Chapter 31

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Christian Hale stood in front of me as I sat on the couch back in Carter's house. I had left Killian's house first thing in the morning. Carter dropped me about ten minutes away from here and I walked the rest of the way back to avoid raising suspicions.

He looked at me, a smirk forming on his face while Spencer and John stood closely behind in sight. Both frowning for some reason. "Did you have fun?" He asked, earning a glare from me. I had to act like I did give Killian what he wanted. I had to act like I was unhappy and upset for them to buy the act. "Im glad he dropped you back willingly. I thought he was going to find your sweet cunt appealing and end up keeping you all to himself."

"You sold me to a rapist." I muttered, my voice low. But this whole time, I couldn't get the images of Killian being tortured out of my head. His face, his ears, his eyes, the blood- "Earth to Amaryllis." He rolled his eyes at my temporary trip down memory lane, "As I was saying, Killian isn't a rapist. He is my client." And this whole time, all I could think of was correcting his 'is' to 'was' and the word he used, 'Client'. What did mean by 'Client'? Was he into sex trafficking? He sold young girls, Girls, women, possibly kids to men. For them to use and dispose of whenever they pleased. That was what his mafia was about. And Carter's. Was that the life Carter wish to take from his father? Had he want to become the leader of the Mafia and be the one to sell those girls? But he protected me. Maybe he was different and wanted to put an end to this. I had to ask him.

"You didn't answer my question." He sat across me. "Did you have fun?"

"Oh, my poor girl." Emilia's voice interrupted us and I had never been more relieved to see her. She rushed to us, to me, and stood in front, hiding me from Christian. "You did this. You're a monster." That woman had balls. I appreciated her for it.

Christian snorted at her. "I know. There is a ball tomorrow. A masquerade Ball I am holding. I expect you to dress her up according to the theme." He turned his back at us, then stopped in front of Spencer and John, demanded them to follow him when he went further in the hallway. Emilia grabbed my hand, "Come on, sweetheart. Let's go to your room." And we did. Once in my room, she closed the door and turned to me. "Did that man..." I shook my head before she even finished her sentence. "No. Thank you for telling Carter."

She waved me off. "Don't mention it. It was something I had to do."

"What ball was he speaking of?", I asked, remembered hearing Christian Hale saying something about dressing me up according to the theme. She sighed, "He hosts a masquerade ball every once in a year." She said, "Since you are staying here, he expects you to attend and to behave. There has always been something more to these balls he hosts." She looked unsure, making me urge her to tell me what else she wasn't telling me. "It's just all a facade for an auction."

"An auction?"
She nodded at my question. "Yes. Business men, rich men- millionaires, billionaires, attend this ball for that reason only. Im afraid."

I raised a questioning brow at her. "Why are you afraid? It's just a ball."

"He hosts an auction of girls." Her words made me froze. "The girls chosen gets sold to the highest bidder." She wasn't done. Her next words almost gave me a heart attack. "And Im afraid because you might be on the stage next to the other girls, having men bidding on you and these are no nice men, sweetheart. They are all monsters. Like Christian."

After Emilia left my room, I lied on the bed, thinking about tomorrow. I couldn't not think about tomorrow, about what she had told me. Killian was one thing. We were alone. But with a bunch of men? It would be difficult to run away, to have Carter protect me yet again. What kind of sick life did Christian Hale lead? Everything that has occurred and that I have heard and seen with my own eyes ever since I had set foot in this house further proved why I must help Carter take down his father. He was a monster who needed to be put down and I wanted nothing more than to see him being a nothing.

It was already 9:30 when my stomach reminded me I had forgotten to eat and Emilia told me she was feeling sick earlier so she might not bring me food in the room but, she did tell me it would be downstairs in the fridge. I just needed to heat it up. I walked down the stairs and frowned when the house was in a complete silence. It was dark, only the lights in the kitchen were on. I made my way to the kitchen, heated the mac and cheese and waited. However, the voice of someone whispering earned my attention and my curiosity got the best of me. I followed the sound of the whisperings and saw a figure talking on the phone in the dark. "Yes... by the docks in two hours." The voice said. "John will be there to supervise everything will go smoothly. This is important for Christian Hale."

My eyes widened at what I had just heard and I immediately tiptoed back to the kitchen, took my plate from the microwave and went to my room. I knew what I had to do with that piece of information I had just heard. Leaving my plate on the drawer in my room, I went to Emilia's room. She opened the door at first knock, stepped aside, allowing me to enter then closed the door as soon as I did.

"I heard something." She smiled at my words, nodding. She knew what she had to do, too. Once I told her what I heard, I sneaked back into my room after she promised she'd tell Carter.

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