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Reggie had never ran into more problems at once in his entire life

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Reggie had never ran into more problems at once in his entire life. First, which was the best news of all, they found a boy called Noah that was from Grady Memorial Hospital, the same hospital that had Beth, who was alive. He said that they'd tried to escape together, but they got caught. She yelled at Noah to run, and then got herself caught so Noah could be free, which did sound like an extremely Beth Greene thing to do. However, Beth was definitely alive and at the hospital. They just needed to go in and get her, but they couldn't do that without the rest of the group because they'd be outnumbered and that was a certified threat. Then, Carol got hit by a car when they were chasing one of the cars from said hospital that had Beth, and then they took Carol before any of them could step in and save her. So not only did the hospital have Beth, they had Carol, too, so operation save Beth turned into operation save Beth and Carol which would be ten times harder to save two.

Then, when they got back to the church to get everyone else to go and save Beth and Carol, they found out that Maggie and Glenn had left with Tara, Abraham, Rosita, and Eugene to Washington DC and didn't say goodbye, and Bob had died. He'd been bitten and died. Not to mention that Gareth and five others from Terminus had taken him and eaten his leg before dumping him back at the front of the church. All of them were dead, though, as the group had killed them all inside of the church. Rick had stuck to his promise and killed Gareth with the red handled machete.

Reggie couldn't believe that Maggie had left to a completely new state without saying goodbye, though. She could've died on the way for all he knew, and he would never know. That could've been the last time they ever saw each other, and they didn't even get an actual goodbye. He was angry at her. He was sad, he was mad, he was pissed off and he just didn't know how to feel. So much had happened over the past two days, so much. His head felt like scrambled eggs, like his brain was complete mush because it had been sent into overdrive. He was happy that his one sister was alive, but sad because his other one could've been dead on the road in a shitty bus with a large ginger. He just didn't know what to do because he wanted Beth, but he wanted Maggie, too.

Now, Reggie was on his way to Atlanta again with some others to find Beth. It was him, Rick, Daryl, Sasha, Tyreese, Noah, and Colby. They were in a room with Rick knelt down in front of them drawing a plan with his finger in some dust, which was gross but it wasn't like he had a whiteboard and a pen to do it with, so dust and his finger would have to do just fine. As long as they got Beth and Carol back, a dusty finger was A okay.

"At sundown we fire a shot into the air. Get two of them out on patrol. Then once it's dark enough that the rooftop spotter won't see us, we go. We cut the locks on one of the stairways, take it to the fifth floor. I open the door, Daryl takes the guard out." Rick told them all as they stood around.

"How?" Tyreese asked. 

"He slits his throat." Rick shrugged like Daryl slitting somebody's throat was absolutely nothing. Reggie raised his eyebrows as the thought of doing that to somebody made him feel funny. "This is all about us doing this quiet and keeping the upper hand. They're not expecting us. From there, we fan out. Knives and silenced weapons. We need to be fast. Tyreese, Sasha, take them. Daryl, you take care of whoever's in the kitchen, I got Dawn. If they're smart, the rest of them will give up, then it'll be seven on three, right on three once we get a weapon to Beth."

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