Chapter 10

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"Slow down, man." My cell man slightly chuckled, fear evident in his tone. "You will break the punching bag.... If that's even possible."

Matthew Anderson. The most annoying person i have met since my arrival here. Matthew, or Matt, as i prefer, has shown me kindness and respect in a way no one in this shit hole has and for that reason, he would be the last person i kill and his death will be quicker than most.

Now, im not a psychopath alright? This man here, might have been nice to me but guy's a straight up rapist and pedophile. He mentioned that to me, thinking i was like him and we would bond over talking about fucking little girls.

Ignoring him, i threw a harder punch at the punching bad, again and again. The thoughts of my father taking action against Amaryllis made my blood boil for some fucked up reason. Maybe it was because i didn't want an innocent to get hurt for helping me.

When she told me about who paid her a little visit, i was relieved it was him but also conscious of the dangers she was now in and of the target she had become for many. My father had pissed off a lot of people for business purposes and some people thought hurting me would hurt him thus the whole, using-his-son-to-hurt-him shit, completely unaware of the lack of fucks from his part.

"Fuck man," Matt hissed, breaking me from my thoughts. I rolled my eyes at his  figure on the ground, holding his nose. "I think you broke my nose."

"You could have stopped it." i referred to the punching bad before shrugging. "Guess this is what happens when you are used to deal with people who cannot defend themselves just to show off strength you don't have."

His eyes widened but he quickly replaced it with a grin, thinking this was a compliment. At this point, i started reconsidering what I said earlier about making his death quicker than the others. "Ah, im strong. Im just not in a mood right now."

"Wonder in what mood you could possibly be." Sarcasm dripped off my tone. I clenched my fists, punching the bag yet again. This man made me sick but there were far worse motherfuckers in this place. For instance, the guy who i fucked up at lunch for good reasons. He was that monster parents were afraid of for their little girls.

"Slow down, man." He backed away from me and cornered himself at the wall, "You look like you're losing your shit."

If only he knew how right he was. "Nah, man," I mocked, "Im just blowing off some steam."

He chuckled nervously, nodding in the process before asking, "How has the therapy sessions been?"

Deep breaths, Carter. Think about what Amaryllis said. Good behavior will get me bail quicker and the sooner i could take my revenge on my father. I gave him a tight smile. "Fine."

"I heard she's hot looking." He added, licking his lips as if he was fantasizing about fucking her.

Remember, Carter. No prison fights. 

"The guards are quite observant here." His annoying voice was heard again. "They described how that ass was fuck-able and how her lips were perfect." Restrain yourself, Carter. That fucker wasn't lying, why was i getting pissed then? Why was i fantasizing about killing him?

A groan escaped his lips as his fantasies about Amaryllis continued. "Bet those lips would feel real nice wrapped around my co-" He hissed in pain at the contact of the punching bag hitting his face before he could continue his sentence.

"Shit." I faked a concerned tone. "You good, man?" I stopped the punching bag when it came back in my direction. I didn't mean to hit it this hard but i did aim to hit him so i supposed, it was a win and win.

"Oh yeah." He held his thumb up while his other hand held his nose. "Mistakes happen."

I gave him a curt nod, faking a concern expression as much as i could, mentally killing him in my head. Just when i decided to continue reading a book ive started for time pass, a guard hit his stick on the metallic bars of the call, earning my attention. "Carter Hale. You got a visitor."

I raised a questioning eyebrow at this, knowing it was futile to ask who considering they never give away who has come to visit a prisoner so that no one refuses to go meet said person.  He opened the door as i stepped out and walked in front of him, another guard beside me.

"I don't eat human flesh." I stated, noticing how the guard next to me nervously twisted his stick in his hands, almost stumbling as he walked further.

"Don't talk to me." his voice reeked of fear, making a smirk appear on my face. "We have been given instructions not to have any sort of conversations with you."

"I know." I knew everything that went on in this shit hole. Information is a weapon in our world. One wrong information get out or fall in the wrong hands, there could be war.

We stepped in the visitation room and the guard left not before saying, "15 minutes." My breath caught up in my throat upon seeing my visitor. I shrugged it off, walked to the booth and sat in front of the glass separating us before picking up my respective handset as he did too.

This space was designed to allow inmates to meet and communicate with others while maintaining a level of security and separation. There was a series of small booths or cubicles, each equipped with a glass partition. The glass separates the inmate from their visitor to prevent physical contact while still allowing for visual and auditory communication. The glass is usually thick and reinforced to ensure the safety of everyone involved.

We were generally required to wear our prison uniform and were closely monitored by correctional officers or staff members. The visitor's side of the glass usually had seating arrangements, typically consisting of chairs or benches for the visitors.

The atmosphere was noisy and chaotic at times due to the presence of other visitors and inmates in close proximity. The glass partition and the telephone system helped in minimizing background noise and maintaining privacy during conversations.

I rolled my eyes at the correctional officers and staff members who were present in the room to monitor the interactions, ensure safety, and address any concerns that may arise. They also enforced time limits on visits to accommodate all visitors and maintained order within the facility.

I glared at the man sitting in front of me, trying to figure out why he came here despite my countless objections.
"What the fuck do you understand by 'lay low', Xane?"

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