Chapter 4

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Warning, warning, warning.

The following chapter contains scenes of abuse, harsh words and stuff which some of you might be uncomfortable with. If you have a problem reading such scene, skip if for your own sake. I will not take responsibility if something happens to you while you're reading. You have been warned.

Thank you.

On with the story. Happy reading!

My father was still asleep when i came home, thankfully. I went directly to my room, took a shower and changed into comfortable clothes.

I had a whole day to think about my newest client. One who intimidated me. Normally, I was the one who asked the questions but in there, i could barely form a sentence and that was concerning for a psychiatrist.

Opening my laptop, i chose to write the positive reports right now. It was already 2:32 pm and i had to go to the diner at 4 pm sharp. No, i didn't leave my job as a waitress in the diner. For two reasons. First one being, the job took my mind off things at home and kept me away from home. My father was mostly home so, I'd rather stay out of his way. The second reason being, I still had to give him money and if he realized i was making a lot more than usual, he would take everything. My priority was keeping him from finding out about this job.

I was relentless and found myself wanting for the next session with Carter. The guy intrigued me. The way he spoke, he way he composed himself, the way he looked at me like he could see right through my soul. For some fucked up reason, i believed him when he said he didn't kill his sister. I wanted to know more about him, about his purpose, the reasons, everything.

I started writing the reports, positive reports so far. I was not going to lie in my reports but what I was writing- the positive words, weren't lies. It was my first session with him and he didn't give me any trouble so i wasn't going to lie and write otherwise. Once i wrote the reports, it had already been 3:45. By the time i got ready for work, it was 3:55. I had only five minutes to arrive at the diner and thankfully, it was a one minute walk from home. 
The diner was packed when i entered. More than usual which was strange considering it was only a Tuesday evening. I asked another waitress, Elisa, for Carmen, the owner of this place. "Darling, this new couple just celebrated their second anniversary. They decided to come here with their relative." Her answer cleared my confusion. 

"Serve table number four. They have been waiting and Elisa is busy with the dishes." She added earning a nod from me before i approached the table with my notepad and pen in hands. I walked up to them with a smile on my face, "Are you ready to order yet?"

The couple took yet another glance at the menu before ordering two cheese burgers and a bottle of sprite. I went to the kitchen where Marco, the Chef and Carmen's husband, was cooking and gave him the order. It didn't take him long to prepare it and once he did, he handed me the food on a tray and i gave the couple their order not before asking them to tell me if they need anything else. They gave me a very generous tip, once that i knew for a fact my father would take the second i get home. I thanked them for their generosity before rushing to take other people's orders. 

It was already 8:00 pm when the diner was empty and it was time to close. After me and Elisa cleaned up, i left and started to walk home. I had always been scared of walking on the streets alone at night. I didn't live in some fancy city where there were police officers strolling around at night to protect their citizens, no. I lived in a place where you were all that you have and if someone talk to you, you ignore that person and walk the other way. People residing in these streets were burglars, thieves, murderers even and you had to avoid walking on the streets at night because that was when the wolves hunt.

As i walked further, nearly reaching home, i felt a presence behind me. Not risking to stop and look behind, i kept my gaze straight and sped up my pace. My house was in view and the presence was getting closer. I let out of a sign of relief when my hands finally touched my door knob. I twisted it open, entered my house and slammed the door shut before releasing yet another sigh of relief. I just hoped i wasn't being paranoid and someone was really following me.

A gasp left my lips at the sight of my father standing in front of me with raised eyebrows. "Did you bring my beer?" He questioned, making me look at him in confusion. What beer?

"I sent you a message." He clarified, "In which i specifically told you to bring me back a beer when you come back."

"I didn't receive any texts from you."

If looks could kill, I'd be 6 feet under. "I did send you a text." He closed his eyes, his fists clenching at his sides.

"But i didn't receive any texts." I repeated before taking out my phone and showed him the non-existent messages. "See?"

"Are you calling me a liar?", He snarled, grabbing my neck, choking me in the process. "I sent you a fucking text demanding that you bring beer when you come back home. Did i mention that there would be consequences if you didn't bring my bottle?"

"I swear you didn't-" My words were cut short by a stinging sensation on my cheeks. He grabbed me by my hair and brought me down to the basement.

"I told you," He continued dragging me downstairs, not giving me the time to stand up and walk by myself, "-There are consequences for your actions, sweetheart." Once downstairs, he threw me on the ground and i winced at the contact of my elbow hitting the ground.

The basement. It was like my second room. A torture room. I hated this place more than i hated my father. It was where he brought me whenever his mind told him i deserved to be punished for whatever reason like at that moment.

He fastened his pace towards me, gripped me yet again by my wrist and brought me to the tank. The water tank. I shook my head, attempting to get away from him and the tank but no avail. "Stop fucking moving, bitch." He looked at me, "This could have been avoided if you didn't lie."

"I didn't lie."

He looked at me disapprovingly. "Lies again." He didn't give me a chance to say anything else when he plunged my head under the water. "Embrace the darkness. It will all be over soon." Was the last thing i heard before i listened to him and embraced the darkness.

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