Chapter 3

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"So, Mr Hale," I started, "How do you feel?" Dumb question.

He raised an eyebrow as he stared at me, amusement swimming in his pretty eyes. "Tell me, Miss Banks," His voice was one of a kind. Deep, manly, mature and dangerous. "Is this your first time doing this?"

"It's my job." I answered. "I have never played psychiatrist with a murderer before, if that's what you are asking." He tightened his jaw at my answer and clenched his fists on the table. "Is there a problem, Mr Hale?"

"No fucking problem." He barked, closing his eyes for a second as he was trying to compose himself. "What did you hear about me?"

"How old are you?", i ignored his question and asked one of mine. I was the one asking questions here, not him.

His answer almost made my jaw drop on the ground. He was young. One year older than me. "Twenty two." He raised yet another brow at my reaction, "You seem surprised. Do i look older?"

"No." I cleared my throat. It was my turn to compose myself. "You have been in here for 3 years...." I thought out loud, "I guess i thought no 19 years old was capable of murder."

"That's because you haven't seen the ugliest part of the world yet, princess." He stated in the most serious tone i ever heard. "What made you accept this job?"

"Money." I shrugged, trying my best not to be intimidated by his presence. His lips formed a tight line. "You don't look like you need money."

"Don't judge someone based on appearances." I stated, rolling my eyes at his statement. "Says the one who has been judging me since she stepped in this room."

"Im not judging based on appearances, Mr Hale. I am judging based on what i have heard." I looked at him, "I have heard that you are a murderer who wants to be free. Don't you think you deserve to be punished for your actions?"

"I believe i have been punished enough." His voice was loud, almost sounded angry. If he wasn't cuffed, I'd probably be six feet under. "Tell me, Miss Banks. Would you believe me if i told you i was framed for murder?"

"Depends which murder we are talking about." I said before i could stop myself. I knew whom he killed. His family. I had to learn more about the man so i googled him and turns out, he murdered his mother and his sister. His father put him here, afraid he would be next on his list.

His lips curled up at my response. "I will tell you something." He stood up, bending as much as he could to whisper the following to me. "I killed my mother because she was an abusive bitch who was hell bent on hurting me and my sister. Someone had to do it and i was happy to be the one." His face was so close to mine. "But i wasn't the one who killed my sister. I was framed for her death."

"I was asked to help you with your psychotic issues." I backed away, "This was something you should have told the judge. Not me."

"Why would a judge believe a psychopath, princess?", He asked, seeming more relaxed than before.

"Why should i believe you?" I raised a questioning brow at him. "You are a psychopath."

"The kind who kills for someone." He stated, not missing a beat. I was about to say something when then the door slammed open, reminding us that our time for today is done. I hadn't realize it had already been 1 hour 30 minutes since we have been sitting here.

"Today's session is over." Mr Sawyer reminded us as i stood up, getting my bag.

"I can't wait for our next session." Carter smirked, "Wednesday, yes?"

I met his gaze. "Yes."

Mr Sawyer looked at both of us before a smile took over his features. "Im glad to see you two are getting along."

Carter didn't reply to that. He just stared at his hands in handcuffs. His arms were covered in tattoos. Most people's tattoos have a significant meaning. I took a mental note to ask him about them during our next session on Wednesday.

Mr Sawyer placed his hand at the small of my back and i involuntary flinched at the contact. He looked at me confused before retreating his hand, shaking his head muttering an apology. I looked back to see Carter in deep thoughts. Shrugging it off, i walked pass Mr Sawyer and went to stand outside.

"I will write the reports at home." I said earning a nod from him.

"Positive reports, Miss Banks." He sighed, "We need to convince the judge he is harmless."

"Is he?", i questioned. His lips curled up at my question, "Trust me, Miss Banks. I have known him since he was in diapers. He is not a dangerous man and besides, your job is to get him out of this cage. Do it properly and you'll be heavily rewarded."

"Thank you for reminding me, Mr Sawyer." I smiled, one that didn't quite reach my eyes. "I shall write the positive reports at home." I emphasized on the word positive, "We will see each other again on Wednesday." Not bothering to wait for an answer from him, i turned my heels and walked towards the gate, in a hurry to get out of this place.

I had already texted the Uber while holding a conversation with the lawyer. Thankfully, he arrived only five minutes later. He could have taken longer. I was reluctant to go home considering i didn't bother telling my father where i was going this early and if he is already awake and got hungry, lord knows what was going to happen to me.

Taking a deep breath, i looked outside the window, silently praying that he was still asleep when i reached home.

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