chapter two: the encounter

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A.N: sorry to leave on a cliff hanger i got lazy and didn't wanna finish 💔 new update tomorrow

Well that certainly hasn't been there before.

The castle was quite beautiful, actually- made of pure black obsidian, with at least ten towers piercing into the sky, which had become a bright red shade. It was far bigger than her home back in France, and much more.. gothic. There was a strangely foreboding aura coming from the castle, a sense of power, yet danger.

As Evangeline stared out the window at the castle that had seemingly magically appeared, her bright green eyes wide in shock. Quickly, she ran to her closet and changed out of her shift, into a gown- something much more presentable. She dashed out of the cottage and began racing towards the castle.

Something about it was tugging at her heart, like a siren would lure in a fisherman. She couldn't stop herself, she had lost control of her own body and felt as though she was being controlled by a foreign force with one desire- go to the castle.

And yet it was more than that- it was curiosity- a desire to figure out some sort of logical reason as to why a gothic castle had simply appeared out of nowhere. She had heard tales of magicians, however she had never cared for such stories.

Moments later she found herself standing in front of the castle, her trembling fist raised before the magnificent doors, twice her size. Gulping, she pounded the door, however, it slid open the moment her skin touched it, as though it had not even been locked, slightly ajar.

Before her was a beautiful entrance hall- a plush red carpet lined the entrance and torches hung from the walls. She took a few precarious steps inside and froze slightly when she heard the door slam shut behind her before letting out a sigh of relief and continuing on forward, having been spooked.

Suddenly, she heard a voice. She did not know where exactly- or who exactly, it came from, all that it was from a man. The voice was deep and raspy, cold and uncaring, sending shivers up her spine, though she did not let it show.

""Who dares trespass into my castle? State your name and your purpose here, human."

Evangeline's eyes narrowed as she scanned the main hall, trying to figure out who was speaking. Eventually she found herself staring up into a dark corner at a shadowy figure who's face was covered by the dark shadows of the main hall.

"I'm not a trespasser," she responded haughtily "If anybody here is a trespasser, it's you. Your castle is on my land."

The voice did not respond for a moment, and Evangeline felt her heart pounding in her chest as she watched the shadowy figure reveal himself- he was a tall man, unnaturally tall, with long black hair, a goatee, and piercing red eyes, dressed in red and black robes.

"You are.. quite bold," the figure murmured, his eyes narrowing. "To come to my castle on your own accord- and then accuse me of trespassing? However, I would suggest, for your own sake, that you leave my home before I lose my temper."

"I shall do no such thing," Evangeline responded, her anger flaring. She had always been one to flare up easily- she could almost hear her father now- "Such a temper is not desirable in a woman of such status as yourself," he would often say. "Now explain yourself," she hissed, crossing her arms over her chest.

"And why would I do that?" The man responded, taking a few steps closer. "You are not entitled to my reasoning as to why I have teleported my castle to your families property."

Evangeline stopped in her tracks, her mind racing with questions. "Excuse me?" She said hesitantly "You.. teleported the castle? I don't understand. H-how would one teleport a castle?" the girl asked hesitantly.

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