Chapter 21

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I decided I would get the tattoo I told Amaryllis I would get shortly after killing Vincenzo. Xane and I were currently in a hotel room we booked, having arrived in Italy almost two hours ago, we took the liberty of raiding my father's jet- That is, we took every gun, every knife, every blade we found. It would be useful on this mission of ours. My father's jet was as armed as were his men. He was never safe and he knew it hence, the over being over armed at all times and shoving guns in whatever he owed.

"You sure about this?", Xane asked, obviously not sure about my plan on taking over the Italian mafia by killing Vincenzo.

I raised a brow at him, loading my gun. "You know it's the only way to take over the Italian mafia. The Italian men have always chosen their leader this way. The stronger one gets to lead. Their mafia is all about who's stronger, the background of said person doesn't mean shit to them as long as they are being lead."

"It won't be easy to get to Vincenzo." Xane stated. I already knew that. Vincenzo was a hard man to kill. Especially in his country. He would be surrounded by guards twenty four-seven. "Many have tried and failed." Yet another statement- a fact. One that I have already confirmed. No wonder why the bastard is still alive. The Italians were no fool. They chose Vincenzo as their leader because the latter has a set of skills which are unique to them. He was an assassin first, then decided he wanted to lead a group of men and went on to kill the former don of the Italians and succeeded.

"They weren't me." I winked at him. "I won't fail. I never do." One thing I was actually good at was killing people- No, murdering people. Amaryllis thought of me as a sane man but I was far from a sane man. I was insane. I adored killing, I enjoyed the screams of my victims when I torture them, I Loved seeing their soul leaving their eyes when I am done with them. I knew I was fucked the second I started killing with Xane.

When you kill people, you lose your soul along with them. Piece by piece but, you lose it. And I lost mine when I was around twelve thanks to my father who made me kill twelve men as my birthday gift. Normal parents would place twelve candles on their kid's twelfth birthday but my father gave me twelve men to murder instead of a cake with fucking candles.

"When do we leave?", He asked as I swiftly caught the dagger he threw to me. "In a few."

Xane seemed unsure about this whole thing but The excitement in his eyes lead me to believe he was just as fucked up as I was. "You will just waltz your way into his house and kill him?"

"Yes." I shrugged, earning a nod from him. He stayed silent for a few seconds before he spoke again. "What if you get killed?"

"Then i get killed." I ran a hand through my hair, "Since when did you become such a pussy?"

I earned a glare from Xane at this statement. "Im not being a pussy. Im just concerned about my future. I don't want to get killed or have anything happen to me." He sighed before continuing. "What if i lose my dick in the process? How will I continue my bloodline? How will I make kids? There won't be mini Xanes around."

"Shut the fuck up." I groaned at this. He wasn't even serious. Xane had made it clear he didn't want to have a future. That's why he chose this life. He wanted the danger, the blood. Like I did. That's why we bonded. We bonded over our bloodlust. "Let's go. We got a Mafia to take over."

We stood in front of the gate of Vincenzo's house, waiting for it to open. "Open the damn gate, Vince. Don't you want to greet your old mate?" I smiled at the camera facing us, aware that we were being watched by Vincenzo himself, no doubt. "We just want to talk."

Seconds later, the gate opened, allowing us to enter. We resumed our path towards the mansion and heard the gate closed behind us. His house was pretty huge, but nothing compared to mine. The door opened, revealing a petite brunette who looked like she was in her twenties. She reminded me of Amaryllis on that part, except those black soulless eyes of hers, staring at me and Xane.

She stepped aside, revealing Vincenzo himself along with five guards which only showed how he scared he already was. Vincenzo was a coward, hiding behind those murderous guards of his.

"Vincenzo, my old friend." I walked into his house without permission. "It has been so long. Wouldn't you say?" I approached him and raised a questioning brow when his guards stepped forward. Raising my hands in a surrendering manner to mock him, I said. "Chill, Vince here and myself have known each other long before he killed your former boss."

"What are you doing here, Carter?", Vincenzo spoke, his voice calm yet, fear was visible in his tone. "Are you armed?"

"Of course, I am armed." I glared at his security who took a step toward me again. "What kind of fool would I be if i I walked in the lion's den unarmed?"

He hummed, looking at Xane. "And you are?"

"A friend." He grinned, saying nothing other than that as Vincenzo spoke. "What's the son of my enemy doing in my house?"

"I have missed you." I answered, sarcastically before making myself comfortable on his couch, shortly being joined by Xane.

"Last I heard, you were rotting away In prison." He smirked, as if enjoying himself at the fact that I was in prison.

"Last I heard, you had hair." I almost rolled my eyes. "And a wife. What happened?"

Vincenzo's fists clenched, His security was at our sides within seconds. I knew damned well his wife was killed because of him. "Cut the crap, Carter. Your father wouldn't have let you come here for no apparent reasons."

I raised an eyebrow at him. "Fine. You're right." I stood up, "I came here to kill you but, not on my father's orders." And with that, hell broke loose.

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