038 | stolen chances.

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Reggie found merle just after his killing spree on the governor's men

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Reggie found merle just after his killing spree on the governor's men. he could see all the bodies, but he couldn't see merle, and he couldn't see the governor. it had taken him a little bit to get there as merle was in a car, and reggie was on foot. he was afraid that he missed it, and merle had taken away his chance of killing the governor, and maybe he'd lost the chance to save merle. he had his sword in his hand as he creeped around the bodies, stabbing each one through the forehead to make sure they wouldn't come back to life and chomp down on his leg when he wasn't looking. he had to find the governor, and he had to find merle. he wanted the closure. he wanted to know that the governor was dead, and he wanted to see it with his own eyes. he wanted to do it himself, and then he could live his life in peace as if he never existed.

he jumped a little as a walker growled and snapped at him from
behind, making him quickly sling his sword backward and take it's head clean off, and then killing it completely. they were all the governor's men, and a couple other walkers that probably followed the car that merle was driving, since it was playing music and had a blaring alarm. he furrowed his eyebrows. where the fuck was merle? for the first time in a while, he wished he had daryl with him so he could actually track merle down sensibly. he didn't need daryl, though. he was his own man. he had to remind himself of that. he had to put his big boy pants on, and he had to give himself the closure and peace that he was longing for. there wasn't a soul that would be able to take away that chance. he had actually gotten a little excited about it. he was excited for the mental peace he would have when he knew the governor was gone. when he knew that he could never hurt him. ever again.

suddenly, reggie heard heavy footsteps. his heart began to race as he quickly moved inside of a small building with a tiny window. it was like a garden shed type thing, almost like a little cupboard. it was big enough for reggie to get in and have room, though. reggie looked out of the small window, and that's when he saw it. the governor was there. he was covered in blood, making reggie's eyebrows raise. he was trying to stop the anxiety in his body as he looked at the man. memories came flooding back into his mind, but he clenched his eyes shut, trying to make them go away. he had to get it over and done with. he had to kill him. he pulled the gun out of his waistband and held it up, trying to get the best aim as he possibly could, but he wasn't the best with a gun.

he was sure that he had the gun completely lined up with the governor's head, though, as he looked down at all the bodies on the floor like he was trying to identify them. reggie's hands were shaking. he was nervous. if he killed somebody right there and then, he would never be the same again. then again, though, he had to remind himself that this wasn't just anybody. this was the same man that had stripped him of all his dignity. this was the man that had completely ruined reggie greene's soul. he had turned him inside out. he had kidnapped the reggie that everyone else knew, and left a bitter, sour version. he hurt maggie. he hurt reggie's sister. he needed to do this. for himself. for everyone.

"don't be a fucking pussy, reggie. do it." he mumbled under his breath at himself as he inhaled deeply, his knees shaking.

he would never be the same again, but it was worth it, he was so sure that it was worth it. he closed his eyes one last time, letting out a deep breath as he held the gun up with more steady hands as he began to mentally count down from ten. every number of seconds, there was a reason he should've killed the governor right there and then. he shut one eye, making sure that his aim was perfect, and he was about to pull the trigger, until—

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