Chapter 12

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I struggled to catch my breath once i made it to my room and closed my door. My father did a number on me today for reasons i couldn't understand. I sighed remembering how he never had any good reason to treat me the way he did.

I looked at my reflection in the mirror, slightly cringing at the sight.
My face bore the marks of distress and pain. Red marks surrounded my neck, strands of my disheveled hair fell on my face, my lips were swollen and i looked pale. Like a person who hadn't eaten in days. Nothing a shower and makeup couldn't hide, i thought to myself.

With that thought, i stepped into the shower, my back burning at the contact of the water falling on my skin. I winced, remembering how he didn't spare my back either. If it wasn't for the call he received from one of his drug dealers, i wouldn't be standing in this shower. 

I could have used the gun and killed him but instead, i decided to keep it hidden in my bag at that time. The thought crossed my mind while he was busy feeding his belt, if that makes sense.

I had only ten minutes before my shift started. I was going to be late. Once i wore my clothes, i applied foundation on my bruises, an attempt to hide them. Satisfied with the work done, i lifted up my mattress where i hid the gun, grabbed it and placed it in my handbag before leaving for work. I was still unsure about this whole thing but i knew better than to ignore the warnings
of Carter and that guy whose identity i have yet to know.

The sun had dipped below the horizon, casting a warm orange glow across the sky as i walked to the diner. The air held a slight chill, hinting at the approaching night. My footsteps echoed softly against the pavement, creating a rhythmic melody as i walked on the familiar path.

Leaves rustled under my feet, remnants of a gentle breeze that had passed through earlier. Streetlights began to flicker on one by one, illuminating the path ahead. The dim glow cast elongated shadows that danced and swayed along the sidewalk, giving the surroundings a mystical touch.

The aroma of freshly baked bread and sizzling meat wafted through the air as i approached the diner. The tantalizing smells mingled with the crisp evening breeze, creating a sensory delight that greeted my senses. The neon sign, adorned with the words "The Starlight Diner," flickered above the entrance, beckoning me inside.

Glancing through the large windows, i caught glimpses of patrons enjoying their meals, their faces illuminated by the soft, warm lights within. The muted chatter and clinking of cutlery created a comforting ambiance that brought a smile on my face.

As i stepped through the door, the familiar jingle of the bell greeted me, announcing my arrival. The interior exuded a cozy atmosphere with its vintage decor and classic jukebox playing nostalgic tunes in the background. The soft lighting cast a warm, golden hue over the tables, each adorned with gingham tablecloths and small vases of wildflowers.

Elisa busied herself behind the counter, attending to customers and preparing delicious dishes, waiting for my help no doubt. The aroma of coffee filled the air, intermingling with the sizzling sounds from the grill. The clinking of plates and the occasional burst of laughter created a lively symphony that resonated throughout the diner.

I made your way to the back where the staff lockers were located, hanging up my coat, slipping into my uniform and placed my handbag carefully inside the locker before locking it. I walked to Elisa, giving her a hand after apologizing to Carmem for being late. She shrugged it off, saying it was fine.

By the time it was 6:30, the diner was full with people, each booths were occupied. I prayed i wouldn't meet another stranger claiming he was sent to kill me again or, i wouldn't meet the same stranger. After taking the orders and being given a very generous tip from an elderly couple, i went back to the locker and removed my uniform, noticing it was time to close.

I grabbed my handbag and stepped out where Carmen, Her husband and Elisa stood, gossiping no doubt about the Kardashians. It had always been their hobby, their favorite thing to talk about. 
I waved them goodbye before stepping out of the diner.

The once friendly and familiar atmosphere in the diner was replaced with a cold and scary one. The night air greeted me with a chilling breeze, swirling fallen leaves around my ankles. The dimly lit street stretched out before me, the flickering street lamps casting long shadows that seemed to dance with every gust of wind. It was so evident that my neighborhood was far from friendly.

The street was lined with dilapidated buildings, their boarded-up windows and cracked facades serving as a grim reminder of the area's uncertain past. The flickering neon signs of closed shops and the occasional distant sound of sirens added to the atmosphere of unease. As i adjusted my coat and pulled my collar closer to ward off the biting cold, i couldn't shake the feeling that eyes were watching my every move from the darkened corners.

The flickering streetlight above me cast an eerie glow on the cracked pavement, revealing the scattered debris and faded graffiti that marred the walls. The rhythmic click of my footsteps echoed through the desolate streets, creating an unsettling soundtrack to my journey home. Every sound, whether distant or nearby, seemed to magnify, making me acutely aware of my vulnerability in this unfriendly neighborhood if i didn't count my gun, that is.

My heart skipped a beat when i saw the scene ahead of me. A group of rough-looking individuals stood huddled beneath a flickering lamppost, their hooded figures obscured by the shadows. Their menacing presence sent a chill down my spine, and i quickened my pace, hoping to avoid any confrontation.

The distant hum of a car engine filled the air, growing louder with each passing moment. An old, beaten-up sedan rounded the corner, its headlights casting an intermittent beam of light that momentarily illuminated the scene. The sudden exposure revealed the group's hardened faces, their expressions a mix of boredom and suspicion.

My heart pounded in my chest as the car passed by, its occupants exchanging quick glances in my direction. I felt their eyes linger on me, assessing my presence in their territory. A sense of relief washed over me as the car disappeared into the night, leaving me alone on the dimly lit street once more.

With renewed determination, i hurried my steps, the click of my shoes echoing louder, perhaps betraying my growing unease. I couldn't help but cast nervous glances over my shoulder, half-expecting to see shadows closing in on me. Every rustling sound, every distant shout sent shivers down my spine, heightening my senses and urging me to reach the hell hole i grew up calling home.

The flickering porch light provided little comfort, but it was a small beacon of hope in the darkness. As i fumbled for my keys, my trembling hands betrayed my anxiety. With a sigh of relief, the door swung open, and i stepped into the warm embrace of my home, leaving the unfriendly neighborhood and its ominous aura behind only to enter another one.

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