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I was beginning to think literal Hell would have been less boring than this hell hole. All I did all day was stay in this room of mine and I was not even allowed to go out- courtesy of Christian Hale. "Can I come in?" The sweet voice of Emilia spoke from behind the door. "Yes." She entered the room with a tray of fruits, making my mouth water at the mere sight. Just what I needed.

"Thank you, Emilia." I smiled at her as she placed the tray on the table before taking a seat herself. "I wanted to speak to you regarding Carter." She spoke in a hushed tone, making me raise an eyebrow. "What about him?"

"His father wasn't lying about him." She admitted, looking unsure whether she should even be revealing this. "Carter had always been a troubled child even before his mother's passing."

Apparently I was, too, but of course I didn't tell her that. I didn't even know myself what was wrong with me. All i knew was that I liked the version of myself whenever Carter was around. He made me feel alive for some reason. "I got news, girl." Emilia's next words earned my full attention. "Christian Hale will be meeting with some men in his meeting room down the hall in one hour."

"And..." She smacked me on my arm for my stupid question. "And there will be a lot of talking related to the organizations in that meeting. I say you shouldn't miss such an opportunity, girl."

"How on earth am I suppose to infiltrate a meeting like this? Im nobody. It's not like they're just gonna let me in." I almost rolled my eyes at her before an idea came to me. Risky as it was, It was worth it. "I could place my phone in there before the meeting starts and record everything."

Emilia clapped her hands together, grinning. "Yes. I am to clean the room before they arrive, make sure everything is in place. I can place the phone for you." She offered.

I frowned thinking about the numerous things that could happen to her should she get caught. They'd know it was her considering she was the one who was given the task to make sure everything was in order for the meeting. She would be the only person in the room before the meeting started. Who placed the phone should they find it would be an easy guess. "It's risky for you. Are you sure you are willing to take that risk? If they find it's you..." she waved me off, smiling. "I'd do anything to watch Christian Hale suffer. That man deserves to rot in hell."

"Here." I smiled at her before handing over my phone. "Hide it well." She nodded and took her with my phone in hand. I just hoped everything would go find and they wouldn't notice the phone. I made sure to put it on silent mode before giving her the phone. The whole time I prayed to whoever was up there that Christian Hale or anyone else do not notice the phone.


"You did not." Xane groaned, punching the bag yet again after I was done telling him everything that I did to save Amaryllis. "You're so pussy whipped, bro."

I rolled my eyes, hitting my own punching bag. "Im not pussy whipped. You would have done the same thing if you were me."

Xane stopped the bag from hitting his face. "I would. Your father is such an asshole." He hit the bag again. "How did I work for him for so long?"

"The money was good." He grinned at my statement. "Yes, it was."

"Are they training?" I asked, referring to the italians. My men. They would help me in the upcoming war against my father and god knew they needed all the help they could get.

"Yup. Everyday." He said. "They're tougher than they look." He grabbed the punching bag, stopping it. "If I don't go back to your dad, he's gonna figure out we are planning some shit." I hated the fact that he was right. As stupid as that sounded, he did have to return to my father because he had a job to do for him. A job to assassinate Amaryllis which he 'failed' at. But my father knew better. He knew Xane never failed at his job. He had to answer for what he did or spend the rest of his life running from him until my father is dead, that is. Which should be soon.

"I have to kill someone else for him or return the money he'd given me in advance." He sighed, before a grin took over. "There has never been a choice."

I shook my head, knowing he'd choose to keep the money and kill someone else rather than giving it away. Xane was a homeless orphan growing up. He didn't have the luxurious life like I did. Money meant a great deal for him and I understood why. He never wondered who his parents were or where he came from. He looked carefree but I knew better. Someone like him was bound to explode at some point and when that happens, I knew I would be there for him.

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