010 | blabber mouth.

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TW in this chapter. i'll put a * where it begins and ends.

It had been a day since daryl chose his choice and left reggie. they hadn't spoken. reggie was getting on with his life, trying not to focus on it. he would get over daryl. he would. it would take some time, but he was capable. he knew he was capable. besides, he had a lot to distract him from thinking about daryl. lori had told reggie that she had taken some abortion pills, which reggie didn't blame her for. he would've done the same - but then she told him that she threw them up. she panicked, she stuck her fingers down her throat and threw them all up. she was having that damn baby. it wasn't what reggie would do, but it was her choice, like he'd told her. he didn't know how having a baby in an apocalypse would go but if she was willing to give it a try, she would try.

rick had found the pills in their tent, because lori was stupid enough to leave them out in her state of panic, and found out that lori was pregnant. reggie couldn't tell if rick was annoyed at him for knowing and not telling him, but he didn't care. why would he tell rick? lori asked him not to, so he wasn't going to. it wasn't up to reggie to tell rick, so reggie kept his mouth shut. rick would get over it, anyway. he would soon forget about it when they were all happy about lori having a baby and whatnot. he was sure of it.

rick was angry at lori for even trying to get an abortion. reggie had no idea why. it wasn't up to rick. it wasn't rick's body and therefore it wasn't rick's choice. however, reggie wasn't a part of their family, he barely knew them, so he had no say in the matter. so, again, like always, reggie kept his mouth shut and let rick be angry for as long as he needed to be angry for, because lord knows that straight men could hold a grudge. reggie just hoped that lori would soon be okay, because she didn't deserve to feel so down. she was a good person, and she had a good heart.

now it was early morning, and reggie and maggie were stood on the porch, watching glenn. the rest of their group were eating breakfast, and maggie and reggie were keeping a close eye on him to make sure he wouldn't break and tell them all about the walkers. reggie knew he couldn't risk it. if lori was having a baby, they'd have to try and stay on the farm for as long as possible, and if they all started a riot about the walkers, they'd be out. it was just logical thinking to keep his mouth shut, but glenn wasn't really the most logical person in the group. he was more of a blabber mouth. smart academically, yes, but not smart smart.

"i bet you twenty bucks and my best sweatshirt that he's gonna blab." reggie said, his arms crossed as he watched glenn.

"reggie, this is serious. it's not no joking matter." maggie scolded him, slapping his shoulder. "he's not gonna blab. hopefully."

"he's so gonna blab. he's like a shaken up fanta can about to pop, look at 'im. can't even eat his eggs 'cause he's too full up on truth. he's gonna blab, mags." reggie replied, shaking his head.

"no he isn't," maggie said, shaking her head at glenn from way over at the other end of the garden as he looked at her.

"i give it approximately five minutes until they all come chargin' this way yellin' up a big drama 'bout it." reggie said, unfolding his arms and resting them on the railing of the porch.

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