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TW: daryl talks about his SA

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TW: daryl talks about his SA.

Two entire days had passed since daryl killed marcus. two entire days since everybody found out what marcus was doing to reggie. two entire days since reggie had spoken to anybody. two entire days since lori died. two entire days since the baby was born. two entire days since one of the worst days of reggie's life. reggie was sat in the watch tower, on watch for the night. usually, maggie and glenn did it, because they liked to spend time up there. they said it was for the peace, but everybody with a fully functioning brain knew what they actually liked about the watch tower. maggie had agreed to let reggie do it, though, because he needed the fresh air. he really wasn't doing well. he wasn't sure if it was the fact that marcus was gone, and daryl was the one that killed him, or if it was because he was gone, and reggie felt bad for feeling relieved.

the sky was clear all day long, with not a cloud in the sky. so as if got dark, all the stars were on clear display, and reggie loved it. it made him feel more at peace than he had felt in a while. the moon was a waning gibbous. if there was ever a plus side of living in an apocalypse, it was the lack of pollution in the air. there wasn't any big companies left to ruin the air, so the sky just looked clean. it looked fresh. untouched. it's like everything was going back to the way nature intended it to be. reggie wondered if this was god's punishment. people on the earth were so greedy. so ungrateful, he had seen first hand how evil people could be. shane. marcus. he'd started to think that maybe everyone deserved this. maybe the human race brought it on themselves, and this was god wiping out the population to turn over a new leaf. a chance to start again.

reggie turned to his side when he heard someone climbing up the ladders to get to the watch tower. his body instantly went into fright or flight mode, as he grabbed his sword from the side of him and clenched it in his hand. but then, he saw daryl. he let go of his sword, even though it would've been nice to just grab it tighter and slice his head off. though, reggie would never do that. no matter how much daryl pissed him off, upset him, made him angry — he had to remind himself that what daryl did was for him. it wasn't out of spite, it wasn't because he was jealous and didn't want reggie to be happy. it was because marcus was going to end up killing reggie if he stayed with him any longer. so, reggie didn't say a word, and instead, just looked off to the stars again, finding his happy place that wasn't on earth.

"you all right?" daryl asked, as he sat down against the wall, next to reggie. closer to reggie than he'd been in a while.

reggie didn't answer, he just played with the fingers that rested on his stomach in his slouched state. daryl sighed to himself. he had a lot of time to think, and boy, did he think. he didn't want things to be over with reggie. he didn't want to keep going like they did. he didn't like the way they had turned out. he didn't like looking at reggie all the time, knowing that he probably hated his guts. he'd been thinking about telling reggie why he was the way he was. why it was difficult for him. he didn't know, though. he trusted reggie, and to daryl, trust was way more than love, because he had never dished his trust out to anybody. he wanted to tell reggie.

PAST LIVES, daryl dixon.Where stories live. Discover now