Chapter 20

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"You still haven't told me why I have been brought here." I said, trying to keep myself calm as I stared at the man who murdered his daughter and accused his son of doing so after having  manipulated him into killing his wife.

"You helped my son in prison." He answered, crossing his arms. "You helped him get away. You freed him."

"She did?", The familiar voice of Spencer spoke, sounding surprised. I turned around to look at him and was greeted with a look of... pity? My brows furrowed in confusion, "What?"

Christian Hale cleared his throat, making me turn my attention back to him. "You set loose a monster."

My fists clenched underneath the table, "I did not set loose a monster. Carter is not a monster." I said, "He was wrongly accused of murder."

"True." He smirked, "But, he is a monster. Why do you think I sent him in there?" I stayed silent as he continued speaking. "He's my son and I couldn't control him. He is a psychopath. I thought a few years in a real cage would quench his thirst for blood."

"You're lying." I gritted my teeth, refusing to believe him. He wasn't talking about the Carter I encountered within the walls of the prison. Surely, it couldn't have been that Carter.

He shrugged, a grin forming on his lips. "Ask Spencer and John behind you." He gestured to the two men standing behind me. "Ask them Spencer how Carter slaughtered his sister shortly after killing his mother."

I looked at Spencer who had his fists clenched to his sides. "He didn't do it alone." Christian continued speaking. "He had help from Xane and Rose, his sister. I killed her because she was like her brother."

"Why are you telling me this?" I looked at him and watched him staring at me. He leaned forward, placing his elbows on the table between us. "Because you have to know who will be responsible should he kill anyone again. You. The one who freed him."

I didn't believe him. Of course, I didn't. Why would I believe someone who sent his own kin to prison?

I shrugged, "If that's all you have to say, I would like to go home."

Amusent danced in his eyes as If what I had said was funny. John behind me snorted, I didn't look behind to see Spencer's expression. No doubt, he too, would have had a similar expression to the others. "Your father owes me millions." Christian spoke, "You will stay here, in this house under Spencer and John's watch until he has paid me every penny he took from me."

My eyes widened at this statement. I shook my head. "No."

"It's not a choice." Christian smirked. "Take her." I felt someone's hand on my shoulder and I immediately stood up, getting out of his grasp. "I will walk. Don't touch me."

Spencer raised his hands in a surrendering manner, a hint of amusent in his eyes. "As you wish."

"Looks like I'll be staying here for a while." Sarcasm dripped off my tone as I shot a disgusted glare at my father. "He's never worked a day in his life. He won't get you your money any time soon."

Christian rose up from his seat, approached my father and grabbed him by his collar. "You will pay your debt or I will kill your daughter in front of you."

I watched my father's face, half expecting sadness or pity but I received nothing but a smile as he spoke. "Kill her, fuck her. I don't care." He looked in my direction, "She's nothing to me."

I could have swore I heard my own heart break in the silence that embraced the room after his statement. "And I don't care if she is nothing to you." Christian snarled, "You will pay what you owe me or i will kill you." Then he looked at me, "Im sorry you have such a shitty father. You will stay here until I decide what to do with you."

Fear built up inside of me as I looked away from Christian's piercing gaze. The incessant noise coming from his phone which he had been ignoring got under his skin as he groaned and removed the phone from his pocket. His brows furrowed as he read the messages he received, one hand clenching at his side. He turned off the phone and shoved it back in his pockets. "Well, looks like my son took the jet and went to Italy."

His son. Carter was out. I stopped the smile from forming on my lips, trying to seem unfazed by this. I thought he would come here but I was wrong. He went to Italy. The chances of me getting out of here were lost. He probably didn't know I was taken by his father. He had warned me about him. 

"Why would he go to Italy?", Spencer asked in a confused tone. "I thought he'd come straight here for your head."

"So did I." Christian admitted. "It's Carter. Probably wanted some Italian pussy." He shrugged as the others hummed in agreement. "Take her to one of the rooms and lock her in. Make sure she's fed and taken care of until I decide otherwise."

With a nod, Spencer gestured me to follow him and I did without any objections. I didn't know these people and I had no idea what they could do to me if I pissed any of them off. The safest thing to do was act normal, listen to their orders, gather helpful information and get out of this place as soon as I could. The thought of contacting Carter crossed my mind but he wasn't even in the country.

If his father knew who I was before he brought me here then he no doubt intended on using me as bait for his son. But, I was just a psychiatrist who helped him, freed him and ended pissing a lot of people in the process. Just like the stranger with a scar said. Why did Christian Hale thought he would risk something for me?

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