chapter thirty six: goodbyes

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(A.N: Yeah I def failed. Maybe writing fanfiction wasn't the best way to study for an exam. But eh. It is what it is. I'll see my score soon enough.)

"Vlad, that's unnecessary, really, just drop it-" Evangeline immediately protested, looking almost embarrassed that he had stood up for her.

He faltered, suddenly pulling away from Victoria and looking down at Evangeline in a confused manner.

"What? You mean.. you don't care?"

She shook her head no. "I don't. Please. You're making things awkward."

"I see."

He suddenly looked behind him to realize that Victoria was gone- that she must have run off as soon as she could.

"Did you see which direction she went in? I don't think she'd know the right way back to the clearing," Evangeline spoke nervously. "What if she gets lost?"

"She'll be fine. She's a vampire," Vlad spoke dismissively "She'll find her way out eventually. In the meantime there are more than enough animals in the forest for her to drink dry as a food source."

"Why are you acting like you don't care about her? Aren't you two supposed to be friends?"

"We are," he responded bluntly. "You don't know everything about our relationship. If you did you'd understand why I act the way I act."

She was silent.

"Now I think you should leave. Return home. I'll look for Victoria and we can forget this entire visit ever happened, alright?" He continued, though in a far softer tone.

She nodded, unsure of what to say.

He reached down and lightly grabbed her wrist to start leading her out of the forest. He walked quickly, but when he saw her struggling to keep up he slowed down a bit, which she couldn't help but feel grateful for.

They soon found their way out of the forest, but before Evangeline left, she did ask him one last question.

"Are we still on for tonight?"

Her voice was almost hopeful, though it was slightly strained.

He cast a quick glance at her before speaking.

"Perhaps we should change the date to tomorrow? And I could instead come over to your cottage too. I think I might be busy tonight, dealing with Victoria," he said with a sigh.

She nodded, accepting the new terms that he had presented her with.

"Alright then. I'll see you tomorrow I suppose."

And with that, she left. Vlad watched her disappear into the distance before sighing and returning into the forest to search for Victoria.

He found her soon enough. It appeared that she had found her way back to the clearing and was busy packing up the food that had been brought.

Her back was to him and she didn't acknowledge his presence.

"Victoria," he called out to her, his voice cold.

She froze, turning around slightly to face him, her eyes narrowing.

"You have nerve. Coming after me after what happened earlier."

He raised an eyebrow at her.

"Rejecting you before breakfast or yelling at you in front of Evangeline?"

"Both," she hissed angrily.

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