004 | maybe sophia.

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In the morning, reggie woke up in his bed with the worst migraine he'd ever had

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In the morning, reggie woke up in his bed with the worst migraine he'd ever had. despite how drunk he actually got, his mind was all fogged up with daryl's words. he didn't forget them. that was the good thing about alcohol. if someone said something hurtful, you would forget by the morning, but reggie unfortunately didn't. that same feeling of sadness from the night before was rolling around in his stomach like it lived there. when reggie got home, he didn't even say goodbye to daryl after puking his guts up in the road. he just got out of the car and made his way inside, leaving daryl. he didn't feel guilty about it. what daryl said to him, really hurt him.

maybe it was because reggie was starting to kind of believe the words that daryl was saying. maybe he actually wasn't into reggie, maybe he did just use him for his own, personal needs. maybe reggie was just delusional for even thinking differently in the first place. because the truth was that daryl had been straight forward from the start. he had been honest about reggie just being a fuck. he had told him time and time again, and it was reggie that would continue to believe that there would some day be more. reggie was hurting himself. daryl wasn't hurting him. he was doing it single handedly by himself. reggie greene was breaking his own heart.

the most complicated part, though, was that reggie didn't want to stop. he was completely head over heels for daryl and he had been since the day they met in the pub. he didn't want to stop hooking up with daryl, because that was the only time he ever got to spend with him. even if it was just drunk hook ups, it was better than never seeing daryl again. never talking to him again. even if daryl never did feel the same way, reggie would still continue to get himself hurt, because he didn't think he could be without daryl.

none the less, reggie got up out of his bed and put some clothes on, ready to go down and see what everyone was doing for the day. he slipped on some black jeans, a white t-shirt with a red flannel, and his boots, before making his way down the stairs. all the people in the house were outside, surrounding a car. daryl was there, which made reggie not really want to go. when he thought about the fact that the nice woman, carol, had her daughter missing, though, he made his way outside and ready to look for her, even if that meant being with daryl for the day.

"morning, reggie." rick gave reggie a nod as he walked to the car.

"hey, man." reggie replied, tiredly wiping his eyes. he felt daryl's eyes on him, but he ignored him. that's what reggie was going to do now. he was going to ignore daryl, see how he liked it. he stood next to andrea, which was opposite daryl.

"we were just saying, everyone's getting new search grids today. if they made it as far as the farmhouse daryl found, they might have gone further east than we've been goin' so far." rick explained.

"i'd like to help." jimmy suddenly said, walking to stand next to reggie. "i mean, reginald is helping, and i know the area pretty well and stuff."

"call me reginald again, and you won't have any eyes to look with, jimmy." reggie plastered a fake smile on his face as he patted jimmy on the shoulder. he hated that fucking name.

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