."

He shook his head in amusement, "If you say so. To answer the first Part of your question, I have a few and I intend on getting a certain sort of flower tattooed on me."

"Can i see your tattoos?" The question came out before i had second thoughts. He just raised his brow in question. "That's one way to get me to remove my clothes."

Pretty sure if i looked at myself in the mirror right now, i would see myself all red. Clearing my throat, I sat straight. "I do not wish to see you naked. I just want to see your tattoos and if you don't want to show me, that's fine."

With a shrug, he removed his shirt and there he sat, all shirtless in front of me. His body looked like it was sculpted by god himself, just like his face. It wouldn't take a genius to figure out that he worked out, a lot. His body was covered in tattoos. A snake tattoo covered half of his arm, its mouth was open, showing its pointed teeth. A rose was inked on his chest, just where his heart is. There were words which i couldn't decipher thanks to the distance between us, written on the petals of the rose.

"What's written?", I let my curiosity get the best of me and asked.

He smirked in response, "You asked your three questions."

I almost rolled my eyes at him but his tattoos kept me from doing so. I wanted to know what was written but he wouldn't tell me- "Now, my turn to ask three questions." His words drew my attention away from his tattoos, from the rose. "Same rules, no lies."

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