055 | easiest hello, hardest goodbye.

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Reggie was seven when he found out that he was going to be a big brother for the first time

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Reggie was seven when he found out that he was going to be a big brother for the first time. Shawn was a big brother already, because he had Maggie and Reggie, then Maggie was a big sister because she was older than Reggie, even if it was only by thirteen minutes. Reggie was the youngest. He was the baby. That was until his step mom, Annette, announced that she was pregant. At first, Reggie didn't know what being pregnant meant until Annette told him that it meant there was a small baby inside of her tummy, and in nine long months, a baby would be there. A cute little baby. Another Greene. Another sister for Reggie to love, protect, and cherish. He couldn't wait. The nine months that the baby was in Annette's tummy were so long. Reggie had even lost his two front teeth in the process. He was angry that his new baby sister was going to see him for the first time with missing teeth.

The night that Annette went in to labour, Reggie couldn't sleep. He was just so excited. When he woke up, there would be a baby. The same baby that he'd waited so long to meet. He'd be able to hold her, he'd be able to show her all of his cool toys once she was old enough to understand them. It was just so exciting. There he laid, in his space themed bedroom underneath his solar system sheets, a large smile on his face whilst he just waited. It felt like Christmas, like he was waiting for Santa to come down the chimney and give him the best gift in the entire world. A sister.

It didn't feel like his eyes were shut for more than five minutes until he was being shaken awake. He opened his eyes to see Maggie at the side of his bed with a wide smile. She had all of her teeth. That was so annoying to Reggie.

"She's here! Daddy's back an' he's got the baby with him!" Maggie said, bouncing up and down in excitement making Reggie gasp loudly as he quickly kicked off the blankets from his body.

"Ya ain't lyin'?" Reggie asked as he quickly stood up. Maggie was in her whole 'tricking Reggie' phase, which was also annoying. She had lied to Reggie four times in the past nine months, waking him up to tell him the baby was there when it wasn't. He'd run downstairs to see no baby.

"I ain't lyin'! I ain't lyin'!" Maggie screeched, clapping her hands together as she ran for the door. "Hurry up, slow poke! She's just down there waitin' for you to meet her!"

"Ya already met her?" Reggie asked as he quickly ran to the door, too, opening it up as the two ran down the stairs.

"Yup! You slept for a whole long time." Maggie said, her voice quieting down once they reached the living room.

Reggie's eyes widened as he saw Annette sat on the sofa. Her belly wasn't as big as it was before, and there was a tiny, tiny baby in her arms. Reggie slowly walked toward her, sitting beside her on the sofa as he took in the appearance of his new baby sister. He was a big brother. He was actually a big brother. A big brother to the cutest baby girl in the entire world. Maybe he was biased, but to Reggie, she was just perfect.

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