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Seven months on the road

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Seven months on the road. the snow had cleared up, and the sun had began to shine a little more. they had made it through the entire winter without losing a single person. that was a big win in reggie's books. they'd had their struggles, but everyone was alive. food had began to get scarce, though. even when daryl went out to hunt, he was coming back with barely anything. reggie didn't get how it worked. why was it easier to hunt in winter, in the freezing cold, but it was harder to hunt when there was a bit of sun? nature didn't make sense. on the bright side, though, the entire group knew how to filter water from creeks, so they weren't going to be dehydrated any time soon. they didn't have a lot of water, but as they'd been going around in circles for months, at least they could go back to the creek at any time and get more.

reggie was sat on a log, next to a lake. everyone else was close by, doing their own thing. he had a book in his hand that he'd taken when they stayed at the library. he had taken a couple, but he just didn't have the urge to read them until then. he was reading pride and prejudice, which was completely unusual for reggie, because he absolutely hated school with a passion. maybe he only hated it so much because of the bullies, though, and missed out on the actual enjoyment of a good book. if reggie picked up a book in high school, all the asshole jocks would say 'greene is reading because he's a fag,' and it just completely ruined the vibe. reggie did love a good book, though, so he was thankful that there were no bullies around to tell him that he was a fag for reading one.

"you're reading a book? damn, man, you really are gay." the voice of daryl filled his ears as he sat on the log next to him.

"yeah, i never said i wasn't." reggie said back, not looking up to face daryl, and instead, keeping his head in his 'gay' book.

"yeah, 'cause it'd be hella obvious you're lyin'." he said, making reggie snort a laugh, before raising his eyebrows.

"i'd be better at hiding it than you are." reggie muttered, turning his page. apparently, though, daryl heard him.

"that right?" he asked, reggie nodded, still not looking at him. "i ain't gay, reggie. i don't how many times i gotta tell you this."

"all right, buddy." reggie said, giving him a smile as he patted him on the shoulder, and got up. daryl instantly furrowed his brows.

"buddy?" daryl asked, turning around to face reggie with a certain expression on his face. it was a mix between amused, and pissed.

"yeah, you ain't gay so we can't be anything. else." reggie said, shrugging his shoulders. "that's what we are, ain't it? buddies. pals. bros. homies. you get the idea, right?"

daryl scoffed as reggie gave one last smartass smile, and walked away. he was actually enjoying his time reading in peace until daryl came along. he looked at what everyone else was doing, and seeing if there was anything he could help with. misty was with sulli, of course. she had a large stick that she kept throwing in the lake, and sulli went in after it. lori was keeping a close eye on them to make sure that misty didn't go in after the dog. the last thing they needed was for one of the children to get hurt. he saw carol braiding sophia's hair. her hair had gotten a little bit longer since reggie first saw her. it was now at her shoulders, rather than at her jaw, and was almost even below the shoulders.

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