051 | those who arrive...uh...

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There were men in the bushes just outside the fences with guns pointing straight at the group, which made Reggie nervous as the bag of guns that Rick had buried were right next to where they were stood, so he wouldn't even be able to get to them i...

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There were men in the bushes just outside the fences with guns pointing straight at the group, which made Reggie nervous as the bag of guns that Rick had buried were right next to where they were stood, so he wouldn't even be able to get to them if things went tits up even more than they were then. There were also men on the roof with guns pointing down at them. It kind of made him wish that he'd waited before he mentioned Hershel's watch, since they were now overcrowded. There was no way of them winning a fight this large with the weapons and numbers they had, compared to what the people of Terminus had. Then again, though, his sister was here somewhere. His twin. Glenn was there somewhere. The people he cared about were there and maybe even more. For all they knew, their entire group could be inside the walls of Terminus and they wouldn't have known if Reggie didn't see the watch and acted upon it the second he saw it.

They were all stood looking at each other, none of them knowing what move to make next. Fighting wasn't an option. They'd lose. Running wasn't an option. They were trapped. Talking it out wasn't an option. They were done talking. The only option they had was to stand there completely defencelessly and do whatever it was that Gareth, who Reggie assumed was in charge, wanted them to do. That scared Reggie. He didn't know what Gareth'd want him to do. It could be anything. He hated the place as it was without being there and having to do what they said. They were well and truly fucked. Reggie tried to keep calm. He knew that if he freaked out and had some kind of episode, it wasn't going to help anybody. He needed to keep his composure. He was trying.

"Drop your weapons, now!" Gareth yelled. Reggie couldn't see him, but he knew it was his voice. None of the group moved, so Reggie didn't either. "Now!"

This time they moved to put their weapons on the floor. As much as it pained him to do it, Reggie knew it was the right choice, so he put his sword down on the floor. "Ring leader, go to your left! The train car, go. You do what we say, the boy goes with you, anything else, he dies and you end up in there anyway." Rick knew he had no choice, and began walking to the train car.

"Now the archer." Daryl. He gave Reggie a look, and then began to walk behind Rick. Reggie suddenly felt even more unsafe.

"Now the samurai. The woman." Michonne. She walked.

"Now the blueberry." Colby. He sighed, walking to Michonne.

"Now the blondie." Sam. He followed quickly behind Colby.

"Now the girl." Faye. She just rolled her eyes at Gareth, and walked along lazily to the train car.

"Now the cherry." Reggie. He looked at Gareth, giving him a look before he stormed away to the train car. He looked at Carl, not liking the fact that he was the only one left, but there was nothing he could do about it. He also didn't like the nickname 'cherry.'

"Stand at the door! Ring leader, archer, samurai, blueberry, blondie, the girl, and the cherry. In that order!" Gareth yelled out. Reggie was growing angrier and angrier as time went on.

PAST LIVES, daryl dixon.Where stories live. Discover now