028 | uncontrollable anger.

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The entire ride home was something that reggie just didn't enjoy

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The entire ride home was something that reggie just didn't enjoy. if he was on better terms with daryl, he probably would've liked the feeling of daryl's arms on his shoulders as he rode the bike. he didn't, though, because he was annoyed with him. he didn't know why he was annoyed with him, he just was. daryl didn't get to just care whenever he wanted to care. reggie needed him to either care all the time, or not care at all. and, even though they were reggie's words, he was upset that he told daryl that they were over for good. he meant it, though. he didn't want to be anything with him anymore. he didn't want to be in a messy situationship, he didn't want to be in a messy relationship. he didn't want to be a secret. it was time for reggie to focus on himself, and he knew that. it was time to stop waiting for daryl to be somebody he wasn't.

maybe daryl would shape his act up, but that had to be in his own time. reggie couldn't wait around. he didn't want to be with marcus, either. he wanted to be by himself. he realised that he had to learn how to be on his own for a little bit. he wasn't sure how marcus would react when he told him that, but it was reggie's life. it was reggie's choice. he didn't have to be with anybody if he didn't want to be. he didn't have to be with daryl. he didn't have to be with marcus. the two men he loved were not willing to love him in the way he deserved, not one of them, so he'd have to push the feelings down until they went away. he would be better by himself, anyway. he had his family, and that's all he needed. even if it would hurt to see daryl every day and know that he probably wasn't going to say anything, he'd get used to it eventually. he did it before, just before the apocalypse, and he could do it again with no doubt.

he wasn't scared to tell daryl. daryl would probably just say that he wasn't gay anyway, and get on with it. not marcus, though. he would go crazy, and that would be a challenge. reggie had tried to leave him in the past, and ended up in hospital. he had to say he had an accident with the horses. reggie had to stay with marcus until he decided to leave. reggie thought that would be forever, until marcus left for the marines and reggie thought he was free. but then, there he was again. however, this time, reggie had people around him. he had stronger people, and if he didn't leave alone with marcus, then nothing could happen to him. marcus wasn't going to hit him in front of everyone. he was already on thin ice being in the group anyway. every step he took, he risked his life with daryl around. daryl hated his guys. that was clear to anyone.

"beth!" daryl called out as they walked into the cell block, where the baby was crying loudly. carl was holding her, trying to get her to calm down. he tossed beth the bag, and she began making the bottle for her.

"hey, peach." marcus said, quickly walking over to reggie as he pecked him on the lips, again in front of everyone. reggie cringed.

"hey." reggie said, pulling away from him and moving to stand by misty and sulli, as daryl look the baby from carl. beth quickly gave daryl the bottle, and daryl put it in the baby's mouth.

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