Chapter 35

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Carter looked at me, as if asking for permission to put his hands around my waist like they had to be placed, for the whole dancing thing. I gave him a silent nod, appreciating that he felt the need to ask for permission even though part of me knew he would always have it. He placed his hand at the small of my back, took my hand and placed it on his shoulders and held the other. "You look flawless." He stated, a smirk tugging on his lips as his eyes roamed over my body. "Beautiful."

Feeling a blush taking over my cheeks, I looked away from him, unable to control my reactions. "Thank you."

He chuckled, shaking his head. "How do you find my new hairstyle?"

"You look like Draco Malfoy from Harry Potter." I pointed out, widening his smirk. "Good. He is one hot bastard."

"-But I prefer your usual appearance." The words came out of my mouth without a warning. "I know. I had to conceal my identity. A mask wouldn't have done the trick for my father." He winked at me, his eyes darting over to the necklace hanging around my neck. "It looks good on you."

"Thanks for that." I smiled, earning a shrug from him. "I had to find a way to get your attention."

I bit the inside of my cheeks, preventing the words I wanted to say from coming out. Preventing myself from telling him he has always had my attention. Instead, I said, "What's going to happen next?"

"My father's men will come for you in a matter of minutes considering the auction is to start within-" He glanced at his watch, "Twenty minutes."

My eyes widened at his statement but he pulled me closer and whispered, "Now, Amaryllis, darling, try not to look this pretty on the stage otherwise, the number of men on my list will be thousands by the end of the night."

Carter's touch was electrifying, his hand warm and steady against the small of my back. The soft fabric of my gown brushed against his tailored trousers as we moved in perfect harmony, swaying to the rhythm of the music. Each step was deliberate, yet unhurried, as if time had slowed down just for us.

As we danced, I caught glimpses of other couples twirling around us, their masks creating an air of enchantment. But in that moment, my attention was solely focused on Carter. His eyes held mine, deep pools of hazel that seemed to hold a universe of emotions.

The world around us faded away, and it felt as if we were the only two souls in existence, lost in the ethereal magic of the masquerade ball. With each graceful turn and twirl, his presence enveloped me, making me feel cherished and protected. The soft strains of the music wrapped around us like a delicate embrace, guiding our every movement.

Time seemed to stand still, and yet, it slipped away too quickly. The final notes of the waltz echoed through the ballroom, signaling the end of our dance. Carter's hand lingered on mine for a moment longer, his touch leaving a trail of warmth on my skin. "See you later." He whispered, gesturing towards Spencer and John who no doubt was coning to take me with them. When I looked back, hoping to find at least his figure, I was disappointed at his absence but I knew he'd be here.

I put on my not-knowing-what-was-going-on mask and followed Spencer when he asked me to come with as John followed behind. "Where are you taking me?"

"Boss wants to see you." His jaw ticked. I followed him towards a door, at the back of the house. A woman stood in front of the door, a tablet in her hands. "Name?"

"Spencer." He rolled his eyes at the woman. "I work here."

The woman's eyes widened at his statement and stepped aside, muttering apologies. She opened the door, revealing a set of stairs which lead downstairs. Hidden, secured, No doubt the auction. "What's down there?" I still faked my awareness of the whole situation as we walked down the stairs.

"Come with me." Spencer said, looking behind to make sure I was following when he entered a room, filled with girls dressed in pretty gowns like mine and masks to conceal their identity. "What's going on?" I turned to face him and asked.

"You'll see. Be on your best behavior and do not do anything stupid." He warned, his eyes doing a quick sweep of the room. I could have sworn I saw guilt flashed in them but he masked it off. "Know that I never meant for this to happen."

"Meant for what to happen?", Still played dumbed. I just needed to make them believe I really was clueless but Spencer's words made me feel guilty, for some reason. Maybe I was guilty because he felt guilty. I shrugged it off, and walked away from him after he refused to answer my question and said, 'Wait here' as if I was just someone they could boss around.

I approached the girls who were sitting on the couch, some of them were aware of my presence while the others appeared lost in thoughts. Disgust made my stomach twitch, knowing the fate of those girls. Could Carter save all of them? Could I? Could We? I knew I wouldn't rest until I tried to save them from their already written fate by Christian Hale.

"You're new?", A girl dressed in a green gown and gold mask asked, biting her nails, making it obvious how nervous she was. I smiled at her, shaking my head. "No. I have been held here for a while."

"Oh." She frowned, "We thought we had been saved from our master only to realize we were sold to another."

I looked at her, and frowned at the term she used, 'Master'. I knew sex trafficking was a thing but I didn't know I would ever find myself tangled in one of those situations. "Im sorry."

She shrugged, giving me a smile that didn't reach her eyes. "It's fine. We have gotten used to it."

That was something no girl should ever have to say. Gotten used to what, exactly? Sex? Abuse? I wanted to kill whoever hurt them, whoever touched them without their permission. I wanted to end rapists and torture them in the worst ways possible. That was the moment I realized, Carter Hale screwed up my mind so badly that I literally couldn't think of anything other hurting men who got off hurting others.

"No." I shook my head, "I will try to get you out of here. I promise." A promise which I was going to keep and I would die trying to save them. All of them.

Gratitude flashed in front of her eyes as she teared up but quickly wiped away the tears to avoid ruining her makeup. "Thank you. Thank you so much. You have no idea what this means to me. To us." She looked at the other girls who, too, looked at me with hope in their eyes. I knew I couldn't break my promise, I was going to do everything I could to keep it. I had to come up with a plan and fast.

"Tell me everything you know about tonight. Everything you were told. Don't leave one thing out."

"I heard some men whispering outside, saying how we will all be taken to the same place. Some club." She paused, as if trying to remember the conversation. "The Devil's club. He said they will show off their newest toys."

"I won't let anything happen to you. To any of you." I said, giving them a little smile as they thanked me. For the first time ever, I felt like I had a purpose in life. Like I needed to do something. I needed to save those girls and I would do it. Whatever it took.

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