Chapter 14

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"Alright then." His gaze held mine. "Ask your questions."

I raised an eyebrow at him. "I already have. You answered it with another question of your own."

"Hmm." He looked away, "I don't like speaking of my father."

"Your father is... the reason you're in here." I stated, "He sort of have an important role to play in this whole thing."

"He does, doesn't he?", He snorted, "Well, he manipulated me into killing my mother, ended my sister's life, put the blame on me then tossed me in here."

My eyes widened at his confession, he sounded genuine. He wasn't lying, he did confess to killing his mother but denied accusations to killing his own sister. "Why did he kill your sister?"

"I told you." He sighed, "He gets rid of his opponents."

"He considers his children as his opponents?", I asked, shaking my head immediately feeling the building hatred for a man i had never encountered.

He didn't answer. Instead, he looked forward, his eyes darting to me slightly as he nodded. "His biggest opponents."

It was then when i saw it. The pain in his eyes when he spoke of his father, the pain he tried to hide every time. The pain I probably shouldn't have been able to see and one he didn't want me to know was there. Do my eyes show my pain too? I wondered.

"Were you there when he killed your sister?", My question didn't faze him in the slightest. It was almost as if he had been expecting me to ask this specific question. "Yes." He said.

"Do you want...." I hesitated, looking at my hands. "To take revenge on your father?"

"No." I felt his stare on me. "What's done is done. He's the only family i have left regardless of what he has done."

I don't know whether he was being serious or not but i knew, he wasn't wrong about his father being his only family left. I understood that more than anything but he had felt more pain that i ever had. He was more broken than i was and the urge to fix him was strong. How does a broken person fix another broken person?

"Do you think you will ever be able to to forgive him for what he has done?" Another stupid but necessary question. I needed to put those in my reports which i had to present in front of the judge in a few days. I wanted to free Carter for reasons i wasn't understanding myself.

He let out a sigh before speaking. "Maybe some day but it will take time."

"So, you do have it in your heart to forgive him?" He answered this question of mine with a nod. Before i could ask another, the door opened, noting us of the end of our session.

"Liam." I think it was the first time Carter ever acknowledged Mr Sawyer when he entered the room. "Mr Hale."

"Take care of yourself, Amaryllis." Carter said, his voice was barely a whisper. He clearly didn't want his lawyer to hear him. I gave him a little but genuine smile. "You too." He gave me a curt nod before i stood up, ready to leave the room along with his lawyer.

Once outside of the room, Mr Sawyer closed the door and faced me. "The judge wants to see you tomorrow. I have plead Carter's case and he has agreed to see you earlier than decided." He stated, making my heart beat faster in my chest, "You should get the reports ready by tomorrow."

"What time will he be expecting me?" I asked earning a '10:30 am, sharp' from him. Nodding, i stepped away from him and walked outside where my Uber was already waiting.

Carter's POV~

Lies. I lied and i kept lying to her about the subject regarding my father. Little did she know, the only reason i was even eager to get out of here was to get revenge on him. When she asked whether i wanted revenge, i denied and lied straight to her pretty fucking face. Then, i lied again. Did i have the heart to forgive him? Fuck no. I barely had a heart. The one i had was darkened with revenge and anger. But fuck, would i be lying if i said she wasn't lifting pieces of my heart, cleaning the dark sides before placing them back. Jesus fucking christ, i needed a drink.

As i laid against the wall back in my tight fucking cell, i looked at the symbols on the walls. Symbols which had been here since the day i was tossed in here. Weird symbols, even.

I didn't particularly and personally need Amaryllis's help to get out of this place. I had my resources to get out of here whenever i wanted but i didn't want to spend the rest of my life running from cops. Legally, i needed Her help and since she wasn't much of a nuisance as i expected her to be, i held on to the decision of doing things by the law.

But, was the judge to decide not to grant me bail, i was getting the fuck out of here either way. I had no interest in sitting in there for another year of my life and watch Matt being Matt for the rest of my days. I was getting out of here legally or not.

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