Chapter 8

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I haven't been sleeping as much as I'd like for these past few days. I kept having nightmares about me being drowned, waking up in the middle of night, gasping for breath and unable to fall back to sleep, not that i wanted to. That had been going on for years thanks to my father.

I was currently standing in front of the prison where i had yet another therapy session with a so called murderer. I had a tons of questions to ask him and it wasn't about his mental health or anything related to his release. Ever since that man in the diner spoke to me and warned me about certain things, i couldn't get him out of my mind. I was relentless to see Carter and ask him about everything knowing damn well he wouldn't give me a straight answer. He never did. It was always in fucking riddles.

Like i always did, i entered the building with confidence i didn't have, not bothering to acknowledge any of the guards and walked directly to the Lawyer and Chief who, like always, stood side by side, their hands clapped in front of them, guarding the white door behind which Carter sat.

I greeted them with a nod which they returned with one of their own before stepping aside, allowing me to enter.

Carter's gaze lingered on me, followed my figure until I stopped in front of me, taking my usual seat.

"Mr Hale." I greeted him with a nod. Instead of replying, he lifted his right hand to his head and saluted me before placing them back on the table.

"We've been seeing each other for some days now and i still don't know your name." He said, looking at his hands before his eyes snapped on me. "What's your name?"

"We haven't been seeing each other." I corrected, his lips curled up at this. "My name is Amaryllis."

"As in the flower?", He questioned, earning a nod from me. "It was my mother's favorite flower."

"Was?", I had his full interest now. "What happened to her?"

"This isn't about me, Mr Hale." I reminded him. "We are here to talk about you, not me."

"Don't you think we should be on first name basis now considering we have been seeing each other for quite a while?", He smirked.

"No." I shook my head, finding it futile to argue with him on his choice of words. "You're my client."

"You called your previous clients by their last name?", He raised a questioning eyebrow at me. "I thought you were suppose to befriend me." He faked pouted before continuing. "Isn't that what psychiatrists do? Befriend their clients and get answers out of them for helping purposes?"

"It doesn't work like that." I inhaled before responding. "And besides, all of my previous clients looked friendly."

He tried suppressing a smile at which he failed miserably which resulted in him looking down, at his lap. "Judging based on appearances again."

I shrugged at his statement. "Prove me wrong then."

His brow quirked up at this. "I don't make friends, Amaryllis." My named rolled off his tongue like it was meant for it, "You can either be my ally or my enemy. It's up to you."

I had no intention of being his friend either but i was no stupid person. You'd rather make an ally of Carter than be his enemy. I had a feeling he showed no mercy to those who betrayed him. There was a fire burning in his eyes, one which i was familiar with. It was hatred for god knows who and the sweet promise of revenge was carved between those flames.

I looked up at the camera to verify once again if it's turned off before asking him the question i have been wanting to. "A guy who claimed to be your friend came to see me yesterday. He had a scar on his neck."

His jaw clenched at my this, giving me his full attention. He had this look like he knew exactly who I was talking about. "What did he say to you?"

"He said i wasn't safe." I glared at him. "He said i wasn't safe because i accepted to help you get bail. He was sent there to kill me but he didn't because he doesn't kill innocent people." I continued. "Why do people want me dead for helping you, Carter?", At this point, i didn't bother using his last name. "Why am i wanted dead by many?"

"Fuck." He slammed his fist on the table before standing up, his hands immediately finding themselves in his hair. He gave me his back, stared at the wall for the longest time, probably calming himself down before he turned to me. It was the first time i had seen his full figure. He was tall, really tall.

"Listen to me carefully." His whole demeanor changed to serious, "When you leave this place," He walked towards me and i didn't budge for reasons i wasn't aware of. He took the pen from my bag as i looked at him dumbfounded, not knowing how he knew that i was carrying a pen with me despite the clear instructions of not bringing one inside. "Do you have a piece of paper with you or you just carry a pen with no use of it?"

I mentally facepalmed myself, realizing that i did, in fact, not bring my notepad with me and totally and absolutely brought a pen with me with no use of it. My expression seemed to tell him what he already knew as he shook his head, holding his hand in front of my face. "Can i use your hand?"

I nodded, reluctantly lifting my palm to him for him to write whatever he needed to. I was surprised he even asked if he could use my hand, i thought he would just take it. I didn't say anything, i didn't know what to say.

He took my hand gently, looking at me when he did as if he was waiting for me to remove it but that never happened. Normally, i would flinch when someone touch me but this time, i didn't. Maybe it was because i gave it to him willingly.
"What are you writing?", i asked as i felt the point of the pen moving on my palm.

"An address." He said once he closed the pen and placed it in my hand. "You seem surprised when i asked you for your hand." He remarked.

"Why did you ask?", I asked. "Most men don't."

"I notice things." Was all he said before he went to sit back on his chair. I didn't question him further regarding that subject.

"When you leave this place, go to that address. You will see a man there, tell him i sent you. Use my name, Amaryllis. Not my last name." He said, earning a nod from me, waiting for him to continue. "Once you're in, he will give you a gun."

"What-", I questioned, panicking already. "Im not taking a gun from a stranger just because you said so."

"You will." His tone was final. "You have to protect yourself at all times and since you're in this shit because of me, the least i can do is help you protect yourself while im caged between these fucking walls."

"Is it even legal?", my question brought a smirk on his face. "Nope. But it's necessary."

"I'll file a complaint." I said, "Im not going to own a gun without a license let alone, take one from your friend."

"You want to walk in a police station and tell them how you are being threatened by Scar's men? Be my fucking guest. But don't come to me after they have laughed in your face and painted you insane." His jaw clenched at each word coming out of his mouth. "If you want to stay alive, you listen to me. If you want to die, then don't."

"Scar's men?", i repeated his words. He clenched his fists on the table before looking at me. "My father."

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