Chapter 22

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It had been three hours since I had sat on this bed in this enormous room after Spencer left. A maid, I assumed, brought me food about twenty minutes ago. I thanked her, but she just replied with a nod, absolutely no emotions whatsoever on her face as she placed the tray of food on the table and left, closing the door behind her.

I groaned, walking toward the terrace. I let out a sigh of relief when the door of the terrace opened, embracing the room with the fresh air. The air conditioner was annoying me, if anything. The view from the terrace was beautiful, Extraordinary.

Immediately visible was a meticulously manicured lawn, a verdant expanse of lush grass that stretched out towards a sparkling lake in the distance. The lawn was dotted with vibrant flowerbeds, their colors a riotous splash against the calming green backdrop.

To the left, the terrain sloped gently down towards a dense forest. The foliage was a beautiful patchwork of greens, browns, and occasional splashes of color from blooming wildflowers. The chirping of birds filtered up from the forest, a soft symphony that lended a tranquil ambiance to the scene.

Straight ahead, a wide expanse of lake water sparkles under the sun. The lake surface was a mirror, reflecting the azure sky and fluffy white clouds. Occasionally, the mirror was disrupted by the playful leap of a fish or the quiet passage of a rowing boat. Beyond the lake, the land rose into a series of rolling hills, their slopes carpeted with tall, golden grass that rustled gently in the breeze.

Above, the sky was a perfect, unblemished blue, the sun hanging high and casting a warm, pleasant light over everything.

The terrace itself was a masterpiece. Polished wooden floorboards underfoot, a modern glass railing offering unobstructed views, and a sleek outdoor kitchenette to the side. A set of plush outdoor furniture was arranged for relaxation, and a few potted plants add a touch of greenery.

Everywhere I looked, the world seemed to be in perfect harmony, a blend of natural beauty and human ingenuity. As I breathed in the crisp, clean air, I couldn't help but feel a sense of peace and contentment at this luxurious, picturesque view from the terrace.
It was amazing, everything in here was. This house was beautiful outside as much as it was inside.

I was about to turn my back to go back inside when I noticed Spencer, John and three other men talking. The three men had guns tucked in their pants, Spencer and John gave them something in a white packet. I was too far to tell what it was but I settled on assuming it was drugs.

I sighed, cursing my father at what he had gotten me into. I wondered why if any of these words Christian Hale said about his son were true. Even if it were, Carter never once pegged me as the psychopath they painted him as but then again, he probably played me so that I would get him out of there. If that was the case, He was a really good player.

A knock at the door broke me apart from my thoughts and back to reality. I walked back inside to go open the door when I remembered that the door was locked from the outside. So, I went to sit on the bed and waited for realization to hit whoever was knocking several times at the door. After approximately ten seconds, the door opened, revealing a woman who appeared to be in her early 40s. Dressed in a decent outside, hair in a bun, she walked in the room and brought with her a couple of outfits. 

"I apologize." She referred to the door incident. "I thought it was locked from the inside."

I waved her off, assuring her it was alright before I trailed the length of one dress in particular as she placed it on a chair, followed by another and another. In a matter of minutes, the couch area was filled with beautiful outfits; beautiful dresses- none of which I would be able to afford. "What is all of this?"

"Mr Hale has asked you to choose which ones you wish to keep considering you will be staying here for a while." The woman spoke, pointing to the numerous outfits.

"Oh." I stood up, "I don't have money with me to pay for any of these."

"All of these has already been paid for." She answered, smiling at me before she went to close the door. I raised a questioning brow at her as she walked toward me and reached for my hand which I took further from her grasp. She frowned at this, and I muttered an apology, explaining that I didn't like it when people touch me. She nodded in understanding before she said, "You are the one who freed Carter out of prison."

"I merely helped." I said, "He did all the work himself." It wasn't a lie.

"But you helped him get out of there sooner." She smiled, "I will forever be grateful to you."

Her gratefulness made me believe she was an ex or something or Carter. I smiled back at her, "I was just doing my job. Although, If i knew this-" I referred to my current situation- Being kidnapped and all, "Would be the price I had to pay for doing my job, I would have declined the job offer."

"Christian Hale has always been a jealous bastard." Her voice was in a hush tone, as if she was scared someone outside this room would hear her. "Carter is good at everything and he hates that. He hates that his son is better at him in every little thing there is. Be it fighting, hand to hand combat, a better shot. Everything." She sighed, "Christian could not stand that no more. He manipulated him into killing his mother then killed his sister in front of him, blamed him for everything."

I heard this story before. Only the last part and I was dying to know more. When the woman spoke, I didn't stop her. I let her continue. I wanted to know more, Know more about Carter, about his life.

"When he heard you have been helping him, he sent Xane after you." Xane. I had heard that name earlier, came out of Christian's mouth. But who was he? I didn't know. "But somehow, you are still here."

"Xane. The guy with a scar on his neck?" I asked, hoping it was him. A nod from her confirmed everything. "Yes, him. He is their best assassin. Him and Carter used to go on missions for Christian. Kill for him, torture for him. When Christian planned on tossing Carter in prison, he knew Xane wouldn't let him so, he sent him in another country on a mission just to keep him away. When he found out, he was pissed but it was too late. Carter wanted to get out of there in a legal manner."

"Why are you telling me all of this?"
"I assumed you had questions which remained to be answered." Was her answer to my question. "My name is Emilia. I was Carter's babysitter for a long time. I watched the boy grow up. I watched his mother, his father, all treating him like a piece of shit and I hated them for it. I still do."

"I am Amaryllis." I smiled at her. "Thank you for telling me all of this. I thought I would be alone here."

"You're not alone here." Emilia stated. "Many of us are grateful for what you have done for Carter. Many of us wishes that he comes here and kill his bastard of a father once and for all. Many of us are on your side." She continued, "Beware of Christian Hale. He is a ruthless man. He treats women like shit and I have no idea what he has in store for you but whatever it is, I will try to help you as much as I can until Carter returns."

My eyes widened at her confession. What did Christian Hale had in store for me? I haven't done anything to him. What could he possibly want from me?
"How do you know Carter will return?"

"He promised he would not rest until his father's head is placed on a silver platter by his hands before they took him away."

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