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The moment Carter stepped out of the car after winning, a crowd greeted him. I wasn't comfortable and he knew it. He took my hand in his, holding it as tight as he could. His friends threw themselves on him, congratulating him for winning. Kylie kept her distance this time. She was about to jump on him when her friend, Dixie, stopped her. Despite not liking what her friend did, she didn't object which was relieving. I wasn't going to stand here while some girl threw herself on Carter knowing damn well about my presence. I would have lost my shit. Carter's grip on my hand only loosened when we stepped into a bar. He said they always come here to celebrate their victories after a race. I was glad he was sharing this part of his life with me. During our time in prison, I knew Carter wasn't one to just open up to someone easily. I was glad he was opening up. To me.

"Let's get drunk people." Aiden shouted, making his way to the bar. Carter shook his head, "Im not getting drunk."

"Come on, bro. Let loose." Theo smirked then looked at me. "What about you? You getting drunk?"

"No. I don't drink." It was true. I hated alcohol. It made people act violently and that didn't sit well with me. Part of me hated it mostly because of my dad. I'd grown to fear it as well.

"Why not? Everyone drinks." Kylie interrupted, handing me a shot which I refused. But she wasn't having it. She kept bringing the glass closer to my lips, almost as if she wanted to force me to drink it. A hand grabbed her wrist, making the glass shatter on the ground beneath us. "She said she doesn't drink." Carter growled. A pained look appeared on Kylie's features. She hissed before trying to free herself from his grasp but no avail. "You're hurting me."

"I'll do more than hurt you next time you force her to do something." Carter glared at her, jaw clenched. "You know I won't give a fuck whether you are a woman or not. I will still fucking end you." Fear swam in her eyes at his words. I could have sworn she was shaking.

I should have felt bad for her but I didn't. She should not have done that. She should have respected my choice of not wanting to drink. She deserved it. Carter released her hand and came to stand next to me. He wrapped his arm around my waist, pulling me closer in front of everyone. They were watching but didn't dare to say a word. He leaned down and whispered. "You okay?"
I nodded and his grip around me tightened in response. I knew he understood why I couldn't drink. Why I refused to. Why I didn't drink in general. He understood all of it. And I feared that made me like him even more than I already did. "Let's get out of here." He said.

"Where are we going? I don't want to return back just yet..." I trailed off. "Can you take me to my house to see if my father is there?" He stiffened at this. I nudged him with my arm, confused. "Can you?"

He cleared his throat. "Yes." Then a smirk slowly appeared on his face. "I'll take you to see your dad all right."

"Why do you sound so happy?" I questioned. He looked suspicious as hell. I didn't know why I bothered to ask when part of me knew he wasn't going to give me an answer to my question. He only shrugged, guiding me outside to his car. Once I was in, I fastened my seatbelt and he drove toward the direction of my house which I realized wasn't so far from where we came. It was actually not surprising because such races were illegal and no one really came in this part of the town.

"How do you know where I live?" I asked, realizing after several minutes that he didn't ask where I lived. He just kept driving in the right direction. He smirked at me, "I did my research."

I rolled my eyes at his reply. "Of course you did." Before I knew it, he stopped in front of my house. I didn't wait for him when I opened the car door and went on my porch where I realized that I did not miss being here at all. The atmosphere was still as scary as it had been since forever. I slowly opened the door, unaware whether my dad was asleep or not. I carefully stepped inside, watching my steps. I frowned when I saw the house was a mess. The dishes weren't done, the couch wasn't in its position, the window broken, broken glass on the floor. The mere sight gave me a headache.

"Your father isn't home." Carter said behind me. I was going to say something sarcastic at him being obvious but stopped when he said his next words. "I have him."

I turned to him, confusion written on my face. "What do you mean you have him? You took him? You kidnapped him? Your dad took him?" I know I was ranting but I didn't care. All this time I thought my father was here, getting drunk, living his stupid worthless life when he could have been hurt, in pain or worst.

"I kidnapped him. I forgot when though." He said calmly. When he noticed I wasn't as calm as he was, he took my hand in his. "He hurt you. I had to."

I shook my head, "He's my problem. Not yours."

"He became my problem the second I made your acquaintance." He winked. "Now, let me take you to your father."

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