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It was daytime and the group were walking through the woods

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It was daytime and the group were walking through the woods. Reggie was at the back walking with Misty, Eugene, and Rosita. Misty had been asking Eugene random questions about monkeys and other wild animals for thirty minutes, and somehow, Eugene had an answer for everything. Even though he spoke to Misty like she was a fully grown adult instead of a six year old girl, she seemed to be understanding well. Some things she didn't, and she would give Eugene weird looks, so Reggie had to tell her instead, using the actual English language. Rosita didn't really say anything at all, she just walked at the side of them with a straight face. Clearly she wasn't enjoying the way Euegne used fifteen words for a one word answer, either. Reggie thought it was so, so annoying, but Misty was enjoying herself so he didn't say anything. She didn't have Sulli to entertain her, and she never hung out with Carl and Sophia, so she was extremely talkative.

She was talkative before, but since she now had somebody to tell her all the facts in the world about all the species in the world, it was a whole lot more. Reggie had never heard so many words coming out of her mouth at the same time. He'd never seen her listen that well, either. She would nod her head like she was taking it all in word by word, and smile down at Teamberton in her hands when Eugene told her a fact about monkeys. Reggie had found out that her second favourite animal after monkeys were tigers, then it was dogs, then it was sloths, then lions, then baby elephants. She had apparently seen a picture of baby elephants knees in one of the books at the library, and she thought their knees were cute.

"Polar bears, scientifically known as Ursus maritimus, are the apex predators of the Arctic. They possess a remarkable adaptation to the frigid environment, including a thick layer of blubber and dense fur for insulation. These majestic creatures are not only adept on land but also possess exceptional swimming abilities, enabling them to traverse vast distances in search of prey." Eugene said, making Misty nod her head as he moved on to the next animal.

"Insulation means keepin' the heat in, right?" Misty asked, looking up at him. Reggie smiled a little bit at her smarts.

"Insulation, from a scientific standpoint, refers to the process or material that inhibits the transfer of heat or cold between two different environments. It acts as a barrier, impeding the flow of thermal energy and maintaining distinct temperature variations on either side." Eugene said as he nodded his head. Reggie sighed.

"She's fuckin' six, dude. Ya talking to her like she's a fully grown scientist at some kinda fair." Reggie rolled his eyes.

"Absolutely! It's fantastic to engage in conversations with young ones using more advanced language. This can indeed contribute to their cognitive growth and language development. By presenting information in a sophisticated manner—"

"Thanks, but I graduated high school an' college, I don't need ya education." Reggie said, making a quiet sign with his hand as he moved over to the front of the line where Tyreese and Sasha were. "Fuckin' dude is drivin' me crazy."

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