Chapter 37

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We were all rushed in a van, all the ones which were sold, that is. I didn't know whether to be pissed at Carter or grateful he saved me by 'buying' me. I hated that word. It was the only way, it had to be. He couldn't risk getting caught or his father finding out about his presence amongst his men. But, I couldn't deny the fact that he did exaggerate on the One million dollars.

"You said you won't let anything happen to us." One of the girls said, sadness visible on her features.

"I will not." I assured her when the van came to a stop, signaling that we reached the club where we were to be taken. The number of expensive cars outside proved that the men who bought them were already inside, waiting. Christian Hale's men walked in front of us, some of them behind us and opened the door of the club, urging us to enter. When we did, we were greeted with a number of men inside, all these faces I'd recognized from the auction earlier. These men were all amongst the bidders. I noticed a couple, the one who sat next to Carter. Their eyes were on me while mine started to search for a familiar one.

"You know the rules." John spoke, "Have your fun, no killing." The men and the few women chuckled in response, nodding along. "I shall leave you alone, then. Have a good time." He then turned to us, to me. "Have fun, sweetheart." Bastard. I was going to kill him, too. 

Once John and the rest of Christian Hale's men left, The girls and myself hesitated. We didn't know what to do next. We just stood there like statues, waiting for I don't know what while each of their hungry eyes devoured us. My eyes scanned the crowd, looking for Carter but no avail. "It seems like your buyer didn't show up." The man who sat next to Carter approached me along with his wife. "You can come with us."

"That will not be necessary." A voice I was hoping to hear spoke behind me. "She's mine. I thought I made that clear?" Carter came to stand beside me, the girls stepped aside to let him. "Well? Don't just stand there. Get lost." And with a scoff and eye roll, the couple did. They returned back to their seats.

"Ah, we will have a good time. Won't we, gentlemen and ladies?" Carter received agreements from everyone in the crowd. "Why don't we make this night interesting and start it off with a game?"
The people seemed intrigued, he took that as his cue to continue which made me think, what game he was playing. "It's a drinking game." When I tell you someone whistled at that. "Sex without alcohol is boring sex." He winked, gesturing the waiter who was carrying a plate full of glasses filled with alcohol. "Let's get drunk first."

"He's right." A fat man in the back barked, "Sex without alcohol is indeed boring. My dick needs alcohol to work quicker." I almost threw up at that. The fat man took a glass for himself as did the rest. Everyone of them did. Carter then turned to the girls, "Go on. Go to your buyers."

The girls looked at me, pleadingly. I looked at Carter who nodded, his eyes told me to trust him and I did. I, too, gave the girls a nod. Once they were at their buyers' sides, Carter raised his glass. "Let's drink now." He brought the glass to his lips but never took a sip. He watched, watched every one of the men and women who were present in the auction drink.

"Put your hand behind your back." He leaned down and whispered. Once I did what he asked of me, I felt a cold metal against my skin. He'd given me a knife. "Make a mess, princess." I looked at him only to be greeted with a smirk. I glanced at the men and women who was drinking. It was impossible. "Wait for it." He said, keeping his gaze on the crowd. My fist clenched at the sight of that fat man's hand reaching out to touch one of the girls but then, he just stopped. He stopped moving. They all did.

It took me a second to realize that he'd drug them all. None of them could move. He'd given them a Paralytic drug, put in each of their drinks. That was fucking genius. Carter had a grin on his face, while the girls were confused.

"Now." He spoke, grabbing my hand. He didn't ask for permission this time. Maybe he didn't feel the need to just like How I didn't want him to. I knew something was wrong with me, and I had to figure out what. "That was easier than I expected." With my hand still in his, he stepped forward and stood in front of the buyers. "You are a bunch of foolish people, trusting someone you've never met before so blindly."

"What did you do to us?" The wife spoke. "Why can't I move?"

"It's not permanent. The drug will wear off." He rolled his eyes at her, "But unfortunately, you'll be dead before that happens." He then turned to the girls who had relief written on their features. "You'll be given a choice." He said, "Either you kill the person who bought you and live with the fact that you killed someone for the rest of your lives or, you get out of here and forget that this ever happened. Should you mention a word of who was involved in this to anyone, I will hunt you down and kill myself."

Some of the girls left the place quickly while the others stayed. "There are knives in the drawer behind you. Suit yourselves. Once done, get out of here."

"As for you," He turned to me, "You are free to kill whoever you want, princess." He glanced at the couple whose eyes widened in fear, "Let's start with them. Take the woman, I take the man."

"In front of each other?" I asked, the thought of killing them in front of each other exciting me. What was wrong with me? I supposed, that was what hanging out with Carter made me. A monster. And the worst of it all? I liked it. I felt strong, powerful and in control for the first time in my life.

"Yes." My hand still in his, we walked toward the paralyzed couple. "We have 30 minutes before the drug wears off."

"Ready?" He asked, earning a nod from me as we stood in front of them. Both of their eyes which were once filled with confidence and power were now replaced with fear and weakness. They were weak in front of us, at our mercy. Completely powerless. "Let's get on with it then."

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