Chapter 25

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Italy was nice but I missed home. My mission in Italy was over, anyway. I took over the Italian mafia and Vincenzo's bitches were now mine. However, I still needed to see if everyone was loyal to me and to do that, I chose to simplest way. Xane stood next me, looking as bored as ever as I stood in front of around 5,000 men. I was bored out of my balls, too but, I had to show these men I wasn't someone to mess with and Xane knew that. We composed ourselves and glared at the men in front of us, all of them whispering among themselves- probably about me and their boss who was very much dead but they were yet to know that.

"Gentlemen." My voice was loud enough, they all stopped whispering among themselves and listened. Good. "I was the one who called for this meeting and asked-" I almost rolled my eyes at my own choice of my word, "Demanded your presence." The whispers rose again. They were worse than a bunch of girls gossiping about who their ex boyfriends was bedding. I took out my gun, firing a single shot in the air, earning their attention. "If you wish to die, then by all means, continue with the disrespect and I will send you to meet your maker."

Not one soul spoke a word after my statement which brought me contentment. "Anyways, As I was saying. Your boss- Ex boss, is here." I smirked, "Would you like to see him?" I took their silence as a Yes, glancing at the man who stayed at Vincenzo's side, gesturing him to bring forward the bag which I took the liberty of choosing after decapitating Vincenzo and placed his ugly ass head in. Grinning, I removed my gloves from my pocket, wore them and put my hand in the bag, taking out Vincenzo's head. I heard a few gasps from the crowd which widened my grin. I glanced at Xane who shared my expression as he patted my shoulder. "I think we installed enough fear in them for a lifetime, brother."

I smiled at Xane's statement, knowing damn well he was right judging by the expressions on the men' faces. They looked at me, at Xane, like we were some sick freaks, like we were two psychopaths. They looked at us, fear swimming in their eyes. I smiled when one of the men in the crowd threw up at the sight of his boss's head, and silently thanked the god he was far away from me otherwise, he'd have lost his head, too. "There's your boss." I spoke, "Part of your boss." I corrected myself, earning a smirk from Xane. "If you any of you wishes to join him, now is your time to step forward."

"Who are you?", If this place wasn't crawling with men, I would have thought a woman spoke. This man sounded more feminine than a woman. I tried to look for the male in the crowd but in vain. Instead, I said 'Step forward' so that I could know who I was going to talk to. And he did. The man with a feminine voice stepped forward, dressed in a yellow jump suit which made me question my eyes as I wondered how in the hell I missed that.

"Nice outfit." Dude looked like a unicorn threw up on him dressed like that. He smiled, a full blown smile like the one a baby would give you once you've given him what he wanted. "Thank you." He said a little too loud for my liking which immediately made me question his sexuality. "My boyfriend got me this."

Ha, called it.

I didn't return his smile nor his enthusiasm. "My name is Carter Hale." Silence. His enthusiasm and smile faded at my statement and the whispers turned to utter silence. "You've heard of me. Fantastic." Yes, I was a huge fan of the vampire diaries but we are not talking about this right now. Xane chuckled at my imitation of Klaus.
"Ive killed your boss, as you can see." I pointed to the head, "And, the rules I believe were, Kill the boss, take his place?", I almost smiled at their faces. "Get the memo?"

"You're the Capo of the Italian mafia." Someone spoke from the crowd. He was slow but right. "Aren't you the son of the Christian Hale? Heir to the American mafia?"

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