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There were several reasons behind taking Amaryllis out of the house. The first one was to take her to the race, obviously. The second one was to distract her after what my father had done to her. I did not want to leave her alone with him after what he did to her. Never fucking again. The third was one was for her to meet her father who I kidnapped. I knew she was waiting, or hoped for him to get the money my father sought. I did not want to destroy whatever hope she had, no. I just wanted to show her that she was hoping for something that was not going to happen. And, she didn't seem surprised at all.

I broke the kiss, smirking at her and her shocked expression because I just kissed her in front of her father without a care in the world. I didn't, in fact, cared. Besides, it was just a kiss.

She cleared her throat, stepping away but blushing. "Have you always been this shameless?"

I smiled. That girl wasn't the same girl who came to ask me stupid questions during our sessions in prison. She changed, she became more confident and that was sexy as fuck.

"You are disgusting!" Her father spat. "Some weeks it has been and you have become a whore just like your disgusting mother was."

Amaryllis flinched at the harsh words that left her father's mouth. She was hurt by these hurtful words and that pissed me off. She stayed silence and that was killing me for some reason. Instead of waiting for her to do something about her father's words, I stepped in front of him with a wrench I found lying on the table and hit his fingers with it, earning a pained cry in response.

"What is wrong with you?" Her father yelled angrily, his gaze filled with pain and anger.

"I warned you." I smirked at him before turning to Amaryllis. "Do you want to?"

She raised her brow in confusion. "Want to what?"

"Repeat my movement on his other hand." Her mouth opened then closed at my statement. She looked unsure but nodded nonetheless. "I'll try."

"No... no... please." Her father pleaded. His pleas were completely ignored. Amaryllis was lost in a world that she herself created at that moment. A world where there were no feelings, no anything. A world where only revenge reigned. I knew this world all too well. Hell, I fucking created it.

"You hurt me, dad." She muttered in a low voice. "You hurt me so much." Despite trying to be strong, her voice cracked at the end. "You hurt mom."

"I am so sorry. Don't do this. Please." Her father pleaded continuously but she paid no attention when she took the wrench from my hands and approached her father. 

"You hurt my mother. You hurt me." She repeated before hitting his untouched hand, earning yet another pained cry and several curses left his lips.

"Bitch. Fucking bitch." He snapped. "Yes I hurt you. I hurt you and I hurt your whore of a mother because I fucking liked it."

Instead of saying anything, Amaryllis went toward the table and took a knife. Her father's eyes widened in fear when he saw his daughter approaching him with a knife. Before he could ask her to stop, she plunged the knife in his hand, making him scream loudly.

I smiled looking at her. She made me proud, so fucking proud. I leaned against the wall, making myself comfortable as I watched the scene unfold in front of me.

"I'm going to make you regret everything you did to me."

Tasting InsanityOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz