Chapter 5

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I slowly opened my eyes, took in my surroundings, realization instantly hitting me. I fell unconscious in the basement itself. I didn't remember much, just darkness. I stood up, immediately feeling like someone hit me with an axe or something on my head. My hands made their way to grip my hair, an attempt to stop it from hurting but in vain.

Glancing at my phone, a gasp left my lips as i noticed the time. 6:30 in the morning. It was Wednesday and on Wednesdays, i had sessions with Carter Hale and i would be late. It was only the second time and i was already going to make a late appearance at my new job.

I gathered my bag which was thrown in a corner of the room before making my way upstairs to take a shower and change into presentable clothes. Once i was satisfied with my look, i grabbed my bag and called an uber on the way outside.
Second time walking into the Lion's den and my nerves were still getting the best of me. I sighed as i walked further to Mr Sawyer who was waiting in front of the room Carter was behind. "You're late." He remarked as I tugged on my pullover's sleeve, covering the red marks on my wrists.

"Apologies. Traffic." The lies rolled off my tongue smoothly. He nodded in understanding before opening the door, revealing Carter still sitting in the same position as Monday. Hands on the table, cuffed, dressed in an orange suit, a bored expression on his face. His eyes snapped from his hands to me the second Mr Sawyer opened the door.

"Carter, behave." Mr Sawyer gave him the same warning he did on Monday and was given the same reaction he received from Carter that day. He remembered to turn off the cameras which i thanked him for before he left.

"What's with the bruised knuckles?", I questioned, noticing his red knuckles on the table. He didn't remove his hands from the table, instead he kept them there and stared at it like he didn't know a bruise was formed.

"Some guy fucked with me." He shrugged and didn't say anything else after that.

I hummed, "You want to talk about it?"

"What's there to talk about?", He ran his hand through his hair, "A guy fucked with me and i beat the shit out of him. That's it."

"You know, if you continue like this, you'll never get out of this place." I stated, shaking my head. "My reports will be based on the way you are behaving with me only. If the prison guards see that you are not worth a bail because of your misconduct in prison, they'll be against your release."

"I didn't know prison guards had a say in the judge's decision." He placed his hands back on the table.

"You know now. They write reports on prisoners' behaviors as well. If you constantly get into fights with cell mates, this will be going in your report and it will make it hard to get you bail." I started, "Didn't your lawyer tell you this?"

"No. Are you a lawyer as well?" He questioned earning a No from me. "But i did study to become one."

"Why didn't you?", A question i didn't have the answer for. I answered with a shrug, "I don't know. I guess i wanted to help people struggling with their mental healths."

"Tell me, Mr Hale," I started, "What will you do once you are free from this place?"

"Take over the family business."

"How did you feel when you killed your mother?" This time, his gaze lingered on my face a little longer than usual before he answered. "Free."

"Did you ever feel guilty about killing her?"


"Do you know who killed your sister?"

His eyes averted at my question and a muscle in his jaw ticked. "No."

"Hmm." I hummed at his answer. "Do you have any other family members left?"

He clenched his fists on the table before replying, "My father."

"Do you get visitors often?", I asked earning a no from him before he added, "Once a week."

"Interesting." I cleared my throat. "So, tell me about your life before you killed your mother." That was probably the most stupid question i have ever asked him since we started this session. I already know how his life was. It sucked.

"Seriously?", He asked, almost amused by my question. "I had to kill my mother. What do you think?"

"You're right. It was a stupid question." I shook my head, muttering an apology. "Tell me about your relationship with your father."

"It was Fine." His tone became bitter. "He was the best father anyone could have asked for."

"How did he feel when you got accused of murdering his wife and daughter?"

This time, i received a glare from him. "He cried. Said he was sorry." His jaw clenched at each words.

"Of course." I tried to study him, "You know this won't work if you lie to me."

"Work?", This time, his fists clenched on the table. "You're not here to get me to talk about my feelings. You are here to get me out of here by writing positive reports about my mental health. Do i sound fucking insane to you?"

"Mr Hale," i returned his glare, "To do my work correctly, i will have to ask you such questions. I have no intention in lying in my reports." I continued tugging on the sleeve of my pullover under the table, trying not to cower under his gaze. "If i have to prove you are sane and deny the judge's and various other people's accusations on your fucked up mental health, I have to ask you questions which has something to do with you mentally. Such as, your relationship with your family members and the atmosphere at home."

"How will that help erase my psychopath's title?"

"It will not. It will just earn you bail once it's proved that you were a teenager with family issues who just wanted to protect his sister." I explained.

"According to them, i killed my sister." Carter reminded me, "Can you prove them wrong?"

"Isn't that a job for your lawyer?", I raised a questioning eyebrow at him. He shook his head, his lips tightening. "He hasn't done much since his arrival here. Only got me you."

"How can i help you if you are not honest with me?", I sighed, referring to his father issue. I knew he was lying. It was part of my job.

He stared at me for while as of debating whether he should tell me the truth. Just when i thought he wasn't going to, he said, "My relationship with my father is complicated." And that was all he could have said considering our session ended. Mr Sawyer opened the door, reminding us of that like he did on Monday.

"By the way," Carter's voice stopped me from walking out of the room, "You never told me your name."

"Amaryllis." With that, i walked out of the door, not looking back but couldn't shrug the feeling of his gaze on my back the entire time.

Tasting InsanityTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang