019 | aliens and chupacabras.

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It had been a week since the group lost the farm

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It had been a week since the group lost the farm. rick had assumed leadership of the group, which reggie didn't really have an opinion about, because he always thought that rick was the leader anyways. apparently he wasn't. rick had also told the entire group in a fit of rage that he'd killed shane. reggie didn't know what to do with that information, because he felt confused about it all. he was happy that shane was dead, but he couldn't help but feel so disappointed by it. he was sure that it was in selfish nature, but he just didn't know. he hated himself for wishing that shane was still alive. he hated that shane wasn't there to experience the suffering they were going through right now. hungry, tired, homeless... it all sucked, because he was peaceful, wherever he was.

reggie was never a believer in heaven or hell. he was a believer of new life, or going up into the stars. he believed you got a choice where you go when you die. not your body, of course, but your soul. just like hershel had told him when he was young, his mom was in the stars. that was her choice. that was the first thing that hershel had ever said to reggie about death, and it stuck with him when he got older. hershel was a religious man, a firm believer in heaven and hell, but he still said something different to reggie, a more comforting thing. he knew reggie liked stars and space, so he old him something that he knew reggie would like to hear. he went against his own beliefs, just to comfort his child.

another thing, reggie hadn't seen his mom since the night in the woods, and he began to understand that it was just a hallucination due to the pain he was in. he hadn't told anybody about it. he just wished he could see her again, though. he missed her. he didn't mean to do it, but ever since his mom died, he'd been distant from his family. he was an extreme mama's boy when he was young. he pulled away from the rest of them when she passed, because he was too scared to lose somebody else that he loved. he stayed close to maggie. he had to. she was his best friend, and his literal twin. they were connected at the soul, but the rest of them, not really. he loved them, but he wasn't close to them. not really. it was only all of the end of the world stuff that kind of brought him closer. before that, he'd go to work and go out. that was it.

the group was staying in a library, and had been for two days. they cleared it out themselves. thankfully, though, there wasn't many walkers in there to actually get rid of. just the odd few. all the kids were annoyed that they couldn't find somewhere better than a library. lori and carol were forcing sophia and carl to read the school books that they had in there. daryl didn't make misty. he said he'd rather not torture misty for something that didn't matter anymore. misty still got a book about wild animals to look at the pictures, and found a new obsession with tigers. she couldn't read yet, so the words on the page were all foreign to her.

"we need to find food somewhere." rick said, sitting on top of a table as everyone else sat in different spots around him.

"i can make a run, see if i can find anywhere." daryl offered from where he sat in the corner on a bright blue beanbag.

PAST LIVES, daryl dixon.Where stories live. Discover now