Chapter 19

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The guard opened the door of my cell, letting me out. It was finally the day I was being released. "See you in hell, motherfucker." I said to Matt, flipping him the bird. The guards were following behind me as I walked toward the exit guarding by other guards. They stepped aside, allowing me to pass through. I didn't forget to shove my middle finger in their face as well. They deserved it.

Xane was waiting for me outside. I had already changed my clothes. I was given back my rings and chain which were taken from me when I was arrested. 

"Fucking hell." He breathed upon seeing me, bringing me into a hug which I returned. "I thought you were never gonna get out of here." He added. "Legally."

I broke the hug, smirking slightly. "I owe it to a certain brunette girl." Amaryllis. That girl was something. I actually felt sad when she walked out of that room on the day of our last session and I hadn't felt sad in years. But, like every time, I got over it.

"You wanna drive? I brought your car." Xane asked, handing me the keys of my car which I took without giving him a reply, earning a snort from him. We both got in the car, I sat behind the wheel. My car roared to life, sounding like music to my ears. I had missed driving and racing and he knew it. "What now?"

His question made me tighten my grip around the wheel. "Now, Im going to kill my fucking father and take back what is mine."

"That's my boy." He said, proudly with a grin, making me roll my eyes as I pressed the brake and started driving to my house where my father was currently staying. "I am going to make the fucking bastard beg for his life." I said, clenching his wheel as the images of him killing my sister flashed in my mind.

"Don't you think you should wait?", Xane asked, "I mean, you just got out of prison. You're in a hurry to go back there?"

"Im never going back in there." My jaws clenched, "I was caught off guard the first time. Not again."

"Your father's men worship him." Xane stated. He wasn't wrong either. "If you go in there and kill him, who is to say they won't kill you?"

I raised an eyebrow at him, "Im not going to kill him right now." I wasn't stupid, his men did worship him and if I killed him, they'd turn against me. "My father loves his legacy more than anything."

"What are you getting at?", Xane questioned, his gaze fixed on me as a smirk made its way onto my face. "I intend on destroying his legacy, his name, his reputation and lastly, him."

His lips quirked up at that, "I like it. I like you. Smart lad."

During these past few days spent in prison, I had a lot of time to rethink the way I would take revenge. In the end,  I came to the realization that Killing him and torturing him would be boring. I had to improvise, I had to hit him hard and destroying his legacy would be the best way to have my revenge.

He tossed me in a prison because he did not want anyone to steal his legacy so I decided I would make my own. I stayed with my father since I was born. I watched him build his stupid legacy from scratch and I learnt from his mistakes. I knew what to do and what do refrain from doing. I knew who to deal with and I knew who were his enemies. The best way to have my revenge was to become allies with his enemies, make his enemies work for me. It would be easy. When someone shares hatred for a certain person, nothing is easier than convincing him to work together to get back at that person.

My father had always hated the Italians. The Italian mafia leader, Vincenzo De Luca. The Italians were ranked second in the world of crime after my father. I had every intention of going there to make a deal with Vincenzo and work with him to remove my father from his throne, to destroy his legacy and ruin his name. But then, the thought of working with someone who would consider himself superior than me didn't sit well with me brought me to hate Vincenzo as well. Which is why, the decision to kill him and take his mafia by force struck me.

The Italians had a rule. Whoever manages to kill the leader becomes the new leader if the leader didn't have any children. As it so happened, Vincenzo wasn't fathered to any children. Throwing him off his throne would be easier than killing a bird.

"We are going to Italy." I stated to Xane who looked at me in confusion.

"To do what?" He asked, earning a smile from me. "To kill Vincenzo De Luca."

"Just the two of us?", He smirked, no doubt taking a trip down memory lane when we used to go kill people together on my father's orders. We didn't need anyone else with us and my father knew that. That was why he separated the two of us the day before he planned my arrest.

"We'll take the jet." I stated, knowing my father will be notified about our family jet being taken away but he would just think I needed some time away from him and would be too busy being happy that he would get to live another day that the thought of me going to take over the Italian mafia wouldn't cross his mind.

"Just like old times." Xane muttered. I couldn't help but smile at that. "Just like old times."

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