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"When you're back, you will tell me everything that has occurred during the race, including the people he's talked to." Was the only thing Christian Hale told me when I asked him if I could go with Carter to a race. Carter only grinned when I told him. 

I was currently standing in front of the mirror, glancing at my reflection. When I stepped out of the shower, I found an outfit sitting on my bed, courtesy of Carter. It was a black top, a leather jacket, a pair of jeans and a pair of black boots. I smiled at the note left on top of the outfits.
Wear me. -C.
Psychopath who?

Once I was dressed, I went downstairs to find Carter. He stood in the living room, talking to whoever on the phone. When I stepped in his view, his eyes roamed around my body shamelessly and a smirk appeared on his lips. I took in his outfit and realized that we were matching. He, too, wore a leather jacket and was dressed in black. I bit my lips at the thought of him wanting to match with me. So much for a heartless psycho. He said a few words to the person he was talking to and ended the call before approaching me. He ran his finger over the leather jacket, "I can't wait to get these off you."

I forgot to breathe for a second when he uttered these words, remembering our moment in the kitchen. I still couldn't believe that Carter kissed me. We could have gone further if it wasn't for the bruises.

Was I ready for that? No. Was I ready for that with Carter? Absolutely. I lost all reason whenever he was around. I had yet to figure out what was wrong with me. "Let's go before your father changes his mind."

He nodded and grabbed my hand, leading me outside. We stopped in front of a large door. "What's behind this?"
He only smirked at my question before typing in the passcode. The door opened, revealing a garage. I gasped when I took in the area, filled with different cars. "These are yours?"

"Yup." We walked around the cars, he let me. He let me looked at the cars for as long as I could. "Take your pick."

"You want me to choose one?" I couldn't stop the smile from taking over my features. He nodded, smirking. "Yes."

I walked over to a black and gold Lamborghini which caught my eyes. It was beautiful. "This one." Carter grinned at my choice, taking the keys which were hanging on the wall. "My favorite. Get in." He opened the door for me, waited for me to get in before going over to the driver's seat. "Hang on tight." He said before pressing on the accelerator. Before I knew it, the car came to an abrupt stop in front of a rather large crowd. "Stay in the car." I was going to object when he opened his door and stepped out of the car without waiting for a response from me. He approached a group of guys and two girls one of which basically threw himself at him. Carter, however, pushed her away from him. I couldn't hear what he said because of the distance but the view was pretty good. He bumped fists with the boys, then turned to look at me.
A grin instantly took over his features and he started walking over to his car along with his friends. He leaned over, gestured me to come out of the car with his fingers and I did.
"That's Amaryllis." He pointed to me then his friends. "These are my friends. Jake, Aiden, Xander, Knox, Dixie and Kylie."

"Hey." Aiden nodded at me, smiling. I returned the gesture and greeted him. "You have a pretty name."
I smiled at his statement and thanked him. Xander spoke next, smiling widely. "Where did you meet this one?"

"In prison." Carter smirked, making Xander's eyes widen in return. "Didn't peg you for the criminal type."

"Im not a criminal." I rolled my eyes at his assumption. "Im a psychiatrist. I helped him."

Xander's mouth formed an 'O' shape after my statement. He nodded. "Makes sense."

All of his friends greeted me except the girl who basically threw herself at him. She kept glaring at me for some unknown reason, not that I cared but it would have been nice to be aware of the reason behind her glares. Kylie, I believe her name was. "Be nice." Her friend, Dixie, the nice and cheerful one, whispered in a not so low voice. Kylie only rolled her eyes in return, muttering a 'Hi' without meeting my gaze. I pretended like I didn't hear her. If she didn't want to speak to me then why should I, right?

"Carter, baby, can I get in the car with you?" Kylie interrupted me, Carter and Aiden's conversation about penguins. Apparently, Aiden's favorite animals are penguins. Carter was getting bored. At one point, he sighed. I had yet to figure out whether it was to piss Aiden off or it was genuine. Me, on the other hand, thought all those talk about penguins was actually kind of cute. His other friends went to get drinks for us while Kylie and Dixie stayed behind, talking amongst themselves until she interrupted. Carter rolled his eyes at first, pretending he didn't hear her. But the Kylie girl kept pressing until Carter finally told her 'No'.

"Then who will be in the car with you?" Her?" The way she said 'Her' with such disgust pissed me off but I didn't act on it. I was better than that. Like Carter did, I ignored her as well. "You can't take some random whore in your car."

Carter turned to her, jaws clenched. "Call her whore one more time, I will fucking skin you alive."

Kylie took a step back, gulping and shaking her head. "You can't take her. You have to take me. You always take me."

The last part of her statement earned my full attention. The fact that Carter took her bothered me more than it should have had. I wondered if she was an ex of his.

"I never took anyone in my car." Carter rolled his eyes. "Stop with the bs, will you? If you can't shut it then get the fuck out of here." Then, Carter turned to me. "Get in the car, the race will be starting soon." He opened the door for me and I got inside without any arguments. Yes, I had a lot of questions but it could wait. Part of me knew Kylie lied, Carter even said it and I believed him. Kylie glared at me and left with Dixie. The guys shortly arrived with our drinks and Carter handed me mine in the car after getting inside himself. "Ready?" He asked, smirking.
"Yes." I took a sip. "You will win, right?"
Instead of a normal 'yes' or 'no' or 'I don't know', He said, "I don't lose." And He didn't.

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