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Daryl had found a group that called themselves 'The Claimers

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Daryl had found a group that called themselves 'The Claimers.' It was a group of guys that seemed to be bikers before the turn. They all reminded him of Merle, just turned down a notch. Well, that was until they killed one of their own men for lying. The man had planted half a rabbit in Daryl's bag and accused him of stealing. The man lied, therefore the man got beaten and lead to his death. After a little while, Daryl decided that it probably wasn't best to stay with the people he was with. They were looking for a man, a man that apparently strangled their friend, Lou, and left him to turn in the bathroom of some random house. Daryl didn't care at all about Lou. He didn't know who Lou was. He was going to head to a place he'd seen on a sign near the train tracks. Terminus, that's what it was called. He was sure that if the rest of the group saw that sign, they'd go there. Reggie would go there, maybe. So, he wasn't going to chase down Lou, and instead — his family.

That's when he felt something pulling him back. It wasn't an actual, physical pull, it was just a mental pull. Something in his mind telling him to go back. He could hear the Claimers talking to somebody, and a feeling in his gut told him to go and check it out. Daryl was never a believer in gut feelings, but that gut feeling was so unbelievably strong that he just couldn't help it. He went back. When he did go back, that's when he found Rick, Michonne, Faye, Sam, and Carl. Rick was the man that had killed Lou in the bathroom. Rick was the man that they were looking for. That's how Daryl ended up where he was in that moment. Behind a car, watching it all unfold. Rick sat there, Joe's gun to Rick's head. The other man's gun to Michonne's head. Another man's gun to Faye's head. Another to Sam's. Carl in the car. Daryl came out.

"Joe!" Daryl quickly came out from behind the car, making Joe stop his countdown and look at him. So did Michonne and Rick. They looked weird, like they were working him out. "Hold up."

"You're stopping me on eight, Daryl." Joe said back.

"Just hold up." Daryl said as he walked closer, his crossbow clenched tightly in his hand.

"This is the guy that killed Lou, we got nothin' to talk about." One of the other Claimers that had his gun to Michonne, said.

"The thing about nowadays is we got nothin' but time. Say your piece, Daryl." Joe said, nodding for Daryl to continue.

"These people, you're gonna let 'em go. These are good people," Daryl said, trying not to look at Rick and Michonne in nerves, and trying to keep his eyes directly on Joe's. It was hard. He was scared of what could happen to the both of them. He'd seen how rough the Claimers were. He didn't want that to happen to them.

"Now, I think Lou would disagree with you on that. I'll, of course, have to speak for him and all 'cause your friend here strangled him in a bathroom." Joe said, making Daryl's heart beat in his chest. Heavy. Heavy. Heavy beating. It wouldn't stop.

"You want blood, I get it." He said, before dropping his crossbow on the floor and holding his hands up. "Take it from me, man."

"This man killed our friend. You say he's good people. See, now that right there is a lie. It's a lie!" Joe said, and Daryl didn't even have time to think before one of them hit him straight in his stomach, and then another one hit him in his head, sending him to the floor. Soon enough, they were all beating on him. "Teach him, fellas. Teach him all the way!"

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